NBC Bemoans 'Demonization' in 'Nasty' Wisconsin Recall...Fueled By MSN

Seated atop a high horse on Monday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Peter Alexander lamented the tone of the Wisconsin recall election of Republican Governor Scott Walker: "It is a fiery local campaign that analysts say highlights the country's nasty political landscape, where demonization often drowns out discourse." What Alexander failed to notice from his lofty perch was that left-wing…
Kyle Drennen
June 5th, 2012 5:13 PM

NB Live Chat: Wisconsin Recall

Tonight is the big night for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and the union drones who despise him. Exit polls are said to be trending in Walker's favor so expect tonight to be very interesting, particularly if Walker's Democratic opponent, Tom Barrett, goes down hard. Join us tonight as we keep track of the latest news in a live chat to discuss the recall election and the media coverage of it…
NB Staff
June 5th, 2012 5:12 PM

Maddow Vents About Romney Deceit - After She Lies About Wisconsin Reca

You'd think MSNBC's resident brainiac would know better than to engage in the very thing she condemns in others. Apparently this ethical tenet understood by most children is beyond Rachel Maddow's grasp as she demonstrated once again on her cable show last night. (video, audio clips after page break)
Jack Coleman
June 5th, 2012 5:00 PM

Media Trying to Convince Themselves They've Found Romney's Solyndra

The Boston Globe is reporting on a Massachusetts solar company that received state loans under Governor Romney, and is now filing for bankruptcy.  The Globe insists that this news means that Romney's attacks on the President's failed Solyndra investment have backfired, and are implying that it opens up the Republican presidential contender up to charges of hypocrisy.  An excerpt:
Rusty Weiss
June 5th, 2012 4:23 PM

CBS's Bill Plante: Bill Clinton's Reputation 'Bathed in Nostalgia

CBS This Morning on Tuesday heralded President Obama and former President Bill Clinton's joint fundraising appearances in New York City, playing up the "star-studded lineup" that appeared with the two. Correspondent Bill Plante gushed that Obama "shared the stage and the spotlight with former President Bill Clinton...his reputation now bathed in nostalgia as he made the case for his fellow…
Matthew Balan
June 5th, 2012 4:19 PM

On The Ed Show: Jesse Jackson Compares Scott Walker to Racist Governor

On the eve of the Wisconsin recall election Ed Schultz invited on the Reverend Jesse Jackson to compare Republican Governor Scott Walker to the segregationist George Wallace and call him “a threat to democracy.” Schultz, on Monday’s edition of The Ed Show, prompted Jackson to explain the comparison, to which the founder of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition responded that the former Alabama governor “…
Geoffrey Dickens
June 5th, 2012 3:53 PM

NYT Lets Racially Inflammatory Al Sharpton Rhapsodize on Civil Rights

Al Sharpton, the veteran Democratic activist and racial provocateur who hosts "PoliticsNation" on MSNBC, reviewed a James Brown biography for the New York Times Sunday Book Review and was interviewed in the Reviews' "Up Front" section. Sharpton credited the biography by RJ Smith for placing Brown in the context of the civil rights movement. But why would the Times consider Sharpton qualified to…
Clay Waters
June 5th, 2012 3:31 PM

MSNBC's Mitchell Unwittingly Contradicts Herself in Attempt to Bash Fl

Florida is a "state where a small number of ballots can swing a presidential race," MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell noted on her eponymous program this afternoon as she introduced Miami Herald's Marc Caputo to discuss Florida's attempt to "purge" its voter rolls of noncitizens. But while Caputo noted that some 13 noncitizens -- who are of course ineligible to vote -- have been found and eliminated…
Ken Shepherd
June 5th, 2012 3:29 PM

A Week Later, Networks Still Silent about Planned Parenthood Videos

The three broadcast networks continue to act as guardian angels to Planned Parenthood, shielding the abortion provider from any hint of controversy. Live Action videos showing Planned Parenthood’s apparent willingness to cooperate in sex selection abortion have been completely buried by ABC, CBS, and NBC for an entire week (morning shows of May 30-June 5, evening shows of May 29-June 4). Live…
Paul Wilson
June 5th, 2012 3:29 PM

NPR Ignores Reporter's Blatant Conflict of Interest as He Reports on H

Journalists are said to love transparency, at least when it comes to other people. When it comes to others exposing reporters' own conflicts of interest and past histories, however, some take a decidedly different tone. Ben Howe, contributing writer to both RedState.com and Breitbart.com, has posted video of a brief but instructive conversation with NPR reporter Peter Overby regarding NPR…
Matthew Sheffield
June 5th, 2012 2:01 PM

Reuters Writer Paints Mild Vatican Rebuke of Wayward Sister As Yet Ano

When a nun tows her vows, she pledges among other things obedience to the Catholic Church and its teachings. So when a sister writes a book on sexual ethics that in various ways contradicts Church teachings and refuses for six years to recant, is it really all that shocking when the Vatican issues a rebuke (and an extremely mild one at that)? That's exactly what has happened in the case of…
Ken Shepherd
June 5th, 2012 1:15 PM

Bill O'Reilly Schools George Stephanopoulos, Jeers Clinton's 'European

Former Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos threw Bill Clinton's recent attack on Republicans at guest Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday's Good Morning America, but O'Reilly would have none of it. "He [Clinton] says it’s Romney and the Republicans are going to bring European economics to America," Stephanopoulos revealed. O'Reilly laughed off the remark. "How many drinks did he have? I mean this…
Matt Hadro
June 5th, 2012 12:24 PM

Network Morning Shows Shine on Obama, Rain on GOP, MRC's Graham Tells

NewsBusters senior editor and Media Research Center director of media analysis Tim Graham appeared on the June 4 O'Reilly Factor to discuss the role that the broadcast network morning shows play in influencing the electorate with their liberal-leaning narratives about the issues this election season. The morning shows have strong ratings, "have become the profit centers for [broadcast…
NB Staff
June 5th, 2012 11:59 AM

Networks Forget JPMorgan Chase CEO Dimon Used to be Close Friends with

JPMorgan Chase CEO and Chairman Jamie Dimon and President Obama were once friends, but the three major networks were quick to forget this once JPMorgan Chase lost more than $2 billion. Earlier this year, Dimon was one of only three CEOs who had special access to the White House and Treasury Secretary Geithner, according to Associated Press. Now the Obama Administration and the media have…
Mike Ciandella
June 5th, 2012 11:46 AM