Kurt Andersen

PBS Show Trashes Thomas As 'Far-Right' Affirmative Action Beneficiary
PBS released their latest Frontline documentary on Tuesday with the subtitle of Clarence and Ginni Thomas: Politics, Power and the Supreme Court that purported to uncover why the Thomases view the world the way they do. Ultimately, however, Clarence Thomas was portrayed as a far-right sexual abuser who benefited from affirmative action who rules the way he does on cases in…

MSNBC Mocks Pence as ‘P*ssy’ for Rejecting Trump Indictment
On MSNBC’s Deadline: White House, fill-in host John Heilemann and guest Kurt Andersen teamed up Tuesday to ridicule former Vice President Mike Pence as a “wimp and a pussy” after Pence uttered the objectively true statement that an indictment of former President Trump would be “terribly divisive in the country at a time when the American people want to see us heal.”

Acosta & Guest Compare Unvaccinated to Committing Human Sacrifices
Just when you think CNN can't go any lower they manage to prove us wrong. On Sunday afternoon's CNN Newsroom with Jim Acosta, the leftist anchor brought on Atlantic writer Kurt Anderson to claim that those who are skeptical of the COVID vaccines are akin to the Aztecs committing "mass human sacrifices."

Morning Joe Yearns for ‘Big Government’ Socialism
Near the end of MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Thursday, co-host Joe Scarborough eagerly welcomed far-left author Kurt Andersen on the show to whine about working-class voters backing Republicans, scold Democrats for supposedly not being radical enough on economic policy, and demand that the incoming Biden administration exploit the coronavirus pandemic to force “big government” socialism on…

NY Times Socialist Screech: Capitalists Are 'Hijacking America'!
The New York Times hates capitalism. It's right there on the front of Sunday's Book Review. Behold journalistic balance today: One radical lefty author praising another radical lefty author. Far, far-left writer Anand Giridharadas reviewed Kurt Andersen’s latest book, Evil Geniuses – The Unmasking of America: A Recent History.

On Charlie Rose: America Founded By ‘Cult of Religious Nuts’

Atlantic Cover Attacks All Conservatives: 'How America Lost Its Mind'

MSNBC's Reid Fumes: Republicans 'Don't Want to Add More Brown People
MSNBC’s Wagner Claims Those Who Disapprove of Bush 'Still Have their

NYT Rings in Independence Day: 'The Downside of Liberty

Ratings-Starved Piers Morgan Pushes Wacky Romney-Jeremiah Wright Consp