
Todd Dismisses Idea That Hunter Biden Should Have Been Surveilled

September 30th, 2019 4:55 PM
Near the end of Sunday’s Meet the Press, panelist Hugh Hewitt responded to a question by host Chuck Todd regarding whether or not the Ukraine scandal would hurt Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden. In his response, Hewitt stressed the importance of relying on “one standard” when it comes to surveilling Americans; arguing that if enough probable cause existed to use a FISA warrant against Carter Page…

Todd Impressed Schultz Withstood Media Beating ‘Living Daylights Out'

February 3rd, 2019 2:29 PM
At the start of last week, the liberal media had a nervous breakdown after former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz announced he was thinking about running for president as an independent. The liberal media was worried that he was doing to damage the changes for Democrats so they did what they could to beat up on him. They ripped into him so much, that during Sunday’s Meet the Press, on NBC, moderator…

MSNBC: Christians Have 'Sold Soul' for Trump, For Basically Nothing

June 13th, 2018 12:35 PM
Following controversial Republican nominee, Corey Stewart’s win for Virginia Senate race and Never Trumper Mark Sanford’s loss in South Carolina’s race, MSNBC devoted a lengthy segment to discussing everything wrong morally with the Republican party, on Stephanie Ruhle’s show, June 13. Using Stewart’s win as the starting point, Ruhle’s liberal guests teared into the GOP and Christians for losing…

Scarborough Claims 'Most People Have Hardly Covered' Stormy Daniels

March 8th, 2018 5:29 PM
In an astounding display of obliviousness, panelists on MSNBC’s Morning Joe claimed multiple times on Thursday that the Stormy Daniels story had not been given much media attention.

NYT Bashes Late Sen. Jim Bunning as ‘Cantankerous’ in Obit Headline

May 29th, 2017 9:55 AM
If you can’t say something tradition, newspaper obituaries hold back criticism in the name of respect for the deceased and their grieving admirers, with even political figures granted reverence. But often conservatives are the exception, with outlets like the New York Times granting themselves free reign to criticize. Sunday obit of Hall of Fame pitcher and conservative Kentucky Sen.…

'Her Way' Indeed: Leibovich's HRC's Profile for NYT Mag Skips Scandal

October 17th, 2016 9:58 AM
Sunday’s New York Times Magazine featured a 6,000-word cover profile of Hillary Clinton by Mark Leibovich, chief national correspondent for the magazine: “Her Way.” And the article indeed went all “her way,” skipping her scandals, bashing Donald Trump and hailing the caring, dogged thoughtfulness of the Democratic candidate. This supposed sit-down with Hillary opened with a long list of…

CBS Ignores NYT Journalist’s Offer to Let Clinton ‘Veto’ Part of Story

October 13th, 2016 12:34 PM
The co-hosts at CBS This Morning on Thursday interviewed a New York Times correspondent on the Wikileaks release, yet somehow avoided mentioning that journalist Mark Leibovich offered to let the Clinton campaign have “veto” power over what he published. In a Wikileaks document, the Times’s Leibovich said this to Clinton aide Jennifer Palmieri on questions to the candidate: “i wanted the option to…

CBS: With Obama and Hillary, Dems Will Be the ‘Party of Grown-Ups’

June 10th, 2016 4:51 PM
According to New York Times writer Mark Leibovich, the combination of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Elizabeth Warren and others will make the Democrats the “party of grown-ups.” The journalist appeared on CBS This Morning and sneered, “I think one of the things the Democrats have going for them, especially in comparison to Trump, is they can be seen as the party of grown-ups.” 

CBS: In Cruz vs. Trump Fight, Republicans ‘Lose Either Way’

March 25th, 2016 11:03 AM
CBS This Morning co-hosts brought on liberal New York Times writer Mark Leibovich, Friday, to declare that Republicans “lose either way” in the current Donald Trump vs. Ted Cruz fight. Leibovich also praised Hillary Clinton’s “solemn” response to the Brussels terror attack. Regarding the fight between the two GOP candidates, the journalist insisted, “People are asking, ‘Is this good for Donald…

Mark Leibovich Blames NRA for ‘Politicized’ Debate Over Guns

October 4th, 2015 1:01 PM
Following the horrific shooting at an Oregon community college last week, during an appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday New York Times Magazine writer Mark Leibovich conveniently blamed the NRA for preventing gun control legislation from passing Congress. The liberal journalist complained that the issue of guns is “politicized because the NRA pretty much owns more than half of Congress.…

Post Reporter: Hillary Calling GOP Terrorists ‘Sign of Desperation'

August 31st, 2015 11:49 AM
During an appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation, Washington Post reporter Ed O’Keefe argued that Hillary Clinton’s decision to compare Republicans with terrorists on the issue of women’s issues was a sign of weakness coming from her presidential campaign. O’Keefe suggested that Clinton’s comments were meant to “solidify the Democratic base and sort of remind that she's willing to be that partisan…

Chris Matthews: The GOP Has a ‘Love Affair with Anger’

July 29th, 2015 10:39 AM
Last night on Hardball, Chris Matthews hit the Republicans Party for having “this love affair with anger.” In a panel discussion on the 2016 Republican race for the nomination, the MSNBC personality explained that part of Donald Trump’s appeal is that the Republicans are “an angry party.” Matthews thought it unlikely that the party in its current state could nominate an establishment figure like…

New York Times: 'Why 2014 Is Actually Shaping Up As a Bad GOP Year'

November 2nd, 2014 7:48 PM
The New York Times saw grim tidings for Democrats in the congressional elections, but over the weekend, one could spot the paper subtly separating President Barack Obama from the travails of his party. And one headline should make the Hall of Fame for wishful thinking on the part of the liberal media.

Guess Who's Losing? NY Times Scorns 'Bumpkinification' of the Midterms

October 28th, 2014 4:34 PM
New York Times political writer Mark Leibovich employed the Full Sneer in a story for this weekend's New York Times Magazine entitled "The Bumpkinification of the Midterm Elections.” Leibovich began with Iowa Republican candidate Joni Ernst talking about castrating hogs, but he soon turned to the announcement that the “apotheosis” of bumpkin-hood was Sarah Palin, the mama grizzly with the…