Column: Smearing Alito and Thomas as Racist Insurrectionists

May 31st, 2024 7:08 AM

It’s hard to believe, but our “news” media think Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s wife hanging a flag upside-down outside their home for a few days is a much more serious matter than an attempted assassination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2022. That story was quickly squashed. Start with taxpayer-funded National Public Radio, which never managed to produce a single feature story on the…

NewsBusters Podcast: Nina Totenberg Radio Exposed Again as Leftist Den

April 12th, 2024 10:39 PM

NewsBusters can tell you National Public Radio has demonstrated a leftist bent from the beginning. Nina Totenberg destroyed the Douglas Ginsburg nomination to the Supreme Court, then tried again with Clarence Thomas. This animus against conservatives didn't kick in when Donald Trump ran for president.

Flashback: Big Media’s Big Double-Standard on SCOTUS Blockbusters

June 24th, 2023 8:35 AM

A look back at four of the biggest Supreme Court cases of the past 25 years shows when liberals win a big victory, the media joyfully celebrate the “historic” final word. But when conservatives win a case, journalists fulminate about a discredited Court and lecture that the ruling has forever damaged the Court’s credibility and legitimacy.

PBS, NPR Act Like Democrat Aides in Live Coverage AND Bias By Omission

May 14th, 2023 6:49 AM

Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee pounced on overhyped media reports, regarding alleged financial ethics scandals committed by conservative Supreme Court justices, as a pretext to hold hearings. National Public Radio legal reporter Nina Totenberg obliged, with full coverage on Tuesday’s Morning Edition program. A text edition of Totenberg’s report showed her taking…

NPR Bizarrely Touts Its Star Nina Totenberg Mangling Media Ethics

November 5th, 2022 10:45 AM

NPR’s most famous correspondent, Supreme Court reporter Nina Totenberg, shamelessly wrote a book called Dinners with Ruth celebrating her close friendship with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. On Wednesday, NPR Public Editor Kelly McBride took on the notion that Totenberg shredded media ethics and tried to turn it into a positive.

Column: Nina Totenberg Shreds Media Ethics at NPR

October 5th, 2022 6:01 AM

Shamelessly liberal NPR Supreme Court reporter Nina Totenberg hit the New York Times best-seller list with her new book Dinners With Ruth, celebrating five decades of flouting any notion of media ethics with her pal Ruth Bader Ginsburg. NPR cranked up its own taxpayer-funded publicity machine to goose the sales, and PBS helped, too.


Tucker Mocks NPR's Totenberg Over Her 'Intimate Relationship' with RBG

September 13th, 2022 9:41 PM

With the recent news that National Public Radio (NPR) legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg is out with a new book on her chummy relationship with former Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Fox News star and host of Tucker Carlson Tonight, Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night had fun with Totenberg and the cringeworthy details of her "intimate relationship" with the former…

NewsBusters Podcast: NPR Disinformation Team, Heal Thyself

July 20th, 2022 9:58 PM

Conservative Twitter pounced on the news that NPR was creating a "disinformation" team, noting NPR puts out its own factually fractured "news." But their avoidance of the Kavanaugh assassination attempt remains stunning.


Meyers Whines SCOTUS Is 'Erasing A Woman's Right To Bodily Autonomy'

May 12th, 2022 11:05 AM

NBC’s Seth Meyers is not happy at the idea that the Supreme Court might overturn Roe v. Wade and used Wednesday’s Late Night to express his displeasure the Court “is on the verge of erasing a woman's right to bodily autonomy.”

Dear NPR: Why Leave Nina Totenberg's Sister's Name Out of Your Story?

April 22nd, 2022 3:05 PM

National Public Radio energetically reported on left-wing attempt to cancel Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from the ballot in Georgia, and "a judge" who allowed their crusade to continue. But there was an ethical problem: The enabling judge's name was Amy Totenberg, the sister of NPR legal correspondent Nina Totenberg. Reports on Friday morning and Thursday night avoided the name entirely. 

Nina Totenberg and NPR Pals Mourn Partisan Bitterness on Rape Claims

March 22nd, 2022 10:40 PM

Monday's edition of The NPR Politics Podcast sounded a little bizarre to conservatives. Nina Totenberg, who slimed Clarence Thomas in 1991 with unproven sexual harassment claims, joined two colleagues in lamenting the GOP bitterness after Brett Kavanaugh was subjected to unproven rape claims in 2018. Would NPR reporter be bitter if they were accused of rape?


FLASHBACK: Democratic Supreme Court Nominees Never Liberal Enough

February 23rd, 2022 10:22 AM

Whomever President Joe Biden selects to fill the vacancy left by the retirement of Justice Stephen Breyer expect the liberal media to ACTUALLY worry the selection isn’t progressive enough. The following examples of liberal journalists worrying about Supreme Court nominees not being left enough are from the Media Research Center’s archive.


NPR’s Totenberg RAGES After Being Critiqued for SCOTUS Fake News

January 21st, 2022 10:39 AM

The saga of NPR’s Supreme Court “maskgate” continued Thursday as an apparent internal feud spilled out into public as legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg went to the very liberal Daily Beast to vent her anger over the radio station’s public editor, Kelly McBride critiquing her reporting and saying she could have done better


Justices Roberts, Gorsuch & Sotomayor Blow Up NPR’s Masking LIE

January 19th, 2022 7:13 PM

The day after NPR legal affairs correspondent Nina Totenberg laid an egg with a report suggesting conservative Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch was spitefully ignoring requests from Chief Justice John Roberts (conservative) and Justice Sonia Sotomayor (liberal) to wear a mask in oral arguments, every party named in the report publicly declared it to be patently untrue. And despite these…