Susan Faludi

Column: Feminist Hypocrisy Is a Fact, Not a 'Right-Wing Trap'
May 20th, 2020 6:37 AM
Feminist author Susan Faludi made a lame attempt in The New York Times to help feminists escape from their hypocrisy on believing all female “survivors” of sexual harassment or assault. Somehow, Faludi claimed, this isn’t true. They never said you should believe all women. She claimed this "canard" came from me on NewsBusters, among others.

Sunday NY Times Goes on the Couch With Neurotic Trump Loathing
October 31st, 2016 2:55 PM
The New York Times Sunday Review section featured various neurotic Donald Trump-loathing articles, delving into personal psychological issues while blaming him and Republican men in general for pretty much everything. Besides Susan Faludi seeing anti-feminist hatred in opposition to Hillary Clinton, novelist Kaitlyn Greenidge blamed Trump for making tthe author age rapidly, and writer Peter Orner…

Questions Only the NYT Is Asking: 'Where Is the Next Gloria Steinem
March 20th, 2012 3:49 PM
A tribute to veteran feminist Gloria Steinem by contributor Sarah Hepola that compared her to Martin Luther King Jr. led the New York Times's Sunday Styles section, "A Woman Like No Other." Famous (now infamous) Obama portraitist and hagiographer Shepard Fairey contributed the large likeness of Steinem that dominates the page.
After some background on Steinem pushing the Equal Rights…
NYT v. NYT: 'Splendid Provocation of a Book' vs. 'Book That Gives Fem
October 23rd, 2007 1:38 PM
After dedicating nearly 10,000 words over two months to promoting feminist author Susan Faludi's bizarre screed "The Terror Dream: Fear and Fantasy in Post-9/11 America," the New York Times finally ran into some opposition: its own book reviewer. Clay Waters described the paper's September 27 interview with the author here. It was one of five articles the paper dedicated to the book, which argues…
Couric Lobs 11 Softballs for Feminist Reporter on Blog Interview
October 8th, 2007 3:12 PM
Writing at her "Couric & Co." blog this morning, CBS's Katie Couric gave journalist/feminist polemicist Susan Faludi a platform to flesh out her theory that the mainstream media have harnessed fears of terrorism post-9/11 to socially repress women and resurrect myths of the Old West. Here, for example, is Faludi's response to Couric's question about why Faludi penned her latest book: