

NBC’s Weird Bad Bunny Profile: A Puff Piece in Service of a Narrative

Jorge Bonilla

THIS INTERVIEW Is Why We Needed Fox Noticias

Jorge Bonilla

OF COURSE: Jorge Ramos Cheered the Woke Bishop That Criticized Trump

Jorge Bonilla

Latino Media MAD Trump Won’t Trans the Kids

Jorge Bonilla

FLASHBACK: Latino Media Pushed Immigration Hopium at Biden Inaugural

Jorge Bonilla

Telemundo Whitewashes Jimmy Carter’s Latin American Legacy of Chaos

Jorge Bonilla

Jorge Ramos Is Gone from Univision, But Still Whining About Trump

Jorge Bonilla

GOOD RIDDANCE: Jorge Ramos Signs Off (For Now)

Jorge Bonilla

FLASHBACK: Univision Hyped Coyotes Touting Biden’s ‘Benefits’

Jorge Bonilla

Telemundo Report About Facebook Censorship Is Anything But News

A Telemundo breaking news report about Facebook’s April deletion of “nearly 2,000 accounts that attack immigrants, promote racism and spread false information,” not only pointed an accusatory finger at Trump followers but dated the event, originally announced on May 5th, as taking place “today”.
Kathleen Krumhansl

Telemundo: Pity the Coyotes, Who Have Also Taken a Hit Due to COVID-19

Telemundo took its reporting on businesses that have suffered losses due to the coronavirus pandemic to the next level. In a report that both highlights the extent to which immigration is key to the network’s survival and serves to illustrate Telemundo’s flair for the absurd, the network gave airtime to a down-on-his-luck coyote.

Jorge Bonilla

Univision, Telemundo Uninterested In Covering Flynn Exoneration

The nation’s domestic Spanish-language networks made more than enough time to report Gen. Michael Flynn’s entry into a plea deal with federal prosecutors on December 1st, 2017, as it fueled the narrative of a Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. But the networks didn’t show as much enthusiasm when the Justice Department dropped the charges against Flynn.
Jorge Bonilla

Forget Facts: Univision Puts Its Own Spin On Next Aid Package

Expressly biased reporting is alive and well at Univision, especially when given the chance to push their political agenda with one-sided stories that air with no debate: unquestioned and unchallenged. This hasty report by Washington correspondent Edwin Pitti, regarding a fifth economic aid package, warned about a “new political battle between Republicans and Democrats”, wherein the Dems were…
Kathleen Krumhansl

Jorge Ramos Covered Kavanaugh Allegations 51X More Than Biden’s

Previously, MRC Latino analyzed the lack of coverage of the serious allegations against Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden across the nation’s domestic Spanish-language networks, which received 1/38th of the coverage given to the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. In comparison, the networks did a far better of covering Biden than did their best-known anchor.
Jorge Bonilla

Univision Guest Can’t Decide Whether to Bash Trump or Give Him Credit 

A funny thing happened on the way to bashing Trump at Univision´s afternoon coronavirus newscast. An interview with former Secretary of Treasury Rosario Marin badly backfired when she wandered off-script and actually validated Trump's decision to reopen the nation's economy.
Kathleen Krumhansl

Kavanaugh Sex Allegations Covered 38X More Than Biden on Latino Nets

When it comes to coverage of the serious allegations levied against former Vice President Joe Biden by former staffer Tara Reade, the nation’s Spanish-language national news media have been conspicuously absent. MRC Latino’s most recent study shows that, predictably, this wasn’t always the case.  
Jorge Bonilla and Alexander Reyes

Telemundo Has Questions for Potential Latina Biden VP, Except...Reade

Telemundo's morning kaffeeklatsch, Un Nuevo Día, did a shameful disservice to all of the nation's women -Hispanic women in particular – by bringing in Catherine Cortez Masto, (D-NV), the first Latina senator in the United States, for a softball interview that made zero reference to the recent accusations of sexual harassment against the former senator by then staffer Tara Reade. Cortez Masto has…
Kathleen Krumhansl

Univision Pushes Disinfectant Fake News

The nation´s Spanish speaking networks joined their mainstream counterparts in a fake news offensive against President Trump, following his comments on a study about the role of disinfectants and UV light in killing the coronavirus. Bill Bryan, head of the Science and Technology Directorate at the Department of Homeland Security, gave a brief description of the study during a daily update on the…
Kathleen Krumhansl

Amid Univision Layoffs, Jorge Ramos Slanders 'Reopen' Movement

Univision’s senior anchor has once again used his privileged platform on Facebook Watch in order to smear Americans who think differently from him. This time, his loaded propaganda is aimed at those who seek an easing of restrictions so that Americans may return to work and provide for their families- even in the face of layoffs at his parent company.
Jorge Bonilla

Immigrants Anguished by Suspension of Legal Migration, Says Telemundo

The nation’s Spanish-language media has fallen back on a familiar trope, smearing President Donald Trump’s executive order limiting immigration for 60 days as “anti-immigrant”. The temporary measure is meant to safeguard the population from COVID-19, and to protect the U.S. labor force, but Telemundo depicts the order as only serving to further anguish the nation's immigrants. 
Kathleen Krumhansl

Jorge Ramos Twisted 2 Seconds of Fauci, Slammed Trump COVID Response

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos turned the network’s coronavirus newscast into his personal platform from which to twist two out-of-context seconds of a recent CNN interview featuring Dr. Anthony Fauci into a scathing editorial decrying the Trump Administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Jorge Bonilla

Univision Smears Anti-Lockdown Protesters

In an amazing about face, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, a staunch defender of “mobs that organize to harass conservatives” and performative confrontations in opposition to the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, is suddenly aghast at “a movement in which right-wing organizations.. are pressuring governments to end coronavirus isolation.”
Kathleen Krumhansl

Univision’s Biased Coverage Of Trump Coronavirus Response On Display 

A recent Univision News’ headliner report on the Coronavirus pandemic turned out to be a three-minute mashup of anti-Trump narratives, complete with four interviews and references to liberal sources, covering four different subjects, and one 10-second comment from a government official to reinforce their TDS rhetoric.
Kathleen Krumhansl