Laura Ingraham

NewsBusters Podcast: Can’t Say Leftist Agitators Storm State Capitols
When leftist agitators storm state capitals, you can’t use those words. Leftist media won’t use labels for their own kind, and they won’t use “storm” for a left-wing disturbance inside a state capitol building. Two black legislators in Tennessee became instant media heroes when the Republican House majority expelled them for creating a disturbance on the House floor and violating House rules…

Laura Ingraham Takes On L.A. Times Piece on How Driving Is Now Racist
On Friday's The Ingraham Angle, Fox host Laura Ingraham began by taking on a Los Angeles Times article titled "How white and affluent drivers are polluting the air breathed by L.A.’s people of color." This was by Sammy Roth, an energy reporter -- not an editorial writer. White guilt never ends.

On MSNBC, Swalwell Suggests Keeping Our Troops from Viewing Fox News
On her MSNBC show, Katie Phang suggests to Dem Rep. Eric Swalwell that Fox News be subject to "congressional oversight" and "gatekeeping." In response, Swalwell suggests that we "need to take a look at how [Fox News] is being broadcast to our troops," ominously concluding: "So I don't think we are without complete recourse."

Fox News Highlights Record Migrant Deaths Since Biden Took Office
On Thursday's The Ingraham Angle, Fox News host Laura Ingraham showed viewers the dire consequences of President Joe Biden refusing to prevent illegal border crossings as she devoted a segment to the record number of migrant deaths.

Nets Refuse to Mention What Biden Was Up to as Hurricane Wreaked Havoc
Hurricane Ian has, for good reason, consumed the news cycles this week in light of its record devastation across southwest Florida, but in the midst of their substantial coverage, the broadcast networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC have refused to mention President Biden chose to attend a Democratic Governors Association (DGA) fundraiser on Wednesday night as billions of dollars in damage were being…

NewsGuard Failing Fox News Because of ‘Standards’ Is a Pathetic Joke
Leftist website ratings firm NewsGuard is back to show the world why it’s a pathetic excuse for an internet traffic cop by giving a failing grade while completely undercutting its own complaint.

MSNBC Slimes Fox's Coverage of Shootings, Ignores Red Flag Failures
On Wednesday night's episode of MSNBC's All In, host Chris Hayes and leftist journalist Aaron Rupar admonished Fox News for not covering the shooting in Highland Park, Illinois in the manner they demand. To Hayes and Rupar, if you don't cover mass shootings from the leftist gun control perspective, you aren't covering the story properly. Any solution other than gun control is…

Ingraham: We Were 'Howling' at CNN Story on Angry Democrat Celebrities
On Tuesday's edition of The Ingraham Angle, Fox News host Laura Ingraham read from a CNN article on how left-wing actress Debra Messing was furious in a Zoom call with the White House that they weren't doing more to save abortion.

Kentucky AG Joins Chorus of Voices in Fight Against Woke ESG Standards
The attorney general of Kentucky joined a growing chorus of voices exposing environmental, social and governance standards as politically motivated, anti-free market, anti-family and plain old woke nonsense.

Ingraham Angle Guest Economist SLAMS Fed for Saying Econ ‘Strong’
A guest economist on Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s show tore apart the Federal Reserve for hiking interest rates while gaslighting Americans on the economy.

Stelter: Fox is Starting a Fight 'Rooted in White Identity Politics'
On CNN's Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter dredged up his favorite topic to whine about on his low-rated show: Fox News. Stelter even played the race card by accusing Fox News of "starting a fight that's rooted in white identity politics" because some hosts on Fox disagree with Biden picking a Supreme Court Justice based solely on race and sex.

LOL: Laura Ingraham Mocks Just Plain Weird 'SNL' Impersonation of Her
At the end of Monday's edition of The Ingraham Angle on Fox News, host Laura Ingraham mocked Kate McKinnon's just plain-weird impression of her to open the latest Saturday Night Live. The Fox-skewering skit was just the latest proof that SNL is just another late-night "comedy" offering made by liberals for liberals.

Media Shrug at Privacy Violations of Fox Hosts
Say what? The other day in a new episode of the January 6 Committee sham, Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s handpicked Republican ally, Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney, took it upon herself to violate the privacy of Fox hosts Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and Brian Kilmeade by reading aloud their private texts to Trump White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows from January 6.

ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/MSNBC Spend 0 Seconds on Loudoun School Sex Assault
MRC analysts looked at all of the news coverage on ABC, CBS, NBC evening and morning shows, as well as CNN and MSNBC’s coverage (6am through midnight ET) from October 11 (publication of The Daily Wire investigation) through October 20 and found zero seconds spent on the following stories: Parents upset at transgender bathroom polices that led to sexual assaults of female students in Loudoun…