Catholic Diocese ‘Cracks Down’ By Denying Movie Filmi
June 17th, 2008 4:08 PM, reporting on the Catholic Diocese of Rome refusing permission to Ron Howard’s plans to film the movie prequel to Dan Brown’s "The DaVinci Code" in two historic churches, used loaded wording in the headline: "Church Cracks Down on New ‘Da Vinci’ Film."The lead for the report, written by Phoebe Natanson and Luchina Fisher, also used similar imagery to describe the Catholic Church’s… Michelle Obama More like Jackie O Than Kerry's Wife
June 13th, 2008 3:15 PM
Picking up on the media's meme that a vast right-wing hate machine is going at full-tilt against Michelle Obama, wants readers to know that the Illinois senator's wife is "more Jackie O Than Teresa [Heinz Kerry]."The story made the "top headlines" lineup for the afternoon of June 13, along with a headline tease for recent video from Fox News Channel where an onscreen graphic labeled… 'Are We Living in the Last Century of Our Civilization
June 13th, 2008 10:46 AM
On Thursday, ABC News took global warming hysteria to a new level.After Chris Cuomo and Bob Woodruff previewed an upcoming environmental scare piece on "Good Morning America" as previously reported by my colleague Scott Whitlock, an article was posted at the network's website asking (emphasis added throughout):Are we living in the last century of our civilization? Is it possible that all of our… Features Sexually Charged Vulgar Video Bashing McCain Supp
June 12th, 2008 2:53 PM
Months ago, Obama Girl seductively sang about her love for the junior senator from Illinois. Now, a satirical video, loaded with sexual content, depicts young McCain supporters as inept, clumsy, and not worthy of dating.Making matters worse, not only reviewed the video, but also embedded it at its website despite the soundtrack including a vulgarity beginning with the letter "F".I kid…
Kudos to on Abortion Story
June 11th, 2008 5:18 PM
I've ripped recently for some of their stories and story selection -- 'pregnant man' photos, need I say more? -- but I have to give the site kudos today for putting in its top headlines rotation a story about Georgia mother Cindi Cook, convicted of forging a signature on a parental consent form for her son's pregnant girlfriend. What's more, rather than resorting to the more clinical…
ABC Reporter Actually Asks Obama a Tough Question
June 10th, 2008 1:56 PM
Mark this date, June 10, 2008, on your calendars as the day someone in the Obama-loving media finally asked the Democrat presidential nominee a tough question. Potentially even more surprising, the question and answer were posted at ABC News's website.Is this a rare moment of clarity for a press member, or is this a sign the kid gloves are coming off now that Obama has won the nomination?While…
ABC's Tapper Lampoons Messianic Portraiture of Obama
June 2nd, 2008 12:10 PM
Just as a quick follow-up to both Terry Trippany and Warner Todd Huston's posts, at least one major political reporter is chagrined by the MSM's penchant for selecting photographs of Sen. Barack Obama that make him appear rather, um, messianic.From Jake Tapper's Political Punch blog at is Born to You This Day in the City of Chicago a SaviorJune 02, 2008 10:19 AM And His name is…
Bozell Column: Sex and the Skittish
May 31st, 2008 8:32 PM
That sleazy yet hallowed HBO television series "Sex and the City" is now in theaters as a feature film, and the cultural elites are having a religious experience. Newsweek previewed the movie by reporting how an estimated 50,000 people, some from far-away lands like Australia and Japan, "make the pilgrimage each year to the shrine," the fictional New York City home of "Sex" protagonist Carrie…
Presidential Candidates Are Labeled 'Formers' -- Except For One
May 25th, 2008 9:08 AM
Guess Which Party, and What Label? Here are Old Media excerpts relating to recent presidential contenders you might find interesting. First, here's the Associated Press from May 15 (fourth short item at link): The United Steelworkers union endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president Thursday, giving the Illinois senator a powerful advocate in attracting blue-collar voters. The endorsement…