ABC Huffs Biden’s Drop Out Will ‘Be Used By Republicans’ Against Dems

President Biden was finally cogent enough to read the writing on the all on Sunday and announced via X that he was going to “stand down” from his bid for reelection. But will over 14 million Democratic Party primary votes already cast in his favor, and more than enough delegates to be named the nominee, what about democracy? Well, during ABC’s Special Report covering the breaking news, chief…

Nicholas Fondacaro
July 21st, 2024 4:02 PM

UNHINGED: Four Years of Joy Reid’s Vicious Prime Time LUNACY

For four years, Joy Reid has been the most insanely inflammatory hosts on a network chock full of inflammatory hosts. Culling through her quotes, there’s no shortage of extremist and hateful rhetoric, much of which is complete nonsense.

Rich Noyes
July 21st, 2024 10:41 AM

The Media And a Biden Replacement

So for all the constant backstage whispers on a Biden withdrawal - “Yes he will! No he won’t!- the unasked question is: if Biden drops out, who will the left-leaning media endorse?

Jeffrey Lord
July 20th, 2024 4:00 PM

Maher Pans 'Dangerous' Belief That God Saved Trump

As welcome as HBO’s Bill Maher’s revelation that the left has lost their mind on transgender ideology has been, he remains a stubborn liberal atheist who is determined to attack religious Americans. On Friday’s edition of Real Time, he ridiculed the idea that God saved Donald Trump from assassination as not only stupid but also “dangerous.”

Alex Christy
July 20th, 2024 2:00 PM

‘Sound of Hope’ Dustup Proves Matthew McConaughey Right

Hollywood liberals like George Clooney can pen political op-eds to their heart’s content.

Christian Toto
July 20th, 2024 1:30 PM

PBS: Trump Is 'Uglier And Darker' Than 2016 On Immigration

PolitiFact may have teamed up with PBS for the remainder of the 2024 election cycle, but perhaps they should be checking PBS News Hour instead because on Friday, host Amna Nawaz falsely claimed Donald Trump was using “more dangerous, kind of, vicious language” in targeting “black and brown immigrants” than he was in 2016.

Alex Christy
July 20th, 2024 11:32 AM

'Just Google It': Rep. Waltz Shreds CNN's Fact-Check Of His RNC Speech

Florida Rep. Mike Waltz joined CNN News Central host Boris Sanchez on Thursday to recap his speech to the Republican National Convention and gave Sanchez more than he bargained for as he ripped apart Sanchez's fact-checking colleague Daniel Dale’s from the previous night.

Alex Christy
July 20th, 2024 10:07 AM

Washington Post Under Fire for ‘Scolding the Parents of a Hostage’

The Washington Post came under fire for an insensitive treatment of Ronen and Orna Neutra, the parents of an American hostage in Gaza who spoke at the Republican convention. It's bad enough that the Post's headline described Omer as "missing," not held hostage. But they came under fire for a tweet scolding the parents that they later deleted and admitted was "unacceptable."

Tim Graham
July 20th, 2024 6:37 AM
Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough Katty Kay MSNBC Morning Joe 7-17-23

Vexed By Her Endorsement Of Trump, Morning Joe Attacked Nikki Haley

It's a sign of how well things are going for Donald Trump that instead of going after the man they most love to hate, Wedneday's Morning Joe spent most of the opening segment attacking the woman who endorsed him last night: Nikki Haley. The show opened with a clip of Stephen Colbert imagining Haley saying that she hates herself for endorsing Trump.  

Mark Finkelstein
July 20th, 2024 6:34 AM

NB Podcast: GOP Convention News Oddly Calm Next to Democrats In Crisis

The party’s over in Milwaukee, but the Democrat crisis is ongoing.  This was a pretty unusual Republican convention, at least in the way it was mediated. The shooting of Donald Trump muted the media to some degree, and the convention itself had a serious message discipline.

Tim Graham
July 19th, 2024 10:20 PM

NPR Bashes RNC: 'Violent Rhetoric, Attacks on Undocumented Immigrants'

National Public Radio’s Up First newsletter highlights top stories from the taxpayer-supported radio network. Wednesday’s newsletter, centered around Night Two of the Republican National Convention and its themes of crime and illegal immigration, smeared and fact-checked Tuesday night’s speakers, while using the soft, politically pleasing phrase “undocumented immigrants” to describe…

Clay Waters
July 19th, 2024 9:59 PM

MSNBC’s Sanders Was ‘Sickened’ by Tribute to Corey Comperatore Jacket

Early Friday, the MSNBC hosts of The Weekend disrespected the was firefighter Corey Comperatore who lost his life in a shooting at Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania. Democrat Symone Sanders described that the tribute to Comperatore at the RNC was a “prop” that “sickened” her.

Sarah Butler
July 19th, 2024 9:08 PM

Brutal: CBS’s Dokoupil Delivers Reality Check to Biden Official

As much as the Biden campaign team may try to ignore it, the polls aren’t looking good and even the liberal media know it. This was illustrated on Friday’s CBS mornings as Principal Deputy Campaign Manager, Quentin Fulks didn’t budge as co-host Tony Dokoupil brutally but calmly dished out the numbers.

Mary Clare Waldron
July 19th, 2024 7:47 PM

The Immaculate Protection From the Shot That Reelected Trump

Call it the Immaculate Protection. The would-be assassin’s bullet came within a sliver of an inch of killing former President Donald Trump. The shooter, for reasons still under investigation, managed to climb on the rooftop of a nearby building for a clear, unobstructed view as Trump stood on stage. Experts compared the odds of the shooter hitting the target to that of a golfer nailing a chip…

Larry Elder
July 19th, 2024 5:54 PM