Samantha Bee

Sam Bee Admits She Couldn't Mock Andrew Cuomo, Her Audience Loved Him
Cortney O'Brien at Fox News reports that late-night TBS comedian Samantha Bee knew her left-wing audience well enough to avoid picking on "super-problematic" Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Bee claimed "I’ve learned, at Full Frontal, you should not have any heroes. Never believe in anyone, and then you’ll be fine." She also said Donald Trump should "drop into a volcano...that's not even a joke."…

Column: The 'Comedians' Curse and Spit at Pro-Lifers
The “progressives” among us who fervently argue for abortion do not argue calmly or rationally when they are losing. As state legislators in Austin debated the “Texas Heartbeat Act” outlawing abortions after a baby’s heartbeat can be detected at six weeks, Planned Parenthood boss Alexis McGill Johnson accused the bill’s backers of cruelty.

Corrupt Bee: With Trump Gone, Comedy Is Having ‘Fun,’ ‘Exploring'
If you had any doubt that modern late night political comedy is a corrupt, hack-filled enterprise, Samantha Bee on Tuesday is proof positive. Appearing on CBS This Morning, the TBS Full Frontal host exclaimed that, with Trump gone, hosts can just have “fun” and they can focus on “exploring ourselves.”
Sam Bee 'Full Mental': Says Intersex People Prove Sex Is 'Not Binary'
Despite what our biology textbooks tell us, we all just need to accept the fact that sex is not binary. This is what the crazy lefties want at least. In Samantha Bee’s latest episode of Full Frontal, she espouses one of her most radical ideas, and that’s saying a lot for her. If you didn't already know that she needs serious help, you will now.

TBS’s Sam Bee Just Says It: I ‘Want to Take your Guns’
On May 12, TBS is just going to come out and say it. Late night anchor Sam Bee will host a show called, "Full Frontal Wants to Take Your Guns."

Hack FLASHBACK! Sam Bee Groveled to Hillary: ‘Should Have Been You!'
This week, late night “comedian” Samantha Bee said the loud part quiet and admitted that she has, and will for the next four years, pull her punches on Joe Biden. One doesn’t have to go far in history to find out just how much of a hack Bee truly is. In April of 2017, four years ago this week, the host appeared at the “Women in the World” conference. Introducing Hillary Clinton, Bee apologized…
This Hack Comedian Just Admitted It: We Don’t Want to Mock Biden
Sometimes they just go ahead and say out loud what we all know. Late night “comedian” Samantha Bee on Tuesday admitted that she pulls her punches when it comes to Joe Biden.

With Biden in Office, Vile Leftist Sam Bee Eager to ‘Have Fun'
On Wednesday’s 3rd Hour Today show, nasty far-left late night host Samantha Bee was treated to a softball interview promoting the new season of her TBS show Full Frontal. Rather than grill Bee on her wildy offensive rhetoric over the years, the host gushed over her supposed “comedy” and wondered how she would “pivot” now that Joe Biden was in the White House. In response, she…

TBS Lets Far-Left Pastor Liken Violence to Opposing Liberal Policies
On Wednesday's Full Frontal with Samantha Bee on TBS, the show gave a forum to far-left minister, the Reverend William Barber, to complain about the attention given to the violence perpetrated by some left-wing protesters in which he ridiculously tried to equate opposition to liberal policy positions to violence.

Deranged Sam Bee Trashes 'Cruel, Rich D***' J.K. Rowling
On Wednesday’s Full Frontal, host Samantha Bee delivered a monologue focusing on the epidemic of “harassment and prejudice at home, school, and work” faced by transgender people. Throughout the segment, Bee trashed J.K. Rowling for daring to express a divergent view on the debate about transgenderism and accused the Trump administration of declaring “full-on war” on transgender people…

Shrill ‘Comedian’ Sam Bee: GOP ‘Punishes Black’ Voters for Voting
Left-wing comedian Samantha Bee devoted her opening monologue on Wednesday’s edition of Full Frontal to accusing Republicans of orchestrating voter suppression and trashing voter ID laws. Bee’s analysis made it perfectly clear that she did not tune into Cuomo Prime Time last week; where a Georgia election official put the myth of voter suppression to bed.

Radical Sam Bee Fully Embraces 'Defund the Police' Movement
Left-wing comedian Samantha Bee jumped fully on board the “defund the police” movement on Wednesday’s edition of Full Frontal. Assuring her audience that the radical proposal “isn’t a far-fetched idea,” Bee spent an entire segment acting as a spokeswoman for the latest far left fad.

T-Mobile CEO Says ‘We Won’t Be Running Ads’ on Tucker Carlson’s Show
Dare to criticize the leftist Black Lives Matter movement and advertisers will treat you like a pariah.