CNN's Chalian: Lights Display Is Like 'Biden's Arms Embracing America'

CNN's highly partisan political director,  David Chalian, went into full swoon over with an over the top tongue bath of Joe Biden on Tuesday. His gushing was so ridiculously absurd that it has become the subject of much mockery.


P.J. Gladnick
January 20th, 2021 5:42 PM

Rep. Stefanik Brings NY Paper to Heel Over ‘Sexist’ Smear

One New York publication has reached new lows with its political commentary in recent days, going so far as to mock a female Republican congresswoman for her lack of children. Though that one congresswoman is not taking those insults lying down.

Gabriel Hays
January 20th, 2021 5:33 PM

Teigen NEEDS More Twitter Followers...13.5 Mil Ain’t Enough

Chrissy Teigen acts mean-spirited, foul-mouthed, and self-obsessed. But she still wonders why Trump blocked her on Twitter?


Tierin-Rose Mandelburg
January 20th, 2021 4:43 PM
Chuck Todd

Chuck Todd Hails Biden as ‘Better Angel President,’ ‘Never Cynical’

Less than an hour after Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States, NBC political director and liberal hack Chuck Todd hit the ground running with preening propaganda for the Democratic politician. Abandoning even the appearance of being a journalist, Todd hailed Biden as a “better angel president” who is “never cynical.”

Kyle Drennen
January 20th, 2021 3:49 PM

BIDENGASM: MSNBC Gets Weak Knees Over Biden’s Inauguration

It was a day for the ages in the lives of the liberal media. With Wednesday’s inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, one could have been mistaken if liberal journalists deemed January 20, 2021 the greatest day of the lives, topping anything they’ve ever experienced. Over on MSNBC, they completed their transformation from a network of hate for the President to one…

Curtis Houck
January 20th, 2021 3:29 PM

VIDEO: TV News Sees Sunshine and Rainbows Throughout Inauguration

It’s not as though anyone actually expected TV newsrooms across America to cover today’s inauguration objectively. But boy, did they lay it on thick.

Bill D'Agostino
January 20th, 2021 3:18 PM

NY Times Declares Pompeo ‘Worst Secretary of State' Ever!

New York Times reporter Lara Jakes kicked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo out the door in her Tuesday story, “As Pompeo Exits State Dept., His Turbulent Tenure Leaves Dubious Legacy for the U.S.” It’s noteworthy for being absolutely crammed with the number of links it contains, suggesting a hit piece lovingly curated over a long period: "Spurned by many foreign allies, ridiculed by …

Clay Waters
January 20th, 2021 3:05 PM

Embarrassing ABC: Biden's Like Abe Lincoln, Our 'Papa-in-Chief!'

ABC News continued their embarrassing, but predictable, fawning over the newly inaugurated Democrat President Joe Biden as his inaugural address concluded early this afternoon. Each ABC journalist and commentator did their best, with the assistance of chief anchor George Stephanopoulos to make sure to hammer home how iconic and transformative Biden’s words were for the country, even comparing…

Kristine Marsh
January 20th, 2021 2:23 PM

Everything Is Great! CBS: ‘Priest’ Biden Speech Like 'From the Bible'

Well, that was quick. The Joe Biden-era gush officially began as soon as the Democrat became President. On Wednesday, CBS journalists enthused that the inaugural address was something like a “priest would give, “something from the Bible.” Another journalist on the network fretted that the very liberal Biden in fact, may be too moderate. 

Scott Whitlock
January 20th, 2021 2:21 PM

Trump WARNS Against Big Tech Tyranny, Censorship in Farewell Address

Former President Donald Trump gave a final speech where he warned against censorship from Big Tech and reassured his supporters that his movement is "only just beginning."

Alexander Hall
January 20th, 2021 1:56 PM
Al Roker and Joe Biden

NBC’s Roker Hopes to Repeat Embarrassing Inaugural Swooning Over Biden

On NBC’s Today show Wednesday morning, just hours before Joe Biden’s inauguration, weatherman Al Roker hoped to be able repeat an embarrassing display during the 2013 inauguration when he yelled at then-Vice President Biden like an adoring groupie during the inaugural parade. That moment sparked a long-running “bromance” between Roker and Biden that clearly continues to this day.…

Kyle Drennen
January 20th, 2021 12:35 PM
Dan Campbell

NFL Writer Eats Crow After Exposing Coach’s Social Media History

An old Swedish proverb says, “Sweep first before your own door, before you sweep the doorsteps of your neighbors.” One NFL reporter with egg on his face today would have done well to heed this simple but sound advice.

Jay Maxson
January 20th, 2021 12:23 PM

Hollywood Reporter: Hollywood Needs More Progressive Propaganda

Is it possible to overplay a royal flush? It looks like the left is going to give it a try.  For example, Hollywood couldn’t be any more progressive or any more willing to regurgitate progressive propaganda. But some lefties want more.


Tierin-Rose Mandelburg
January 20th, 2021 12:14 PM

ABC's Inauguration Day Hate: Slamming 'Anarchist President' Trump

ABC News split their time this morning between fawning over Joe Biden as the healer of our country and bashing outgoing President Trump as the divider-in-chief who stole America’s unity.

Kristine Marsh
January 20th, 2021 11:22 AM