

THIS INTERVIEW Is Why We Needed Fox Noticias

Jorge Bonilla

OF COURSE: Jorge Ramos Cheered the Woke Bishop That Criticized Trump

Jorge Bonilla

Latino Media MAD Trump Won’t Trans the Kids

Jorge Bonilla

FLASHBACK: Latino Media Pushed Immigration Hopium at Biden Inaugural

Jorge Bonilla

Telemundo Whitewashes Jimmy Carter’s Latin American Legacy of Chaos

Jorge Bonilla

Jorge Ramos Is Gone from Univision, But Still Whining About Trump

Jorge Bonilla

GOOD RIDDANCE: Jorge Ramos Signs Off (For Now)

Jorge Bonilla

FLASHBACK: Univision Hyped Coyotes Touting Biden’s ‘Benefits’

Jorge Bonilla

INCONVENIENT: Regime Media Mostly OMIT Toddler Ditched at the Border

Jorge Bonilla

Corporate Media SILENT As Caravan Overruns Mexican National Guard

The corporate media’s effort to suppress any news of the ongoing border disaster, which is expected to accelerate after the Biden Administration’s widely advertised repeal of Title 42, includes suppression of the recent overrun of the Mexican National Guard near the border with Guatemala.

Jorge Bonilla

17 MONTHS LATER: Univision Admits Existence of Hunter Biden Laptop

Tucked into the final block of Univision's evening news on Thursday, anchor Jorge Ramos finally admitted the existence of the infamous Hunter Biden laptop, albeit spinning The Washington Post's confirmation of incriminating emails of Hunter's dealing with China — and Ukraine — as “Republican disinformation, according to Democrats.”

Kathleen Krumhansl

AGAIN: Univision BURIES Hunter Laptop Scandal Within Report On Trump

Hunter Biden finally made the news at Univision, but far from offering their audience detailed information about the president´s son escalating laptop scandal, the network spent 11 seconds on the subject, and that BURIED within a four-minute report on — what else — the Bad Orange Man.

Kathleen Krumhansl

Telemundo: Title 42 Waiver for Fleeing Ukrainians Might Be RAAACIST

It turns out that the same immigration activists advocating for open border policies and amnesty are now giving a cold shoulder to the fleeing Ukrainians receiving Title 42 waivers as war refugees, and now accuse the government of racism while being blatantly racist themselves, as shown in a Telemundo report about the ongoing chaos at the southern border.

Kathleen Krumhansl

Univision Pushes Title 42 Repeal Despite Increase In Border Drownings

A Univision report on the arrest of migrants and coyotes on both sides of the Rio Grande by U.S. and Mexico authorities morphed into a pitch for the removal of Title 42 but backfired when it only confirmed the migrant avalanche – and further deaths – waiting to happen once the government puts an “end -once and for all- to a rule they consider illegal and racist”.

Kathleen Krumhansl

FLASHBACK: CNNEE Dismissed NYP's Hunter Laptop Story as 'Slanderous'

Now that The New York Times has seen fit to verify the contents of Hunter Biden's infamous laptop and confirm The New York Post's reporting, it is important to look back at how CNN En Español, among many other media outlets, dismissed the story- thus aiding and abetting Big Tech in their effort to suppress a story that would've otherwise badly damaged Joe Biden just two weeks…

Jorge Bonilla

Latino Media Mostly Silent About Upcoming Migration Tsunami

While the media laser-focuses on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, another invasion is about to take place at OUR own borders, this under a shroud of silence from the White House, according to Telemundo reports pointing to the looming repeal of Title 42. The rule, implemented by President Trump during the pandemic, allows the federal government to expel migrants crossing from a foreign country…

Kathleen Krumhansl

Telemundo Hostesses Try, Fail in Condemning FL Anti-Grooming Law

This week, Telemundo launched La Mesa Caliente, The Hot Table, an afternoon talk show hosted by four Latina television personalities who couldn´t resist discussing the new Florida Parental Rights in Education bill, labeled as ´Don´t Say Gay´ by activists; only one hostess, Mirka Dellanos, actually stood up for the role of parent in the education of their children; the other three…

Kathleen Krumhansl

Spanish-Language Media Spread ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Disinformation

Latino media quickly jumped on the disinformation bandwagon regarding Florida’s new ‘Parental Rights in Education’ bill, seizing upon the far catchier ‘Don’t Say Gay’ moniker adopted by activists to describe the legislation that gives the parents of children from kindergarten to third grade enforceable rights as to their education, and in particular, on the subject of sex and gender.

Kathleen Krumhansl

Telemundo Anchor: BABIES Have No Heartbeat at 6 Weeks

A Telemundo report on Florida's HB5 bill banning most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy- now headed to Governor Ron DeSantis for signature- ended up confirming that indeed, at six weeks, a baby is … a baby, though that was the last thing Hoy Día anchor Nacho Lozano had in mind.

Kathleen Krumhansl

Maskless Jorge Ramos Ponders Maskless Ukrainian Refugees in Poland

Univision's Jorge Ramos tried to bring Covid panic into a live hit from the Ukraine-Poland border, but inadvertntly exposed us to the perils of parachute journalism.

Jorge Bonilla

Univision Forgets Its Own Poll In Order To Pump Immigration Post-SOTU

The need for comprehensive immigration reform to ensure their long term survival is so embedded into the psyche of the national Hispanic news networks, that one Univision anchor opened a report on President Biden's SOTU address and "the subject that worries Latinos most –immigration" – despite the findings of an exclusive UNIVISION survey of Latino voters that places immigration at the bottom…

Kathleen Krumhansl

Kerry-esque Reporting at Telemundo Over Climate Change

With COVID fear-mongering all but dead at the corporate media newsrooms, Telemundo wasted no time in switching the former biggest threat to humanity with climate change. The swap came up in a story about a United Nations report where anchor Felicidad Aveleyra proceeded to dispatch the escalating war in Ukraine as second to diverting climate doomsday, thus echoing former Secretary of State John…

Kathleen Krumhansl

Spanish Nets Cheered Colombia's ‘Roe v. Wade’

The breaking news of Colombia's “historic achievement for women''s rights, that is, to terminate their pregnancies”, to quote one Telemundo anchor, was considered so important at the national Latino networks, that they gave the story a total 12 minutes of combined airtime.

Kathleen Krumhansl