
Univision DOUBLES DOWN on Its Fake Reporting of Florida's Election Law
Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis’s signature into law of SB 90, the state's election integrity statute, has apparently triggered Univision to the point of repeating easily-debunked lies and passing them off as news coverage.

Canales hispanos a Biden: es hora de ajustar cuentas
La paciencia se les agotó a los aliados de la inmigración y sus portavoces en los medios de comunicación en español. Después de prometer el sol, la luna y las estrellas, Joe Biden aún no ha cumplido. Eso no es bueno para los negocios, y las cadenas latinas se lo están dejando saber.

Latino Nets to Biden: Time for PAYBACK
Patience has run out among immigration allies and their spokespersons in Spanish-language media. After promising the sun, moon, and stars, Joe Biden has not yet delivered. That’s not good for business, and the Latino networks are calling him out.

DISINFO: Univision Falsely Claims FL Elex Law Cuts Early Voting Times
In rushing to scare their viewers and smear Florida’s just-passed election security law as “restrictive”, Univision makes several baseless claims and delivers a whopper of a false assertion.

FAKE NEWS: CNNEE Smears Tim Scott On Manufactured 'Inconsistency'
CNN En Español Anchor Juan Carlos López’ “analysis” of Senator Tim Scott’s rebuttal speech makes clear that, regardless of language, CNN is going to CNN.

Biden Shuns Latino Nets, Passes Border Crisis Buck to Congress
In the days prior to President Joe Biden's first address before Congress, Latino nets gushed over his “achievements”. This is in stark contrast to their reporting on President Donald Trump´s initial address four years ago. Despite their boot-licking, Biden gave them the cold shoulder and passed the immigration reform issue over to Congress like a hot potato.

WE TOLD YOU SO: Immigration Reconciliation Is Here
Back in February, MRC Latino warned you that the liberal Spanish speaking media began their push for a “Plan B” regarding the legalization of undocumented immigrants via budget reconciliation. With an infrastructure bill already snaking its way through Congress, that time has arrived.

CONFLICT: Telemundo Anchor Is An Actual Climate Activist
We often refer to those in the media as “activists” that inhabit the journalistic profession and bring their activism to our airwaves. But what if we told you that Telemundo put an actual, literal climate activist behind their anchor desk? Meet Vanessa Hauc.

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Moves To SILENCE Conservative Voices
The far-left Congressional Hispanic Caucus are now seeking to marshal the full power of the federal government in order to block an anti-communist ownership group from acquiring an AM radio station in Miami, Florida.

DISGUSTING: Telemundo Milks Wilton’s Tragedy For Ratings
Telemundo´s apparent “ownership” of the tragic story of Wilton Gutiérrez, a 10-year-old Nicaraguan migrant found alone and terrified by a Border Patrol agent in the Texas desert on April 1st, seems to give the NBC sister station the right to judge, intrude and insert their politics into private, parent-child relationships in their quest for a major story a la Elián González.

PROPAGANDISTS: Latino Nets Cheer Dems’ Court-Packing Bill
Gone are the days when the nation’s leading Spanish-language networks would cover the U.S. presidency with adversarial scrutiny. Their coverage of the Democrats’ efforts to pack the Supreme Court proves their pivot to advocacy propaganda.

BUSTED: Univision, Telemundo Help Push Coyotes’ Facebook Ads
It’s no wonder that “business is booming” for coyotes working the southern border: Univision and Telemundo are broadcasting to millions of viewers that the human smugglers are now advertising on social media!

Coyotes to Univision: ‘Business Is Booming’ Due to Biden ‘Benefit’
Once again, Spanish-language media displays their commitment to reporting all sides of the immigration issue, by including the underreported perspective of the misunderstood coyotes.