Morgan Radford

MSNBC Hypes Pro-Abort Republicans Trashing 'Atrocious' Pro-Life Laws
NBC and MSNBC really love pro-abortion Republicans and the latest attempt to push the GOP left on the issue came on Wednesday edition of Jose Diaz-Balart Reports as reporter Megan Radford got super excited that of the 1.3 million signatures for a 2024 Florida ballot measure that would permit abortion up until 24 weeks, a whopping 11.5 percent of them have been Republicans. Radford…

Taylor Lorenz Lashes Out at MSNBC Over Her Fake Cry Viral Video
Washington Post technology columnist, crybully, pathological liar, and online harasser picked a new target to abuse Monday night in the form of NBC/MSNBC correspondent Morgan Radford. Lorenz went on another unhinged rant, this time blaming Radford for the ridicule she received following an ironic April Fool’s Day interview where Lorenz fake cried about being the victim of online…

MSNBC Blames Fox, Tucker Carlson For Online Threats, Harassment
As part of a Friday segment on MSNBC's MTP Daily, correspondent Morgan Radford blamed Fox News, Tucker Carlson, and Glenn Greenwald for online death threats and sexual harassment directed at female journalists, which included Washington Post tech columnist Taylor Lorenz tying such attacks to her PTSD.

ABC Odd Man Out as NBC Calls Out Cuba's 'Communist Dictatorship'
Following the lead of the CBS Evening News who admitted that “communist rule” was responsible for all of the problems in Cuba the previous evening, Tuesday’s NBC Nightly News saw correspondent Morgan Radford call out the island’s “communist dictatorship” for the “dire food shortages” and the crackdown on free speech. She also highlighted the rightfully emotional Cuban-…

MSNBC Touts Extremist Far-Left Militia That Wants to Secede From U.S.
During MSNBC’s 11:00 a.m. ET hour on Monday, viewers were treated to the Democratic Party’s cable channel actually promoting a far-left extremist militia group committed to seceding from the United States. While the all-black militant group showed little difference from similar fringe organizations across the country, reporters attempted to frame the radicals as simply concerned citizens “…
NBC Cries Racism for Mail Ballot Rejection, Admit Not Filled Out Right
In the same Thursday edition of NBC Nightly News where White House correspondent Geoff Bennett proclaimed that President Trump was “stoking his manufactured voting fraud crisis,” correspondent Morgan Radford cried racism as the force behind why a black man in North Carolina had his mail-in ballot rejected. But she would later admit that he didn’t have a witness signature and had the…

MSNBC: Trump Rally a ‘Slap in the Face’ to Black Tulsa Residents
As President Trump’s rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma draws near, the media’s obsessive harping about the rally being “unsafe” intensifies, and their head-spinning hypocrisy over the protests becomes even more obnoxious. On Andrea Mitchell Reports Friday afternoon, liberal journalists used the Juneteenth anniversary to worry the rally was specifically putting black lives in danger.
War Is Peace: Nets Use Orwellian Doublespeak to ‘Defund the Police’
You’re probably familiar with the concept of doublespeak made famous by George Orwell’s 1984; “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” Well, fiction became reality on Monday as the broadcast networks told viewers not to trust their lying ears when it came to radical leftist calls to “defund the police.” Even though they acknowledged efforts to abolish the police…

NBC Finds Impeachment Only Strengthens Trump Base

ABC, NBC Hype Joe Biden ‘Leaving Easter Eggs’ for His 2020 Run

Journalists Go Bonkers for Beto!
Failed Democratic Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke announced his presidential candidacy today, despite his last political campaign ending in a loss to Ted Cruz in 2018. But who needs a stretch of political victories to build momentum for a presidential run when you have gale force winds – in the form of liberal media hype – behind your back?

NBC Defends Ocasio-Cortez From Ivanka Trump’s ‘Explosive’ Criticism

NBC Asks Border Activist If He Is 'Racist' Wanting to 'Hunt' Mexicans