Soledad O'Brien

The Liberal Media's Top 10 Worst Anti-Gun Moments of the Year
September 18th, 2013 2:27 PM
In the immediate aftermath of the Navy Yard shooting the liberal media reflexively began their push for more gun control. NBC’s Matt Lauer, on Tuesday’s Today show pressed an outspoken chief medical officer that treated some of the wounded: “You say you didn’t want to wade into the issue of gun control and yet your comments are resonating with people...but we also heard emotional comments after…

Al Jazeera America Cable News Channel Set to Launch on August
July 4th, 2013 12:45 AM
The transition from Al Gore's low-rated Current TV cable channel to Al Jazeera America will conclude on Tuesday, August 20, when the newest addition to the Qatar-based international news network will be sent into about 40 million homes in the U.S.
Ever since the purchase was made public in early January, Ehab Al Shihabi -- the channel's executive in charge -- has been attempting to hire high…
Soledad O'Brien Joins Al Jazeera
July 1st, 2013 10:52 AM
This is just WAY too funny.
Soledad O'Brien, who failed miserably at CNN, is actually going to Al Jazeera.
The Wrap reported moments ago:
Soledad O'Brien Lectures 'White People' Who Are 'Clearly Uncomfortable
May 13th, 2013 5:07 PM
She's been off the set of Starting Point for less than two months, but former CNN host Soledad O'Brien is stirring up controversy yet again. In a Harvard Institute of Politics video, O'Brien arrogantly lectured "white people" who want her to "just see beyond race."
O'Brien, now a visiting fellow at Harvard University's Graduate School of Education, gave her reaction to the "white" critics of…

CNN's O'Brien Omits Senate Democrats' Opposition To Gun Control In San
March 29th, 2013 5:18 PM
This morning’s episode of Starting Point on CNN wouldn’t be complete without host Soledad O’Brien doing what she does best: cheerlead for the Obama administration. Yesterday, the president chastised the American people for forgetting about the tragedy in Newtown last December, and said this was a critical moment for the nation to back his anti-gun agenda.
So of course O'Brien this morning…

Soledad O’Brien Signs Off CNN Hysterically Claiming ‘Facts Matter
March 29th, 2013 11:13 AM
It could easily be argued that one of Barack Obama’s biggest cheerleaders at CNN since the day he threw his hat into the presidential ring in 2007 has been Soledad O’Brien.
This is why one had to laugh uproariously when she ended her final Starting Point show Friday hypocritically saying, “I think if I’ve learned anything over the past year it's that facts matter and we shouldn't be afraid to…
Media Upset about Judge’s Overturn of Bloomberg Soda Ban
March 20th, 2013 3:43 PM
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s controversial ban of large soda and sugary drinks was overturned March 11, yet the liberal media continued to promote such a ban.
NBC portrayed Bloomberg’s law as a noble fight for the health of New Yorkers. CNN “Starting Point” anchor Soledad O’Brien threw away her objectivity in an interview by announcing she had been a “long supporter” of the soda…

Nanny Bloomberg Soda Ban Too Much for Some Liberal Reporters
March 12th, 2013 10:09 PM
When a New York state Supreme Court justice on Monday invalidated a New York City law that prevented the “sale of sweetened drinks in containers larger than 16 ounces” at certain establishments, it came as no surprise that conservatives hailed the ruling as a victory “for liberty-loving soda drinkers.”
However, even as Mayor Michael Bloomberg promised to appeal judge Milton Tingling's ruling…

Objectivity? Soledad O'Brien Voices Her Support of Bloomberg Soda Ban
March 12th, 2013 5:13 PM
Count Soledad O'Brien as another CNN supporter of Mayor Bloomberg's nanny state efforts to crack down on big sodas. Even while interviewing both a supporter and an opponent of Bloomberg's ban on Tuesday's Starting Point, O'Brien revealed that she's been "a long supporter of it."
"I've been a long supporter of it. I actually think it's a good idea. But I do think the judge has some…

CNN’s Soledad O’Brien Embarrasses Herself Attacking Fox News Chief
March 8th, 2013 5:40 PM
While being ignorant of the facts is not as bad for a journalist as deliberately suppressing them, not knowing what you’re talking about can be far more embarrassing—and amusing.
Soledad O’Brien, the soon-to-be-former host of CNN’s “Starting Point,” proved that point definitively yesterday when she revealed that she had basically no knowledge of the new favorite story among left-of-center…

CNN Pounces on Ailes Calling Obama 'Lazy;' Mostly Ignores That He Cite
March 7th, 2013 5:33 PM
CNN harped on the controversy over Fox News head Roger Ailes calling President Obama "lazy" and Vice President Biden "dumb as an ashtray." The network covered it on five shows on Wednesday and Thursday, but three of the shows ignored that Ailes used Obama's own words.
In making the "lazy" remark, Ailes cited a 2011 interview with Barbara Walters where Obama said that "deep down, underneath…

Farewell, Pope Benedict: Soledad O'Brien Promotes 'Riveting' Anti-Cath
February 11th, 2013 3:14 PM
Only an hour after Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation from the papacy, and not ten minutes into Monday's Starting Point, CNN's Soledad O'Brien hosted the director of an anti-Catholic documentary who has called Pope Benedict a "criminal" and a "deeply flawed human being."
Director Alex Gibney was O'Brien's first guest on her show. His new film on the clerical sex abuse scandal has…
CNN Implies Boy Scout Ban 'Discriminatory,' Supporters 'On the Wrong S
February 6th, 2013 12:13 PM
CNN anchors dropped journalistic integrity and went into full attack mode against supporters of the ban on gay Boy Scouts on Wednesday morning.
When the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins questioned why the Scouts should change their long-standing policy, anchor Soledad O'Brien blurted out "Because it's discriminatory," before adding "Because they think it's discriminatory." She then…

CNN Cancels Soledad O’Brien Show, Says It Wasn’t Due to ‘Ethnic
January 31st, 2013 11:21 PM
The tumult at CNN that has seen several contributors leave the cable news network continued on Wednesday, when Soledad O'Brien's morning show, “Starting Point,” was canceled because her program's small audience was “too ethnic, based on the high concentration of minority viewers.”
Despite ending O'Brien's morning show, a CNN spokesman told Politico on Thursday that "Soledad is very important…