Nicholas Confessore

NYT Leads With 7,500 Words on Ron DeSantis, Arrogant ‘Bully’ Hypocrite
As the opening round of the 2024 presidential campaign kicks off tonight with the first Republican debate, Tuesday’s lead New York Times story was a 7,500-word investigative epic by Nicholas Confessore, Times reporter and MSNBC political analyst, on the highest polling Republican on the lectern tonight. The mission was clear from the headline: 2024 presidential candidate,…
Disgusting NY Times Conflates All GOP With Buffalo Supermarket Killer
Nicholas Confessore was the author of the New York Times’ vast smear on Fox News host Tucker Carlson earlier this month, in which he crowned Carlson’s show “the most racist show in the history of cable news.” Confessore eagerly brought the same nasty energy to blame Carlson for Saturday’s mass killing at a Buffalo supermarket by a murderer who…

NewsBusters Podcast: The New York Times Tucker Haters Want Him Fired
Why would the New York Times publish almost 20,000 words inveighing against "apocalyptic" Tucker Carlson and his "racist" show? Because they want to destroy his show on Fox. MSNBC is happy to help.

Column: The Unintentionally Hilarious Anti-Tucker Carlson Term Paper
On Sunday and Monday, the New York Times published almost 20,000 words of “investigative reporting” on the Tucker show, announcing they'd watched 1,150 episodes and chronicled all the guests and the messages and the monologues. This should be defined as “opposition research.”
Tucker vs NY Times, Round 2: ‘Nativist Tilt and Racial Scaremongering’
In Part Two of the New York Times’ vast hit piece against Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show, “How Tucker Carlson Reshaped Fox News -- and Became Trump’s Heir,” which dominated Monday’s front page, reporter Nicholas Confessore claimed the host “had adopted increasingly catastrophic views of immigration and the country’s shifting demographics….Even among the generally right-of-…

NY Times Goes to War on Tucker: ‘Most Racist Show in History of Cable'
The New York Times is running a three-part expose of Fox News show host Tucker Carlson. sub-titled “American Nationalist,” delivered by a staggering ten-person research/reporting crew led by reporter and MSNBC contributor Nicholas Confessore, including an exhaustive analysis of 1150 episodes of Tucker Carlson Tonight. Confessore relied on anonymous sourcing and hostile…

NYT ‘Triggered’ by Trump Jr. Book: How Did It Become Our Best-Seller?

NYT's 10-Page Attack on Trump Twitter's Racist, Anti Media-Madness

Johnson 'Thrilled' About Impeachment: 'I Am So Glad This Happened'

MSNBC Plugs PBS 'Frontline' Film Hitting Trump on Illegal Immigration

Scarborough Calls Pompeo a ‘Disgrace’ and a ‘Joke’ After FNC Interview

Absurd Wallace, Panel Freak Over Trump ‘Attacking’ Mueller on D-Day

Morning Joe Laments 'Sabotage' of Obama Bureaucracy