Mark Landler

NYT's Tory-Hater Saw 'Spectacle of Corruption, Hubris, Folly, Misrule'
Great Britain’s Conservative Party went down to a huge defeat this summer, with Labour’s Keir Starmer taking the reins as prime minister in July. The New York Times Sunday Magazine of August 29 celebrated with a 4,000-plus-word story by Mark Landler, “The Conservative Crack-Up.” The equally blunt online headline: “How the Tories Lost Britain.” A gleeful, vengeful tone permeated the…

PBS: Press Must Report Biden 'Brings Huge Amount of Wisdom’ to Job
Amanpour & Co. host Christiane Amanpour examined the possible 2024 Biden-Trump presidential election rematch with New York Times’ London bureau chief Mark Landler, who reveres the left-wing BBC, and Emily Maitlis, a former BBC anchor. Takeaways from their Wednesday appearance on the PBS show were that the media should highlight Biden’s essential competence and Trump’s…

NY Times Defends ‘Revered…Non-Partisan’ Left-Wing BBC on Front Page
New York Times London bureau chief Mark Landler made Monday’s front page by using the temporary suspension of BBC soccer commentator Gary Lineker -- who makes his liberal views known in sometimes offensive ways on Twitter -- to again hail the left-wing, tax-funded U.K. institution as revered and impartial: “Turmoil Engulfs BBC After Soccer Icon Meets a Political Divide.” The front-…
Mask-Fixated NYT Blasts Boris for Lax Covid Rules, Mocks 'Freedom Day'
The New York Times refuses to let go of masks, in any sense, and won’t forgive Conservative United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson for reopening public life this summer after highly restrictive COVID lockdowns. Now the paper is using the still-unproven menace of the new Omicron variant to shame him into locking down just like other European countries are doing (never mind …
NYT Uses 9/11 as Cudgel Versus U.S. ‘Torture,’ Hits ‘Heroic Narrative'
New York Times reporter Serge Schmemann wrote the lead story after that dark day when Islamic terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and The Pentagon, killing 3,000 Americans. Today, 20 years later, Schmemann recalled how an English teacher assigned her class to use his article as a source to compose “found poetry.” But Schmemann used the poems as a lens from which he could…

NY Times Bashes Biden on Afghanistan: ‘Seemingly At Odds With Reality'
As the situation in Afghanistan becomes only more grim, the New York Times is properly condemning the Biden Administration’s lack of foresight and criticizing Biden’s false statements regarding the US evacuation. Saturday’s front page featured a “news analysis” from Peter Baker, which suggested Biden’s botching of the Afghanistan pullout might damage his electoral selling points. …
NYTimes Bashes Boris Over Soccer Row:‘Trump-Like Quandary Over Racism’
You know the New York Times is against you when a story compares you to Donald Trump in the headline and lead paragraph. Monday’s report by London bureau chief Mark Landler found Boris Johnson, Britain’s embattled Conservative Party Prime Minister, in Trumpish straits: “A Trump-Like Quandary Over Racism and Sports Roils Johnson in Britain.”
NY Times Scorns UK Racism Report: You Didn't Condemn Bigoted Britain!
The United Kingdom commissioned a report on race. It offered an optimistic view, saying institutional racism for minorities no longer blocked minority achievement in the UK. But left-wing pressure groups and their journalistic allies were appalled to read that the country they lived in was not hopelessly bigoted. Now the United Nations’ own batch of “experts” have condemned the findings, and…
Petulant NY Times Can't Admit They Were Wrong on Brexit, Despite THIS
New York Times London bureau chief Mark Landler tried to trip up Great Britain’s Conservative Party prime minister Boris Johnson while he does a victory lap over a successful Brexit, and a successful roll-out of coronavirus vaccines in “Brexit Is Done, but the U.K. Keeps Brussels as a Punching Bag,” in Monday’s paper.
Appalling NYT Favors Press Restrictions for Murdoch-Led News in UK
New York Times’ London bureau chief Mark Landler’s obsessive hostility toward mogul Rupert Murdoch’s right-leaning media empire was on display Wednesday. His coverage of two fledgling right-of-center news outlets also documented the resulting panic of liberals like Landler: “Murdoch to Challenge U.K.’s Fairness Statute With Fox News Playbook.” He fretted: "While Britain has long had a…

Three-Year NY Times Smear Against Boris, Brexit Proves an Utter Flop

NY Times Hails Hugh Grant's Anti-Brexit Drive, Implies BBC's Pro-Boris

NYT Checks Boris on UK Terror: 'Lock-’Em-Up Sloganeering...Undermined'