Ed Schultz Lurches From Panic to Incoherence Over Wisconsin Recall

What a difference 48 hours makes in the barren wasteland known as Ed Schultz's mind. Back on May 29, Schultz warned of giant flaming acorns falling from the sky if Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker prevailed in a June 5 recall election against Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, who was defeated by Walker in the 2010 gubernatorial race. (audio clips after page break)
Jack Coleman
June 4th, 2012 7:16 PM

Former ‘Sex and the City’ Star Sarah Jessica Parker Boosts Obama i

Actress Sarah Jessica Parker, famous for her role as a helpless know-it-all writer, has decided to throw her support behind President Obama in a new ad aimed at attracting donors to his reelection campaign. In the ad, which debuted during MTV’s annual Movie Awards, Parker clearly patronizes to her intended audience by referring to Obama as “that guy” as she invites them to eat dinner with…
Matthew Sheffield
June 4th, 2012 6:58 PM

Rasmussen Column: Team Obama Finds Romney Hard Target to Hit

The Obama campaign's early attempts to attack Mitt Romney's record at Bain Capital or present him as too extreme to be president have not worked out all that well so far. The early stumbles have created a flurry of commentaries wondering what's wrong with the team that performed so flawlessly in Election 2008. The answer may have nothing to do with the Obama campaign and have everything to do…
Scott Rasmussen
June 4th, 2012 5:13 PM

CBS: Walker Might Become Anti-Union 'Poster Child' If He Wins Recall

On Sunday's CBS Evening News, John Dickerson candidly admitted that a failed recall attempt of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker "would be a big blow" to the unions, and that it "would be a sign to any Republican contemplating similar action to limit unions that you could survive, and Walker will become the poster child and hero of that effort." Poster child? Dickerson predicted that there "would…
Matthew Balan
June 4th, 2012 5:12 PM

Charlie Daniels Column: Obama Should Look to the States

The toll that government has taken on industry in this country is nothing less than insane. The unwieldy and unnecessary regulations, the threats of exorbitant taxes and - most of all - the uncertainty of what else this out of control administration will impose, should it be reelected, has chased industry out of the nation and put on hold the hiring, construction, replacement orders and…
Charlie Daniels
June 4th, 2012 5:11 PM

NBC's Gregory Claims Romney Must 'Distance' Himself From GOP 'In Troub

As Republican strategist Alex Castellanos described the split in the Democratic Party over Mitt Romney's record at Bain Capital on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, host David Gregory defensively attempted to focus on Romney's difficulties: "...here's the problem for Governor Romney. He does have to create distance from a Republican Party that is in trouble." Gregory failed to give much evidence…
Kyle Drennen
June 4th, 2012 4:59 PM

MSNBC's Roberts Attacks Florida Noncitizen Voter 'Purge' in Error-lade

It's the Monday after a woefully disappointing unemployment/jobs report and the day before the Wisconsin recall looks likely to blow up in Democrats' face. You're MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts. How do you rally the Democratic base? It's as simple to turning to an old network standby: blasting those dastardly Republicans for "voter suppression" efforts. On two programs today -- Roberts's 11 a.m…
Ken Shepherd
June 4th, 2012 4:41 PM

The 2012 MTV Movie Awards: ‘I’m Barack Obama and I Approve this Se

Did you happen to see a shirtless man masturbating an ax in front of thousands of people June 2? If so, you probably also saw President Obama’s first campaign ad of the season. Both were featured during the 2012 MTV Movie Awards. Once again, the MTV Movie Awards strewn with crass sex jokes and innuendo. Host Russell Brand began the program talking about having an orgasm to Justin Bieber, his…
Taylor Hughes
June 4th, 2012 4:33 PM

After Three Years, It's Still Not His Fault: NYT's Calmes, Krugman Lam

Pity President Obama, it's not his fault; after over three years in office, he is still helpless as a newborn when it comes to changing the economy for the better. Sympathetic New York Times White House reporter Jackie Calmes teamed with Nicholas Kulish for Sunday's "Weak Economy Points To Obama’s Constraints." The bleak jobs report on Friday predictably had heads snapping toward the White…
Clay Waters
June 4th, 2012 4:03 PM

Malkin Column: It's Time for Beltway Barnacle Orrin Hatch to Go

Six-term entrenched incumbent Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, is attacking his conservative challenger, Dan Liljenquist, over his alleged support for tax hikes in Washington. My sides ache. Liljenquist has never voted for federal tax hikes or massive entitlement spending or multibillion-dollar bailouts or serial debt-limit increases in Washington because he has never served in Washington. Never.…
Michelle Malkin
June 4th, 2012 3:09 PM

Not Biased? CNN Has Obama Donor Bill Maher Guest Host for Piers Morgan

The next time CNN denies having any liberal bias, it will have to explain having liberal Obama donor Bill Maher guest-hosting on Friday night during prime-time. Not only is Maher an avowed Obama-supporter, but he has made headlines spewing vitriol against conservative women – and still CNN has made him a welcome guest on multiple occasions. On Friday's Piers Morgan Tonight, Maher hosted "…
Matt Hadro
June 4th, 2012 2:50 PM

Chuck Norris Column: President Bill Clinton vs. Gov. Scott Walker and

Wisconsin Democrats, Washington elite and insiders, and liberal special interests have joined together to fight for the recall of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in Tuesday's election. But this past Friday, when I saw them also send in the big gun — former President Bill Clinton himself — against Gov. Walker, I knew I had to enter the ring, too. The Los Angeles Times reported last Thursday: "…
Chuck Norris
June 4th, 2012 2:49 PM

Planned Parenthood CEO Gets Pushback on MSNBC

On May 30 Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe to tout her group's launch that day of an anti-Romney ad campaign. This was the day after Live Action released its first investigative video of a new series, which exposed Planned Parenthood as a facilitator of sex-selection abortion. The Live Action videos were not mentioned during the Morning Joe segment, so…
Jill Stanek
June 4th, 2012 1:30 PM

CNN 'Conservative' David Frum Hails Bloomberg's 'Visionary' Soda-Pop R

It’s amazing that CNN put out a press release last October touting “Democratic strategist Maria Cardona and conservative columnist David Frum have joined the network for the 2012 election season.” (Italics mine.) David Frum is not a conservative. Look no further than his latest CNN opinion piece, “Bloomberg’s Visionary Plan Against Obesity.” “Some object that the mayor's proposal to…
Tim Graham
June 4th, 2012 1:13 PM