
CBS, NBC Minimize Coverage of New Mexico Church Bombings
August 3rd, 2015 3:48 PM
Monday's CBS This Morning and NBC's Today both devoted a minimal amount of coverage to the Sunday bombings of two churches in Las Cruces, New Mexico. The two Big Three morning newscasts devoted 58 seconds to news briefs on the explosions at a Baptist church and a Catholic parish. By contrast, the programs set aide 12 minutes and 22 seconds of air time to segments related to the outcry over the…

ABC’s 20/20 Exposes Rampant Disability Fraud
May 28th, 2015 3:25 PM
In a surprising segment, ABC’s 20/20 highlighted several cases of freeloading by people looking to fraudulently claim disability. While the program did not get to the heart of the matter – just how easy it is to claim disability and the skyrocketing cost of the program – noting a major flaw in an expensive government program is rare for a liberal network like ABC.

Bozell & Graham Column: The 'Upgrading' of Bruce Jenner
May 2nd, 2015 8:00 AM
The last year or so could be described as The Year of Transgender Propaganda. The Hollywood and news-media push on the latest frontier of “gender fluidity” demonstrates the libertine left’s absolute arrogance that the LGBT revolution is an unstoppable juggernaut.
Time placed Laverne Cox on a “Transgender Tipping Point” cover last June, and the aggressive culture-tipping took off. Amazon…

Captain Obvious: ABC Warns Americans Not to Hide Rifles at Playgrounds
February 3rd, 2014 4:40 PM
The journalists at ABC News offered yet another high profile experiment to terrify the parents of America into not owning guns. In an hour-long special on Friday night, Diane Sawyer and David Muir hid pink guns at the playground of an elementary school in an effort to see if young girls would play with them. Unsurprisingly, the young children did. The Young Guns program also included the…

Gun Grabbing ABC: We Hid Weapons With Your Children's Toys to Show Dan
January 31st, 2014 10:05 AM
The journalists at ABC are again going after gun ownership in the most absurd manner possible. Diane Sawyer and David Muir want American parents to know that they shouldn't leave unattended guns around toys, candy and in the backpacks of children. On the Monday and Thursday World News, as well as Friday's Good Morning America, Sawyer and Muir previewed their hour-long Young Guns special and…

Michelle Obama on Barack: ‘He Keeps His Promises
November 30th, 2013 2:30 AM
ABC’s Barbara Walters did another in a series of sycophantic gushing and fawning interviews with the Obamas Friday.
In the wake of the President’s fallacious claim that people could keep their health insurance plans if they liked them, the most preposterous part of the interview was when Michelle Obama said her husband “keeps his promises” without any pushback from Walters (video follows with…

Barbara Walters Claims 'The View' Was Never Intended to Be 'Political
November 5th, 2013 2:20 PM
During an interview on Sunday's edition of the new Fox News Channel program Media Buzz, Barbara Walters told host Howard Kurtz that The View -- the weekday program she created for ABC on August 11, 1997, and is retiring from next summer -- is neither political nor news-oriented since it was intended to be “entertaining and upbeat.”
“The View is not Meet the Press,” Walters said even though…
‘20/20’: Convicted Child Molester a ‘Peppy Cheer-Leader, Choir G
October 7th, 2013 11:08 AM
Pity ABC correspondent Matt Gutman, trapped in the wrong career. Clearly, he’s a frustrated publicist, or maybe a producer for a sob-sister daytime talk show. That’s the only charitable way to explain his Oct. 4 “20/20” report on Kaitlyn Hunt.
Hunt, of Indian River, Fla., was an 18-year-old woman when she had multiple sexual encounters in a high school restroom with a 14-year-old girl. She…
Nets Give Rutgers Basketball Scandal 41 Mins., Gosnell Baby Murder Tri
April 9th, 2013 11:18 AM
The Rutgers basketball story continues to transfix the media, and why shouldn’t it? Mike Rice, the disgraced former Rutgers basketball coach allegedly killed a woman and at least seven viable, born-alive babies “by plunging scissors into their spinal cords” in his filthy, macabre “house of horrors” abortion clinic.
Oh wait, my mistake. Rice was fired last week from Rutgers over video of him…

Fear-Mongering ABC: Is There a Sinkhole Underneath Your House?'; It's
March 11th, 2013 4:37 PM
Liberal news outlets will sometimes complain about conservative fear-mongering, but ABC sure understands the practice. On Friday night, the announcer for 20/20 teased, "Is there a sinkhole underneath your house?" Referring to a few incidents (and one tragic case in Florida), the program teased, "It's sinkhole season."
In a hyperbolic tone that sounded like parody, the 20/20 announcer…

Barbara Walters Tosses Softballs to 'Charming' Obama: 'What's Your Fav
December 14th, 2012 12:00 PM
Good Morning America on Friday offered a fawning preview of Barbara Walters' exclusive interview with Barack and Michelle Obama. Walters gushed over the "touching," "charming" couple and asked the President softballs such as "What's your favorite app?" [See video below. MP3 audio here.]
The journalist couldn't get over just how adorable the two Democrats are, fawning, "Together, she teases…

Instead of Asking Hillary Clinton About Benghazi, Barbara Walters Push
December 13th, 2012 1:10 PM
Add Barbara Walters to the list of journalists pushing for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to run for President in 2016. For the third time now, Ms. Clinton has been featured on Barbara Walters’s annual 10 Most Fascinating People special.
Given that Ms. Walters had a one-on-one sit-down interview with Clinton, it would seem logical that the topic of the Benghazi fiasco would come up. It…

In Bizarre Fashion, The View Keeps Blaming Movie for Violence and Deat
September 27th, 2012 10:42 AM
The ridiculous media narrative continues, in spite of the mounting evidence that has proven otherwise. A movie clip posted on YouTube months ago is still being blamed for the unspeakable acts of violence that occurred over two weeks ago. The media has effectively demonized an amateur filmmaker for allegedly inciting more rage and violence in the Middle East. It's almost as if they are equating…

ABC's Walters Contrasts Obama Marriage with Gingrich Marital Problems
December 24th, 2011 4:21 PM
During her interview with President and Mrs. Obama which aired on Friday's 20/20, ABC's Barbara Walters made a point of contrasting GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich's history of marital problems with the successful marriage of the First Family.
(Video below)
Walters introduced the topic as she observed: