Teen Vogue: Biden Didn’t Win Landslide ‘Because the U.S. Is Racist’

We know the supposed adults on the left are freaking out, but it would appear the radical youth of America are not dealing with the aftermath of the election much better.

Alexa Moutevelis
November 5th, 2020 8:45 AM

CNN Loses It Over ‘Armed’ AZ Trump Crowd ‘Chilling’ Our ‘Democracy’

With MSNBC having already expressed concern Wednesday night about a peaceful gathering of Trump supporters outside Arizona’s Maricopa County Elections Department, CNN hit the panic button just after midnight Eastern Thursday in saying the building would be closing based on the “armed,” YMCA-dancing crowd “chilling a democracy” and causing “a lot of security concerns.”

Curtis Houck
November 5th, 2020 3:11 AM

Ben Shapiro Column: The Woke Lose

On Tuesday night, the American people spoke. They spoke with millions upon millions of voices to produce the greatest presidential election voter turnout in over a century. And they sent a variety of messages, most of them quite positive. Voters rejected the prevailing narratives of a media determined to make the election a pure referendum on Donald Trump's character. 

Ben Shapiro
November 5th, 2020 2:09 AM

Blacks of Yesteryear and Today

I was a teenager, growing up in the Richard Allen housing project of North Philadelphia, when Emmett Till was lynched in Money, Mississippi, on Aug. 28, 1955, and his brutalized, unrecognizable body later recovered from the Tallahatchie River. From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States. Roughly 73%, or 3,446, were black people, and 27%, or 1,297, were white people. Many…

Walter E. Williams
November 5th, 2020 1:37 AM

WATCH: MSNBC Spooked by Peaceful Crowd of Arizona Trump Supporters

Wednesday night on MSNBC, host Rachel Maddow and NBC correspondent Gadi Schwartz provided the latest depiction of how the liberal media viewing Trump supporters like crazed zoo animals. This time, they exhibited concern and trepidation of how a couple hundred of Trumpers had gathered outside the elections department in Maricopa County, Arizona.

Curtis Houck
November 5th, 2020 1:34 AM

'Black-ish' Promotes 'Burn It Down' Sign in BLM Storyline

As if we haven’t been hit over the head enough with the liberal lectures on ABC’s highly racial comedy black-ish, Wednesday’s episode delivered another Black Lives Matter storyline, complete with its usual hateful language towards white people. And despite the show’s main character praising his daughter for having “the right idea” when she made a protest sign that read, “Burn It Down,” the…

Dawn Slusher
November 5th, 2020 12:09 AM

NBC Decries GOP Wins: Proof 'The Country Is More Divided Than Ever'

On Wednesday, NBC Capitol Hill correspondent Kasie Hunt didn’t hide how she and the network were irritated by the fact Republicans looked set to retain control of the Senate, while simultaneously picking up seats in the House. They were results that flew in the face of the liberal media’s prediction that the GOP would lose everything on Election Day. But reality left her flustered on NBC…

Nicholas Fondacaro
November 4th, 2020 11:14 PM

CRAZY TOWN: Lefty Historian Compares Joe Biden to...Abraham Lincoln?!

Early Wednesday night, CNN was measuring the White House drapes as they would return to power with Democrat Joe Biden poised to prevail in the election over President Trump, so it wasn’t all that surprising when presidential historian and LBJ aide Doris Kearns Goodwin went as far as comparing Joe Biden to Abraham Lincoln being reelected in 1864.

Curtis Houck
November 4th, 2020 11:12 PM

CNN Host Blames Everyone But Own Network for Botching Election

While (at the time of writing) the Presidential election is still too close to call, once thing is clear: CNN and the rest of the leftist-aligned network got the election wrong. On Wednesday afternoon’s Election Day coverage, host Erin Burnett questioned how they got the election wrong: “Democrats have expected this blue wave. They talked about it in the polls, in the Senate. They didn't have…

Joseph Norris
November 4th, 2020 9:30 PM

Wrong 'AGAIN!' NBC Blasts Flaky Pollsters Heading for 'Reckoning'

NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt said it best Wednesday evening when leading to a report about how wrong the polls were in the run-up to the election. “Now, whatever the outcome, one of the important takeaways from this election, the polling was once again off, underestimating the strength of Donald Trump,” he told viewers.

Nicholas Fondacaro
November 4th, 2020 9:00 PM

NEW NewsBusters Podcast: The Media 'Underperformed Expectations'

On the first post-election edition of the NewsBusters Podcast, executive editor Tim Graham has a strong point to make: to use their language, the media "underperformed expectations." They have hammered Trump and the Republicans who dared to support him for four years, and they expected some kind of 40-state wipeout, and they ended up with a squeaker. 

NB Staff
November 4th, 2020 8:57 PM

Hollywood Actors: Trump Is a Nazi, His Voters Support Nazis

More leftist celebrities still can’t understand why millions of Americans would vote for President Donald Trump instead of a candidate with deteriorating mental faculties.

Sergie Daez
November 4th, 2020 6:27 PM

Twitter Censors Multiple Trump Posts as Election Is Still Underway

President Donald Trump has once again been shafted by Big Tech tyrants for expressing genuine concern that the election may be getting rigged against him.

Alexander Hall
November 4th, 2020 4:51 PM

CNBC Cuts Buttigieg Donor Off When He Says Nation Repudiated Far Left

It’s not often when you see a Democratic presidential donor actually concede on live television that America really doesn’t want anything to do with leftist politics.

Joseph Vazquez
November 4th, 2020 4:49 PM