Al Jazeera

Ten Times WH Reporters Lobbed Softballs or Whacked KJP From the Left
In this final year of the Biden presidency, the ever-inept Karine Jean-Pierre provided a litany of verbal stumbles and word salads when under tough questioning from Fox’s Peter Doocy, Jacqui Heinrich, Edward Lawrence, and even from liberal legacy outlets. Thankfully for her, there were also times when she had assists from the press corps in peddling the left’s preferred storylines (to hide…

Google Offers Users Firehose of Leftist Media on Election Coverage
Google continues to go to great lengths to block users from seeing any right-of-center media outlets on 2024 presidential election news.

ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Google Is Still Suppressing Right-Leaning Media
With only 14 days to go before election day, Google has not let up its efforts to bury right-leaning media and bolster leftist coverage in an apparent attempt to protect Vice President Kamala Harris and harm former President Donald Trump.

Guess Ad Fontes’s Highly Favorable of Hamas-Tied Al Jazeera
Despite its deep ties to terrorism and anti-Semitism, Al Jazeera continues to receive a highly favorable score from media ratings firm Ad Fontes.

Genocide, Alito, & Scheffler: Best & Worst of This Week’s WH Briefings
This week marked a rare occasion in which President Biden remained at the White House all five weekdays and thus allowed for five press briefings from the ever-inept press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre (and John Kirby only serving as a crutch on Friday). The questions were, not surprisingly, all over the place given the lunacy of the week, ranging from accusing Jews of genocide to harassment…

NYT Roots for Pro-Hamas Competition: 'Al Jazeera Finds Fans On Campus'
A laudatory look at the pro-Hamas, Qatar-funded network Al Jazeera, “Why Al Jazeera is the Go To News Source for Student Protesters,” by Santul Nerkar, a young journalist at the paper, made the front page of Monday’s New York Times Business section. The print headline: “Al Jazeera Finds Fans On Campus." When conservatives say they don’t trust the mainstream press to cover Republicans fairly,…

NYT Hypocrisy Horror On Al-Jazeera Ban: Wanted Murdoch Out of AUS, UK
The New York Times came out stridently in defense of pan-Arab news network Al-Jazeera after the Israeli government temporarily shut down its local operations, claiming it was threatening Israel’s security by serving as a “mouthpiece” for Hamas. The paper was highly aggrieved over the “anti-democratic” move, while ignoring Al-Jazeera’s history as a virulently anti-Israel outlet Arab…

Jacqui Drops Hammer, Asks WH About Israel Support, GWU Encampment
In case you missed it, Monday’s White House press briefing was dominated by questions about Hamas supposedly agreeing to a ceasefire deal that, as we would quickly find out, was one they more or less concocted on their own (as opposed to one backed by Egypt, Israel, Qatar, and the U.S.), so Fox’s Jacqui Heinrich made a point to wonder whether the Biden regime still wants Israel to win the war…
Degrowth: How to Make the World Poorer, Polluted and Miserable
The left has a new goal: degrowth. We should “buy less stuff,” forgive debts, grow our own food, etc. They say this will “build a more just and sustainable society” and “save the planet” from “climate chaos.” This idea is popular with capitalism-haters. One at a ChangeNow “eco conference” says, “A smaller, slower economy could also be a sweeter economy.”

Mitchell Repeatedly Pesters Blinken From The Left On Israel
MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell sat down for an interview with Secretary of State Antony Blinken that aired on her Wednesday show and featured nothing but questions and statements from Blinken’s left on everything from imploring him to end the war before Hamas’s defeat to accusing Israel of targeting journalists’ families.

Here’s What You Missed (or Not) from 2024’s First WH Press Briefings
Last week featured only two White House press briefings (Wednesday and Thursday), but it brought about more of the same as the National Security Council’s John Kirby helmed much of both installments when taking questions about foreign policy and the ever-inept Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre began 2024 with nothing but venom for Biden’s opponents on domestic issues.

CNN's Bash Suggests Netanyahu's Prolonging War To Stay In Office
On CNN's State of the Union, host Dana Bash suggests to Biden national security adviser Jake Sullivan that Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu is intentionally prolonging the war and death in order to remain in office.

Reporters Defend Hamas Terrorists as Credible, WH’s Kirby Schools Them
Thursday’s White House press briefing marked an embarrassing display of the liberal media not only bothsidesing the Israel-Hamas war, but defending the terrorist group Hamas as credible when it comes to death counts coming out of Gaza. Thankfully, even longtime Democratic administration official and National Security Council flack John Kirby spoke for most viewers in smacking down this idiocy…
How’d It Get Published? Daily Beast Pens Fact-Free Smear of NewsNation
The Daily Beast has always had a reputation as not only a leftist publication, but a contemptuous band of pricks buffered by layers of juvenile smugness. So, it was no surprise when they had writer Joe Berkowitz spend a week watching NewsNation and, on cue, he concluded with a piece dripping with disdain that was so thick he must of forgotten to get basic facts right, including who hosts what…