Savannah Guthrie

What a Surprise: TV News Declares Kamala Criticism 'Racist,' 'Sexist'
Within moments of the Biden campaign announcing Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) as their pick for Vice President, TV journalists were already condemning criticism of her as either “racist,” “sexist,” or both.

MSNBC’s Velshi Uses Edited Video to BASH Conservative ‘Fetish’ on Debt
MSNBC anchor Ali Velshi tried to twist Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s remarks to NBC’s Today in March to claim that conservatives have a “fetish” about debt. Huh? Filling in for the insufferable Chris Hayes on the Monday edition of MSNBC’s All In, Velshi inundated viewers with propaganda. He spewed that GOP leaders were “pretending that there’s just not enough money…

NBC-DNC Brings On Rice to Predict ‘Racism and Sexism’ Against Harris
Eager to celebrate Joe Biden picking Kamala Harris as his vice presidential running mate and do the Democratic Party’s bidding, on Wednesday, NBC’s Today show brought on another member of the presumptive Democratic nominee’s short list, Susan Rice, to hail the choice. The former Obama hack also was teed up to dismiss criticism of the left-wing California Senator as examples of “racism…

NBC to Cuomo: ‘Mistake’ to Force COVID Patients Into Nursing Homes?
During an interview with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday, NBC’s Today show co-host Savannah Guthrie gently wondered if it was a “mistake” for the Democrat to force nursing homes to admit coronavirus patients, a policy responsible for thousands of deaths across the hard-hit state. Predictably, Cuomo refused to accept responsibility.

Heckler Calls NJ Gov ‘Dictator,’ ‘Hypocrite’ During NBC Interview
During a live interview with New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, on NBC’s Today show Monday morning, a heckler could be heard screaming at the Democratic politician, calling him a “dictator” and “hypocrite” for his coronavirus shutdown policies. It got so bad, co-host Savannah Guthrie was forced to acknowledge “this rage that people feel about businesses not being opened fast enough.”…

Nets Tout Radical Push to Defund & Dismantle Police Across the Country
On Monday, all three network morning shows seized on the radical push to defund and even dismantle police departments across the country. The extremism of the effort was downplayed, if mentioned at all. Instead, the Minneapolis mayor objecting to his city council voting to dismantle the entire local police force was treated as the real controversy.

Nets More ‘Outraged’ by Trump Church Visit Than Rioters Burning It
On Monday, the network morning shows offered a combined 69 seconds of coverage on historic St. John’s Church in Washington, D.C. being set on fire and vandalized by violent protesters Sunday night. On Tuesday, those same broadcasts devoted a combined 30 minutes of coverage to hyping the “outrage” over President Trump visiting the church Monday evening.

NBC & ABC Tout Laughable Lauer ‘Fact-Check’ of Rape Claims

NBC’s Guthrie Asks Federal Reserve Chair: ‘Do You Just Ignore’ Trump?

NBC Actually Calls Out Dems for Playing Politics With Virus Relief

NBC Allows de Blasio to Push New Deal-Style Spending, Bash Border Wall

NBC Demands Pence Predict ‘Millions’ Will Be Infected

As ‘Clearly Confident’ Biden Strengthens, NBC’s Questions Soften
What a difference a month makes. Just four weeks ago, Today show co-host Savannah Guthrie was grilling Joe Biden over his son Hunter’s “sleazy” business dealings in Ukraine. However, during an exclusive interview with the now-Democratic frontrunner on Thursday, the NBC anchor was sympathizing with the former Vice President over Republicans “coming after” him on the issue.