Ted Koppel

Recalling Media Hostility for Bill Buckley & Conservative Movement
For decades, the liberal media establishment showed open hostility toward conservative powerhouse William F. Buckley, as well as for the broader conservative movement he helped launch.

CBS’s Koppel Warns of Consequences of Another Trump Loss
On CBS News Sunday Morning, Ted Koppel visited the Civil War battlefield of Gettysburg and urged Trump critics to “consider the consequences of another Trump defeat” rather than only fearing his win. He compared the celebrations following Fort Sumter being surrendered to Trump rallies and not-so subtly suggested another civil war was on the horizon.

The Media and The Hostages: In 1979 and Today
It was November 4, 1979. The President of the United States was Democrat Jimmy Carter. Carter was seen by many on the GOP side as a weak president, which was part of the reason Republican Ronald Reagan was making another try for the GOP nomination to face off with Carter in the soon-to-arrive 1980 presidential election.

Column: CBS Hates Talk Radio -- And Its Fans
Liberals like to think that conservatives are very closed-minded and can’t handle listening to an opposing opinion. But whenever "mainstream" journalists start discussing talk radio and how it’s “bad for America,” you can surmise that they often can’t handle the other side.

Koppel on Danger of Cancel Culture: 'Weapon' for 'Political Warfare'
While many in the liberal media would either deny the existence of cancel culture or preach its perverse virtue, famous journalist Ted Koppel submitted a fairly balanced piece for CBS Sunday Morning that called out how many used cancel culture as a “social weapon” against their enemies in “political warfare.” In doing so, he discussed why it was used as a tool for many and why it was…
Down the Rabbit Hole: CBS Claims Trump Wants to ‘Suspend’ Constitution
CBS senior contributor Ted Koppel joined Alice down the rabbit hole during Sunday Morning as he spent his over 10-minute segment spinning a crackpot conspiracy theory which claimed President Trump was getting ready to activate so-called “Presidential Emergency Action Documents” or PEADs. The activation of these secret documents, according to Koppel and his cast of lefty loons, would…

Dark Conspiracy Theories on PBS: Violent Trump Voters? Nazi America?
A Tribute to My Mentors

Couric: Trump's 'Behavior' Has Warranted 'Greater Scrutiny' by Media

Hey, Ted Koppel: The NY Times Was Biased 50 Years Ago Too

Ted Koppel: Trump's 'Not Mistaken' That Liberal Media 'Out to Get Him'

Cray, Cray: Maher, Matthews Go Off, Wonder If Trump Will Leave WH

Koppel UNLOADS: CNN’s Ratings ‘Would Be in the Toilet’ Without Trump