Willie Geist

Morning Joe Crew Decries Blago Convictions: A 'Miscarriage of Justice
June 28th, 2011 4:03 PM
The following post was based on a misunderstanding of the conversation described. Please see our retraction here.
Tuesday's Morning Joe treated the conviction of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich as a relatively minor affair, and gave it little to no coverage save a brief discussion about the supposed injustice of the process. "It's any other day and that's any other news story," said…

MSNBC Gushes Over Jessica Alba: 'Our Children Are the Experiments' of
May 25th, 2011 3:01 PM
Jessica Alba received an overwhelmingly positive reception on "Morning Joe" today while lobbying for legislation that would give the EPA broad-sweeping powers to regulate chemicals in consumer products.
Despite her cheerful demeanor, the Hollywood starlet made a spate of damning claims against the chemical industry that she failed to substantiate, while the MSNBC panel nodded in approval.

ABC Spins Soaring Gas Prices as a Weapon to Bash the GOP, Ignores Pote
April 22nd, 2011 12:33 PM
While the morning show hosts on NBC and CBS showcased the looming political threat of high gas prices for Barack Obama, ABC, Friday, simply repeated White House talking points and explained how the President will try and blame Republicans.
Reporter Bianna Golodryga noted that Obama "wasted no time" in going after the GOP. She parroted, "During his speech in Reno, President Obama argued that…

Donny Deutsch: Glenn Beck A 'Despicable Putz
April 7th, 2011 9:07 AM
On Morning Joe today, ad man Donny Deutsch called Glenn Beck a "despicable putz." For good measure, Deutsch also described Beck as "a disgusting human being."
Deutsch was reacting to a clip of Beck from yesterday confirming that he was indeed leaving his Fox News show.
Deutsch was clearly proud of his epithet, regretting that Pat Buchanan didn't respond to it in his subsequent comments…

NBC's Maceda: After Obama Speech, Gaddafi Likely 'Feeling A Lot Better
March 29th, 2011 8:32 AM
Many here at home may have criticized President Obama's speech last night on Libya. But abroad, there was at least one man who dug PBO's remarks: Muammar Gaddafi . . .
That was the educated estimation of NBC's Jim Maceda, reporting from Libya on Morning Joe today. It was PBO's failure to call for regime change that would have buoyed Gaddafi, says Maceda. He reported that regime officials…

Alter: Obama 'A Reluctant Warrior,' Not Cowboy Like Bush
March 21st, 2011 10:55 AM
Of all the Obama sycophants in the press, could the president possibly have a more abject apologist than Jonathan Alter?
The MNSBC analyst gave a groveling demonstration of his devotion in an interview with Willie Geist, guest-hosting on The Daily Rundown this morning. Beyond the predictable swipes at W, notable was the essential incoherence of Alter's defense of PBO's foreign policy. At…

Morning Joe Lavishes Love On Kathleen Parker, Dumps On CNN
March 8th, 2011 7:59 AM
All you need to know about why people on the right were dissatisfied with Kathleen Parker as the supposedly conservative counterweight to Eliot Spitzer on the pair's recently-canned CNN show was crystallized on Morning Joe today. The panel unleashed an absolute gush-a-thon over Parker, Mika Brzezinski declaring her "one of my favorite people" and Willie Geist describing her as "a great writer…

Scarborough On Tax Deal: 'George Bush Has Won
December 13th, 2010 8:58 AM
Somewhere, George Bush is laughing . . .
That was the image in Joe Scarborough's mind this morning. The Morning Joe host repeatedly made the point that whereas Dems continue to control the White House and massive congressional majorities, they now are looking at the Bush tax cuts, which for years they vilified, as their last best hope.
When it comes to Republican and Dem support for…

Sneering MSNBC Slams GOP Candidates as 'American Freak Show
October 18th, 2010 12:42 PM
Sometimes the bias is extremely clear: A MSNBC graphic on Monday mocked GOP senatorial candidates with the headline, "American Freakshow [sic] Angle, Paul, O'Donnell: New Faces in Politics." American Freak Show is also the title of guest Willie Geist's new book on politics, but all the apparent "freaks" discussed in the piece were Republicans.
Geist complained to Jansing and Co. host Chris…
Today Show to Unemployed: Maybe You Should 'Get Used' to This 'New Nor
October 8th, 2010 2:57 PM
NBC's Willie Geist, substitute hosting for Matt Lauer on Friday's Today show, invited on CNBC's Maria Bartiromo to talk about the new jobs report and the two had a startling message for those in its audience who may be unemployed right now - just get "used to it." Geist, citing the liberal economist Joseph Stiglitz, asked the CNBC anchor if "higher unemployment may just be the new normal in this…
MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' Skips Any Talk to Guests About James Lee; Al Gor
September 2nd, 2010 2:18 PM
MSNBC’s Morning Joe seemed to be trying very hard to avoid the Discovery Channel hostage incident on Thursday morning -- even though NBC had the exclusive of speaking with hostage-taker James Jay Lee before he was shot. With Willie Geist and Chris Jansing guest-hosting the show, they talked a lot about Middle East peace negotiations, and Hurricane Earl, and sinking Democratic midterm prospects,…
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough Believes 'Certain Networks' Would Have Trashed
August 26th, 2010 7:03 PM
Once again, the co-host of MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Joe Scarborough hinted that "certain networks," (ahem, MSNBC) hold quite the double standard between Democrats and Republicans. When the subject matter was President Obama's snub of an Iraq War question during his vacation at Martha's Vineyard – he remarked "We're buying shrimp, guys" – Scarborough pointed out that network coverage of Bush would…
Geist: Showing Plane Flying Into WTC 'Always In Bad Taste
August 10th, 2010 7:49 AM
More in sorrow than in anger, I'm about to record a personal blogging first: airing a gripe about Willie Geist. When writing of the Morning Joe sidekick, my habit is to append adjectives such as "affable." Willie is indeed a likable guy, patently comfortable in his own skin. And while I don't suspect him of being a closet conservative, neither is he anything of a raging liberal, typically…
Ed Rendell: President Shouldn't Go On 'The View'; Shouldn't Go On 'Spr
July 28th, 2010 11:42 AM
Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell on Tuesday came down on President Obama for going on ABC's "The View."As NewsBusters previously reported, Obama on Thursday will become the first sitting president to appear on this daytime ladies talk show."I think there's got to be a little bit of dignity to the Presidency," Rendell told the crew at MSNBC's "Morning Joe." After some protests from host Mika…