Networks Forget JPMorgan Chase CEO Dimon Used to be Close Friends with

JPMorgan Chase CEO and Chairman Jamie Dimon and President Obama were once friends, but the three major networks were quick to forget this once JPMorgan Chase lost more than $2 billion. Earlier this year, Dimon was one of only three CEOs who had special access to the White House and Treasury Secretary Geithner, according to Associated Press. Now the Obama Administration and the media have…
Mike Ciandella
June 5th, 2012 11:46 AM

NBC's Mitchell: Queen Had to 'Put Up With' the 'Indignity' of Celebrat

As part of NBC's wall-to-wall Today show coverage of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II celebrating her Diamond Jubilee on Tuesday, chief foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell listed ways in which the United States has supposedly slighted the monarch over the years: "...she's put up with a lot from her former subjects. The indignity of going to where the revolution started, to celebrate the…
Kyle Drennen
June 5th, 2012 11:41 AM

Media Hypes 'Self-Marriage

The media crusade to redefine marriage has taken a radical turn. Media outlets have put a spotlight on the narcissistic practice of “self-marriage,” in which a person marries himself or herself in a formal ceremony. CNN’s sister network HLN provocatively titled a June 1 piece “Is self-marriage for you?” The HLN piece cited several examples of people who have “taken vows of self-marriage as a…
Paul Wilson
June 5th, 2012 10:45 AM

Media Hype ‘Self-Marriage

Outlets celebrate narcissistic practice as ‘courageous,’ a ‘reasonable choice.’
Paul Wilson
June 5th, 2012 10:17 AM

Newsweek Headline: 'Is Barack Obama Too Weak to Win in November

It's becoming clearer with each passing day the Obama-loving media are now in a full-scale panic that the man they helped get elected in 2008 is in serious trouble to repeat that feat in 2012. Take for example Newsweek/Daily Beast which published a piece moments ago with the somewhat shocking headline, "Is Barack Obama Too Weak to Win in November?":
Noel Sheppard
June 5th, 2012 9:45 AM

Open Thread: Recall Election Day in Wisconsin

Today is the big day for Wisconsinites as the long-awaited recall election of governor Scott Walker finally ends. After playing up the contest as important and of national portent, many liberals in and out of the press are now trying to say it doesn't matter. Still, President Obama has made it a point to make himself scarce in the race, refusing to come to the aid of Tom Barrett, the Democratic…
Matthew Sheffield
June 5th, 2012 9:39 AM

Tina Brown Bops Obama: 'Aloof', Not 'Lovable

Et tu, Tina?  Has Maureen Dowd, by her scalding column this weekend, signaled to fellow liberals that it's OK to rap President Obama?   Dowd portrayed Obama as lazy, nihilistic, removed and self-absorbed.  Now comes Brown on today's Morning Joe, calling Obama "aloof" and not "lovable." Daily Beast editor Brown made her comments in the context of criticizing Obama's decision to stay out of…
Mark Finkelstein
June 5th, 2012 8:40 AM

Martin Short Hits 'Crazy Catholic' Santorum, 'Taliban'-like Bachmann

Appearing as a guest on Monday's The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on NBC, actor and comedian Martin Short lambasted several of the GOP presidential candidates, as he called Rick Santorum a "crazy Catholic," compared Michele Bachmann to the Taliban while questioning her intelligence, and suggested that Mitt Romney has sent jobs to other countries.
Brad Wilmouth
June 5th, 2012 8:19 AM

Politico Asks: 'Media In The Tank' for Obama or 'Perpetual Whining' of

Politico went to its “Arena” pages to ask the experts if its recent story on the New York Times and The Washington Post being "in the tank" for Obama was accurate or inaccurate. The expert mix was pretty balanced. Former USA Today reporter Richard Benedetto was candid: “As a daily reader of the print edition of The Washington Post, I have the clear anecdotal impression that President Obama…
Tim Graham
June 5th, 2012 7:53 AM

Cal Thomas Column: On Wisconsin

If the polls are right, the vote next Tuesday in Wisconsin on whether to recall Gov. Scott Walker, Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch and four Republican state senators could amount to a redial of their original victory. Voters who first elected the conservative Walker on a promise to fix the state's dismal economy and crushing debt appear ready to reaffirm their judgment. They would be making the…
Cal Thomas
June 5th, 2012 7:30 AM

Chris 'I Lost on Jeopardy!' Matthews Mocks Miss USA Contestants for No

As NewsBusters previously reported, MSNBC's Chris Matthews bombed on the game show Jeopardy! three weeks ago missing questions many fifth graders would have had no problem with. Clearly forgetting his shameful performance, the Hardball host on Monday mocked Miss USA Pageant contestants for not knowing the name of the current Vice President (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Noel Sheppard
June 5th, 2012 12:45 AM

Former Clinton Adviser Dick Morris: 'Bill Clinton Does Not Want Barack

Former Clinton White House adviser Dick Morris said Monday, "Bill Clinton does not want Barack Obama to win." "I’ve spoken to several good friends who are staunch conservatives who have had exchanges with Bill Clinton in private," Morris told Fox News's Sean Hannity, "and at one point one of them quotes him as saying, 'You have six months to save the country'" (video follows with transcript…
Noel Sheppard
June 4th, 2012 11:58 PM

New York Times's Frank Bruni Approves of Bloomberg's Big Gulp of Big G

So much for libertine Manhattan. White House reporter turned liberal columnist Frank Bruni supports New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg's overbearing initiative to downsize the sodas New Yorkers will be allowed to purchase in restaurants and movie theaters, in the name of fighting obesity: "Trimming a Fat City." While Michelle Obama focused on carrots, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg brandished a stick…
Clay Waters
June 4th, 2012 9:56 PM

Ed Schultz Lurches From Panic to Incoherence Over Wisconsin Recall

What a difference 48 hours makes in the barren wasteland known as Ed Schultz's mind. Back on May 29, Schultz warned of giant flaming acorns falling from the sky if Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker prevailed in a June 5 recall election against Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, who was defeated by Walker in the 2010 gubernatorial race. (audio clips after page break)
Jack Coleman
June 4th, 2012 7:16 PM