Sally Kohn

Eric Bolling NUKES Sally Kohn for Crackpot Economy Tweet

Sally Kohn Wrongly Claims Trump Separated Legal Immigrant Families

CNN's Sally Kohn Claims Caravan Members Not Illegal Immigrants
On Friday afternoon's CNN Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin, CNN contributor Sally Kohn displayed the latest example of liberals conflating legal asylum seekers with those who cross the border illegally as she claimed that Central American caravan members were not really illegal immigrants. She made this claim even though many crossed the U.S. border illegally through the desert while some tried to…

Huh? CNN’s Sally Kohn: Blame Trump for Rage at Harvey Weinstein

CNN Journalists Melt Down On Twitter Over ‘Violent’ Trump WWE Tweet

Stelter Brings on Uncivil Kohn to Lecture About Political Civility

Kohn Gets Burned by Meteorologists After Bogus Climate Change Claim

CNN's Costello Touts 'Funny' Samantha Bee's Interview of Obama

Humanity for Hillary Video: ‘Vote Some [Liberal] Women into Office’

Sally Kohn Claims Russian Hackers Leaked DNC Docs to Aid Trump

Not An Onion Headline: Uncivil Sally Kohn 'Writing Book on Civility'

Media Attack Guns, Men, Christians, GOP Instead of Islam in Orlando

Sad: Liberals Tweet Gun Control Rants Minutes After UCLA Shooting

CNN Scoffs at Idea Clinton Foundation Could Be Corrupt
On Wednesday’s CNN Newsroom, host Carol Costello sided with liberal CNN contributor Sally Kohn in rejecting outright the idea that the Clinton Foundation did not give as much money as it claimed to veterans. Costello and Kohn scoffed at the criticism, while Costello acted as if she had never even heard that the foundation faced ethical controversies.