
Jorge Ramos's Misleading DACA Editorial Is an Electoral Call to Arms
In a triumphalist editorial opinion, Univision’s Jorge Ramos made misleading statements regarding the scope of the Supreme Court's controversial ruling on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and further leveraged the issue into a call to vote on November 3rd.

Telemundo SHOCKED to Discover That Pro-Trump DACA Beneficiaries Exist
A noticeable pattern is emerging in Spanish-language media, as it goes full-throttle after the much-coveted young Latino voter demographic. And much to Telemundo’s surprise, not everyone aligns with the preset immigration narrative. Watch this Telemundo correspondent’s “are you kidding me” vibe as she interviews two young DACA beneficiaries who support President Trump:
Telemundo Helps Push Kamala for VP
It looks like Telemundo has made up its mind about who should be the Democratic vice presidential candidate: Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA). Just this week, the network granted her close to nine minutes of editorial time with an exclusive interview that has so far appeared on two news programs, six different online links on Telemundo…

Univision Misrepresents, Hides Mayhem At Seattle's CHAZ From Viewers
The nation’s largest Spanish-media news outlet engaged today in an amazing bit of sleight of hand and sophistry, aimed at shielding its viewers from discovering both the extent of the mayhem occurring at Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ for short) and the existence of organized far-left violence.

Telemundo Morning Panel Comes Out Against Dismantling the Police
Camden, New Jersey has become the liberal media's default example when pushing the narrative of defunding the police en masse, regardless of their safety and that of the counties and cities where they keep law and order.

Univision Defense of Defund Police Reminiscent of Defund ICE
The call to defund the nation's police was quickly adopted by the Hispanic media, with Univision vowing that the “death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police has revived calls to dismantle, defund or reinvent police.” Change the word “police” for ICE, and presto, it's a seamless narrative transfer.

Moms Demand Rep: 'We Were Required' to Attend Floyd Funeral
Univision never passes on an opportunity to promote its broader political agenda, which includes gun control. This latest attempt, though, backfired very badly. Check out the full post as a local Houston representative for Moms Demand Action, a Bloomberg-backed gun control group, told Univision's correspondent that they were required to attend George Floyd's funeral on live television.

Telemundo Joins Nets in Politicizing Floyd's Funeral, Trashing Police
Monday greeted us with an overload of the liberal media's newest cause du jour: to portray all of the nation's police as evil and abusive. The Hispanic media, as usual, followed suit- as we can see in this Telemundo report about George Floyd's funeral service in Houston, Texas, which quickly became one about that city's purported police brutality.

Univision Bashes Trump for Holding a Bible, Ignores Church Burning
Parroting their mainstream media counterparts, a panel of “experts” at Univision's Despierta America expressed their “shock” at seeing President Donald Trump stand before St. John's Church in Washington, D.C., with a Bible in his hand.

Telemundo Turns Wearing the Mask into a Political Symbol

FLASHBACK: Jorge Ramos Asked Beto Whether Ted Cruz Is a Race-Traitor

Univision Anchor Silenced In-House MD Over Hydroxychloroquine