NYT Ignores its Own Teresa Heinz Kerry Article to Bash Cindy McCain

May 24th, 2008 12:07 PM
Cindy McCain, the wife of Republican presidential candidate John McCain, released a summary of her 2006 income tax return Friday prompting media members to quickly make negative comparisons between what she revealed and what Sen. John Kerry's (D-Mass.) wife disclosed to the public in October 2004.Most notable was the New York Times which in characterizing Teresa Heinz Kerry's 2003 income as being…

ABCNews.com Puts Laura Bush's Head on Godzilla

May 23rd, 2008 1:15 PM

Lib Blog Whines ABC Stole Its 'Exclusive' on McCain/Parsley

May 23rd, 2008 10:44 AM
ABC stole the Left's mojo on a McCain-slamming "pastor problem" story.Why am I not surprised? Here's the complaint of David Corn at Mother Jones magazine's MoJo blog yesterday (h/t Romenesko):I'm glad that Good Morning America covered the connection between John McCain and Rod Parsley, the Ohio megachurch pastor who has said it is the United States' historic mission to see the "false religion" of…

Can't Get Enough of the 'Pregnant Man'? ABCNews.com Has More Pics

May 21st, 2008 3:55 PM

USA Today Joins CNN, ABC in Inflating Gas Prices on Websites

May 13th, 2008 11:19 AM

Left-wing Radio Host Admits Child Pornography- Will Media Report

May 12th, 2008 8:16 PM
Does the media treat hypocrites of differing political preferences similarly? The evidence would suggest not. When noted Christian televangelist Jim Bakker was found to have committed adultery and mail fraud back in 1986, the national media were beside themselves with glee, running hundreds of stories about Bakker's hypocrisy. The same pattern repeated itself with other Christian evangelists,…

ABC Calls Myanmar Cyclone 'Asia's Katrina

May 10th, 2008 4:27 PM
In today's report on the disastrous cyclone that swept through the small Asian country of Myanmar (formerly Burma) it looks like ABC News is trying to start a new meme: The cyclone "was Asia's answer to Hurricane Katrina." How long do you think it will be before the idea takes hold and all manner of comparisons will be made between Katrina and the cyclone in Myanmar? If this idea takes hold it…

EW: Oliver Stone Biopic Depicts 'Awkward and Goofy' Bumbling Bush

May 9th, 2008 5:08 PM
Entertainment Weekly interviewed professional conspiracy theorist and filmmaker Oliver Stone about “W,” his upcoming George W. Bush movie. Stone told EW, “I'm tired of defending the accuracy of my movies. I'm past that now.” While he told EW “he had to speculate” about dialogue, “Stone insist[ed] that every scene in 'W' will be rooted in truth.” Instead, the movie is a hodge podge of supposed…

Are Media Focusing on Limbaugh's Operation Chaos to Force Hillary Out

May 7th, 2008 10:07 AM
Are "Totally in the Tank for Obama" media members focusing on Rush Limbaugh's "Operation Chaos" in order to force Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton out of the race?Consider if you will all of the attention Limbaugh's months-old plan to keep the Democrat nomination process going as long as possible got Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning following Hillary's tough night in North…

Another Day, Another Snapshot of Media Pumping Out Gas Price Hype

May 6th, 2008 11:06 AM
Three things in life are certain: death, taxes, and media hype about gasoline prices. On television that third item often takes place not just in your usual standup at a gas station interviewing outraged motorists. In Web-based media, however, the still shot is worth 1,000 barrels.We've noted how CNN.com has done it. Today, it's ABCNews.com with its front-page teaser headline "Oil: Another Day,…

When It Comes to Church Names, ABCNews.com Hasn't a Prayer

May 5th, 2008 10:40 AM
Former President Bill Clinton pinged ABCNews.com's Political Radar on a pulpit-pounding campaign swing through the Tarheel State just two days before the North Carolina primary. But it appears the alphabet network's Web site not only got the name of an Asheville, N.C., church wrong, but it misspelled, three times, the name of a denomination within Protestant Christianity (emphasis mine) in this…

ABCNews.com: New Kwame Kilpatrick Text Messages, Still No Party Label

April 30th, 2008 2:34 PM
Four, count them, four ABCNews.com reporters hacked out a three-page April 30 article for the alphabet network's Web site that dealt with new steamy text messages between Democratic Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his then-chief-of-staff Christine Beatty. Kilpatrick, indicted on twelve criminal counts including perjury and obstruction of justice, could see time in prison thanks to these text…

ABC News Puts Gun Dealer in Cross Hairs

April 25th, 2008 8:35 AM
If you are a major network and want to 'target' gun owners and gun dealers in a story, what would you do? Why you would write a story about a gun dealer offering a steep discount on firearms for college students, and then only interview the dealer and those who oppose his business and his special offer.According to an ABC News story covering Eric Thompson, owner of TGSCOM Inc., Thompson is "…

ABCNews.com Finds New Economic Plight: Textbooks or Birth Control

April 24th, 2008 10:33 PM
It was just a matter of time I suppose. What with Sen. Barack Obama's popularity with college students and the economy being the number one issue for voters, the media finally have an excuse to put a more youthful spin on the classic food vs. prescription drugs meme. A changing media environment, after all, calls for new angles at the same old bias. Someone had to give it the old college try.…