Boston Globe: Trump Hits on Warren 'Double Scoop of Misogyny, Racism'

July 7th, 2018 11:06 AM
The Boston Globe, which can make the New York Times look reasonable and moderate, pushed back ferociously against President Trump’s mockery of local hero Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, a potential Democratic rival to Trump in 2020, accusing the president in an online headline of woman-hating and racism. The front page of Saturday’s paper featured reporter Annie Linskey’s attack: “With…

MSNBC Touts Boston Globe Calling Border Security ‘New Trail of Tears’

June 11th, 2018 6:05 PM
On her 2:00 p.m. ET hour show on Monday, MSNBC anchor Katy Tur highlighted a controversial article in Sunday’s Boston Globe that compared enforcement of immigration law along the U.S. southern border to the Trail of Tears, a forced migration of Native Americans in the 1830s that caused many deaths.

AP Fails to Tag MS-13 Murderer Nicknamed 'Animal' As Illegal Immigrant

May 24th, 2018 11:39 AM
Tuesday, MS-13 gang member Joel Martinez was sentenced to 40 years in prison for the murder of a 15 year-old boy from a rival gang. The Boston Globe reported on May 14 that Martinez "was captured on video bragging about the slaying." The Globe also noted that the killer's nickname is the singular version of the word President Donald Trump used two days later to describe MS-13 members. In its…

Education Publication Proves Media Duped By Fake Student Loan Expert

April 26th, 2018 10:14 AM
Drew Cloud was a prolific writer specializing in student loan issues, founder of the Student Loan Report, and “a source for news on the student loan industry, financial aid, and scholarships.” Media relied on him for sensational surveys about student debt issues and quoted him often. Except Cloud didn’t exist.

Boston Globe: Ted Kennedy 'Flawed,' But With 'Endless Accomplishments'

April 6th, 2018 10:26 AM
The Boston Globe's Ty Burr reviewed Chappaquiddick Tuesday, admonishing readers that the movie "might even be accurate." Burr claims that "I'll never know" what really happened the night Ted Kennedy drove off Chappaquiddick Island's Dike Road bridge and left Mary Jo Kopechne to die in his submerged car, "and neither will you." Besides, he insists, though Ted was "flawed but human," he had "…

Boston Globe Fails to Tag Sex Scandal-Plagued Senate Leader As a Dem

March 30th, 2018 8:05 AM
The Boston Globe has published at least three reports about Bryon Hefner, the husband of now-former Massachusetts State Senate President Stanley Rosenberg, culminating today in coverage of Hefner's indictment on "multiple charges of sexual assault, criminal lewdness, and distributing nude photographs without consent." None of the stories reviewed directly tagged Rosenberg as a Democrat.

CNN Touts Author of Trump-Bashing Boston Globe Column

February 13th, 2018 5:15 PM
During Tuesday afternoon’s edition of CNN Newsroom, host Brooke Baldwin interviewed Boston Globe columnist Kevin Cullen, who recently published a column titled “What the Hell Happened to John Kelly?” In the column, Cullen explained that he initially supported the appointment of General John Kelly as White House Chief of Staff, making him the odd man out among his fellow columnists, but lost a lot…

Boston Globe Fawns Over Obama, ‘Gone But Still Growing On Us'

January 8th, 2018 2:39 PM
The Boston Globe indulged in some early nostalgia for President Obama on the front of Sunday’s edition: “Gone But Still Growing On Us.” The online headline to Astead Herndon’s story: “Trump is making Obama great again.” Herndon used strict methodology to make his case for Obama's popularity: "On Twitter, Obama’s growth in popularity can be quantified. When he wished the country a Merry Christmas…

Barely News: $1 Million Bribery Arrest of Dem in Massachusetts.

December 18th, 2017 9:41 AM
Former Massachusetts State Senator Brian Joyce was arrested a week ago and charged with accepting over $1 million in bribes. The story is getting very little coverage outside of New England, even though Joyce was quite creative in the forms of bribery he accepted, and even though Joyce's arrest continues long trend of corruption among Bay State Democratic Party legislative leaders and politicians…

Boston Globe Columnist: 'Hand Over Your Weapons'

November 14th, 2017 3:11 PM
The headline at David Scharfenberg's Friday Boston Globe column reads: "Hand over your weapons." One might have expected the column to include a discussion of knives, arrows, swards, and the like. But of course, it doesn't. It's all about why "seizing a huge number of weapons from law-abiding citizens" (meaning "millions of those firearms") would supposedly be a good idea, and how this Herculean…

Boston Globe Front Page Gives Sen. Warren Hillary-Style Religious Aura

September 4th, 2017 5:37 PM
The humanizing (or spiritualizing) of liberal favorite Sen. Elizabeth Warren continues apace, as reporter Victoria McGrane employed the Hillary Clinton handbook, on the front page of Sunday’s Boston Globe. It’s the latest example of “sudden respect” for religion in the liberal press. Just as the media tried to imbue pro-choice, hard-core liberal Hillary with an aura of religiosity, McGrane…

Boston Globe Marks 'Year of the Woman' Anniversary With Sexism Myths

July 31st, 2017 9:07 AM
The Boston Globe celebrated a liberal milestone on Saturday: The 25th anniversary of The Year of the Woman in Congress, driven by Anita Hill’s testimony alleging she was sexually harassed by Judge Clarence Thomas. Stephanie Ebbert, who covers “gender issues” for the Globe, posed the question, “25 years after ‘The Year of the Woman,’ what’s changed?” She implied Donald Trump ushered in an era of…

Boston Globe's Pathetic Swipe at Romney Falls Flat After Twitter Mocks

July 26th, 2017 1:28 PM
The Boston Globe tried to be clever this morning by tweeting a snarky comment about Mitt Romney taking vacation while the GOP’s health care bill was being debated. But Twitter users weren’t impressed by the pointless and completely inappropriate slam of the former Republican presidential candidate, who's no longer in political office. Users responded by mocking the Globe instead.

Boston Globe: We Need Jimmy Stewart to Save Us From ‘Idiot’ Trump

May 22nd, 2017 3:51 PM
A liberal Boston Globe columnist is beside himself over the supposed evil and corruption of Donald Trump. So, the only person who can save America from the “idiot-in-chief” is...  Jimmy Stewart? More precisely, Stewart’s iconic role as the noble politician in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. It’s ironic that the Globe is pining for honesty and reliability, given the paper’s front page fake news in…