Howard Kurtz Rips Ann Coulter for Being Bleeped by MSNBC, Defends New

December 4th, 2011 3:00 PM
CNN's Howard Kurtz on Sunday seemed to be oblivious to his own sense of irony. Seconds after the Reliable Sources host ridiculed conservative author Ann Coulter for being bleeped by MSNBC while on Morning Joe last week, he actually praised a poorly received promotional ad for the very show she was on (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Joe Scarborough Talks to NewsBusters About Being MSNBC's Lone Conserva

November 18th, 2011 2:48 AM
As the lone conservative host on the nation's most liberal news network, Joe Scarborough is used to taking heat from folks on both sides of the political aisle. Despite NewsBusters at times being one of his program's critics, the host of MSNBC's Morning Joe spent over an hour with us on the phone Thursday discussing his show, how the media have been covering recent events like the Republican…

Politico's Mike Allen: 'Very Possible' Dems Will Win Back House Majori

November 15th, 2011 7:21 AM
"Memories, light the corners of my mind. Misty watercolor memories of the way we were." -- Barbra Streisand, The Way We Were Sober political analysis, or merely an MSMer pining for the good old days of Speaker Pelosi? On Morning Joe today, touting a Politico Pelosi puff piece about her "golden touch," Mike Allen claimed it was "very possible" that Democrats would retake the House majority in…

Joe Scarborough on Herman Cain Being Frontrunner: 'Blech,' 'Yuck,' 'Je

November 4th, 2011 10:23 AM
The unrelenting attacks on Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain continued unabated Friday on MSNBC's Morning Joe. When Mika Brzezinski addressed the ongoing scandal and Cain's frontrunner status, Joe Scarborough repeatedly said, "Blech," "Yuck" and "Jeez" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Politico's Martin Dodges Question On Cain Details

October 31st, 2011 8:19 AM
Herman Cain has been taking heat for his response to questions about Politico's story on alleged sexual harassment.  But today on Morning Joe, it was Politico's own Jonathan Martin, lead author of the story, who was being evasive about the details of the allegations against Cain. Incredibly, when Willie Geist asked him to describe specifically what Politico is accusing Cain of having done,…

Even Mother Jones Confirms Police Provoked by Occupy Oakland Demonstra

October 29th, 2011 9:12 AM
As reported on Thursday by Newsbusters' Mark Finkelstein, Joe Scarborough and some members of his MSNBC Morning Joe crew shot their mouths off about what Mike Barnicle described as a  "police riot" at the Occupy Oakland protests before waiting for all the facts. And now it appears that the Morning Joe folks have shot themselves in the foot as well since reports from the scene show that it was…

'Morning Joe' Approach To Oakland 'Occupy': Condemn Police First, Get

October 27th, 2011 7:25 AM
Today, some members of the Morning Joe panel piously preached the importance of not jumping to conclusions regarding the clash between "Occupy" demonstrators and police in Oakland, California that left one man seriously injured. But that didn't prevent Mike Barnicle from describing the event as a "police riot" or Joe Scarborough from speaking of police "brutality." H/t NB reader Ray R.…

Morning Joe: If Cain Were a Democrat Media Would Be 'Swooning Over' Hi

October 19th, 2011 10:21 AM
While their colleagues at MSNBC spend hours of airtime mercilessly bashing Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, the folks on Morning Joe took a different position Wednesday. Much to the surprise of this author, Joe Scarborough and Willie Geist claimed that if Cain were a Democrat, the media would be "swooning over" him just like they did Barack Obama (video follows with transcript…

Solyndra Defense Reveals Obama's Socialist Mindset: If Government Does

October 4th, 2011 8:49 AM
Barely a week ago, we noted that the Morning Joe crew was blowing off the Solyndra scandal.  "There's no there, there," they sniffed.  But facts are pesky things.  A devastating email, which Mika Brzezinski read on the air today, has turned up, indicating that top Obama aide Valerie Jarrett was warned about Solyndra's possibly impending bankruptcy before PBO made his photo-op visit to the…

Scarborough Scolds Brzezinski: 'She Didn't Cross-examine Ron [Suskind

September 20th, 2011 7:23 PM
Mika Brzezinski gave quite a cold shoulder to author Ron Suskind Tuesday whose new book "Confidence Men" paints an unflattering picture of the Obama White House. Doing her best Clarence Darrow, Brzezinski grilled her "Morning Joe" guest leading Joe Scarborough to smartly observe, "She didn't cross-examine Ron when he wrote books about Bush like this" (video follows with transcript and…

On Libya, Dean Aims At Romney, Shoots Self In Foot

August 23rd, 2011 7:59 AM
It's enough to make you scream . . . On Morning Joe today, Howard Dean rapped Mitt Romney for calling on the Libyan rebels to turn Gaddafi over to the US for trial.  According to Dean, Romney's suggestion made "no sense" and exposed his lack of foreign policy experience. There was just one little problem with Howie's hypothesis.   Romney never called for the rebels to turn Gaddafi over to…

Barnicle Blathers: 'What Percentage Of GOP Convention Delegates Are To

August 22nd, 2011 8:25 AM
Want incisive news analysis and perspicacious probing of the people and events of the day? Then Mike Barnicle is your man—not. On today's Morning Joe, reacting to Jon Huntsman's criticism of Republicans who reputedly reject science, the former Boston Globe columnist inanely asked former RNC Chairman Michael Steele: "what percentage of Republican delegates who go to the convention do you…

Hypocrite Scarborough Laments Media Comparing Tea Party to 'Terrorists

August 2nd, 2011 2:56 PM
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough on Tuesday mourned the "absolutely dreadful" behavior of journalists and politicians who have compared Tea Party Republicans to "terrorists," among other things. But as NewsBusters previously reported, the "Morning Joe" co-host repeatedly ignored such transgressions when they occurred on his own show. [Video follows page break]

Morning Joe Crew Decries Blago Convictions: A 'Miscarriage of Justice

June 28th, 2011 4:03 PM
The following post was based on a misunderstanding of the conversation described. Please see our retraction here. Tuesday's Morning Joe treated the conviction of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich as a relatively minor affair, and gave it little to no coverage save a brief discussion about the supposed injustice of the process. "It's any other day and that's any other news story," said…