Ted Koppel

More Mockery from Sacha Baron Cohen: Cheney Gets 'Dick Pic' Jokes
July 23rd, 2018 12:34 AM
If there was ever any doubt about the intentions of Sacha Baron Cohen’s Who is America?, Sunday night’s episode settles it. Three out of the four segments in tonight’s episode of the Showtime series mocked conservatives while none mocked liberals.

CNN’s Jake Tapper: Media Much More Supportive of Obama Than Trump
August 15th, 2017 6:34 PM
Most people in today’s “mainstream media” almost never admit they have a liberal bias when covering the news, but Jake Tapper -- host of The Lead, a weekday program on the Cable News Network -- did just that during an interview with Andy Greene of the Rolling Stone magazine that was posted on Tuesday, August 15.

Hannity, Me and the Media’s Liberal Mania
April 15th, 2017 3:03 PM
Before this story recedes into the distant past of more than a couple weeks, let’s take one more look at that encounter on CBS between Fox’s Sean Hannity and Ted Koppel. And oh yes, my own version of the liberal mania coming at me, as William F. Buckley described it, with “lance cocked.”

NYT's Stacked Deck of Snark: Liam Stack Attacks 'Angry' Hannity
March 31st, 2017 11:19 AM
New York Times reporter Liam Stack sticks out among even the liberal journalists at the paper for his anti-Trump Twitter feed, which was called out by the paper’s own Public Editor. Snark and sarcasm permeated every paragraph of his take on the Sean Hannity and Ted Koppel dust-up, in which the veteran liberal journalist and CBS Sunday Morning contributor suggested that conservative opinion shows…

Liberal Ted Koppel Smears Sean Hannity as ‘Bad for America’
March 27th, 2017 1:10 PM
With no sense of irony, longtime liberal journalist Ted Koppel on Sunday embraced the idea that it’s Sean Hannity and conservatives in the media who are “bad for America.” The CBS Sunday Morning senior contributor investigated why “we Americans occupy alternate universes” when it comes to facts and our media choices. Unsurprisingly, the partisan journalist mostly blamed this on the right and didn…

Major Media Need a Long, Hard Look in the Mirror
February 11th, 2017 11:00 PM
Since Donald Trump's election, major media have been trying to figure out what it did wrong, given its fawning coverage of Hillary Clinton and anti-Trump stories. Didn't it help twice elect Barack Obama? Why didn't the formula work this time?
Mostly the media blames voters, talk radio and Fox News, never itself. One might say it is in denial, a condition with a medical definition.
Koppel Downplays ISIS Threat, Claims U.S. Created Al Qaeda ‘Franchise'
December 17th, 2015 3:43 PM
On Wednesday night, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly pressed NBC’s Ted Koppel on the state of the country: “...a new Wall Street Journal poll says just 20% of Americans believe the country is headed in the right direction....do you believe the USA is in bad shape right now, Mr. Koppel? And if so, why?” Koppel dismissed the public’s pessimism and tried to minimize the threat from ISIS terrorists: “I…

Chuck Todd Smears Scalia: ‘I Couldn’t Help But Think of Al Campanis’
December 13th, 2015 2:38 PM
Seemingly unable to tell the difference between a man who affirmatively asserted racist assumptions about the physical abilities of a whole race and a man doing his job by pressing lawyers about a contention in a brief, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd smeared Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia: “I couldn’t help but think of Al Campanis on Nightline.” Ted Koppel, a panelist on Sunday’s show…

Colbert Cheers Ted Koppel: ‘One of the Most Respected Journalists'
November 24th, 2015 11:00 AM
On Monday's Late Show, liberal comedian Stephen Colbert heaped praise on liberal journalist Ted Koppel, who hosted ABC’s Nightline for 29 years, and called him “one of the most respected journalists of our time.” Colbert provided a fawning introduction of Koppel and touted how he “won eight Peabody awards, 11 Overseas Press Club awards 42 Emmys, you’ve been managing editor of the Discovery…

Trevor Noah Swoons Over Liberal ABC Journalist Ted Koppel
November 19th, 2015 10:51 AM
On Wednesday night’s Daily Show, host Trevor Noah gushed over veteran liberal ABC reporter Ted Koppel, proclaiming that there isn’t “anybody in the news who can arguably say they have had a more accomplished career than you have had.”

Lights Out: Has Ted Koppel Become a 'Rightwing' Survivalist?
November 3rd, 2015 2:07 PM
Remember when, not so long ago, much of the Mainstream Media was mocking people who stocked up on emergency supplies ("preppers") in case of a catastrophe as a bunch of "rightwing" survivalist kooks wearing tinfoil hats? Well, it now appears that Ted Koppel is wearing a tinfoil hat because he is warning about a possible apocalyptic catastrophe that could knock out the nation's power grid for up…
Ted Koppel: Brian Williams’s ‘Tales’ Are Fine ‘Sitting at a Bar’
October 27th, 2015 3:49 PM
Former Nightline anchor Ted Koppel attempted to explain away disgraced journalist Brian Williams’s lies as “tales” that would be acceptable at a bar. In an interview for the November 2 Time magazine, Koppel spun, “There is a difference unfortunately between the kinds of tales that you can tell while sitting at a bar, entertaining your friends, and what you can say when you’re on the air.”

Ted Koppel: 'Terrorists Achieved More With One Phone Call Than We Achi
August 11th, 2013 1:24 PM
Ted Koppel made a fascinating observation about terrorism and the recent embassy evacuations that certainly won't please President Obama or his supporters in the media.
Appearing on NBC's Meet the Press, Koppel said, "With a conference call, Al Qaeda has effectively shut down 20 U.S. embassies around north Africa and the Middle East...The terrorists have achieved more with one phone call than…

Rerun: Ted Koppel's New Article Trashes Bush for Iraq and 'America's C
August 7th, 2013 7:48 AM
NBC News “special correspondent” Ted Koppel is once again sounding like Jimmy Carter’s former Secretary of State in a Wall Street Journal op-ed. The headline was “America's Chronic Overreaction to Terrorism: The country's capacity for self-inflicted damage must have astounded even Osama bin Laden.”
“Terrorism is designed to produce overreaction,” Koppel proclaimed with his trademark…