Margaret Carlson

FLASHBACK: Lefties Frowned As America Cheered bin Laden’s Demise
While nearly all Americans were united in celebrating the death of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden 13 years ago, the Sourpuss Left instead deplored fretted the “mindless jubilation” and “jingoistic hubris” of those cheering the elimination of an avowed enemy who had ordered the deaths of thousands of innocent people.

FLASHBACK: The Media’s Nasty Attacks on Florida’s Katherine Harris
Twenty-three years ago, November 2000, the liberal media unleashed their full fury on Florida’s Secretary of State, Katherine Harris, for following the election laws of her state as well as various court rulings to certify George W. Bush as the winner of her state’s electoral votes in the disputed 2000 presidential election.

30 Years Ago: Media Gushed Over the Clintons’ Crazy Health Care Scheme
Thirty years ago this week, Bill and Hillary Clinton outlined their ill-fated plan for unprecedented government intervention in the health care sector. The liberal media loudly crowed their approval, assuring voters “reform” would end the “shame” of America as the only developed nation without universal coverage.

Media VILIFIED GOP Budget-Cutters During 2011 Debt Fight
During the 2011 debt ceiling fight, the media relentlessly harassed Republican attempts to rein in spending, as journalists demanded tax increases and blasted conservatives as hostage takers and bomb-toting terrorists.

Flashback: 2007 Oscar Began Liberal Media’s Year of ‘The Goracle’
Sixteen years ago tonight, Hollywood liberals handed former Vice President Al Gore a “best documentary” Academy Award for his alarmist global warming film, An Inconvenient Truth. The award set off a year of the media touting Gore and promoting his agenda, culminating when European liberals gave him the Nobel Peace Prize in December.
PBS Panel: How Dare Candidates Evade the Liberal Media!
On Tuesday's Amanpour & Co. on PBS and CNN International, Daily Beast News columnist Margaret Carlson lamented the dominant left-leaning media's diminished hold over politicians as she spoke during a segment hosted by her ex-boss, former Time magazine editor Walter Isaacson.

A Tale of Two Protests: Minnesota Rioters Vs. Anti-Lockdown Protesters
When the protests against the senseless killing of George Floyd started to turn violent, CNN’s Don Lemon insisted on still labelling the rioters and looters as mere “protesters.” MSNBC’s Ali Velshi — with a burning building behind him — told viewers “This is mostly a protest. It is not generally speaking unruly.” This is in stark contrast to the coverage given to the largely peaceful rallies…

Andrea Mitchell: 'There's a Lot of Great Things to Say' About Cuba

MSNBC Mourns ‘Tragedy’ of Katie Hill Resigning Over Sex Scandal

Mitchell Declares Mueller Hearing 'Pretty Devastating' For Trump

FLASHBACK: In 1998, Journalists Hated the Idea of Impeachment

FLASHBACK: How the National Media Spun Florida’s 2000 Recount

FLASHBACK: When The Media Despised Secret Taping