Julia Ioffe

UPDATED: Sleazebags Use Death of Fox News Cameraman to Score Points
On Tuesday, we got more terrible details about the fate of the Fox News crew that came under fire by Russian forces as they were newsgathering outside Kyiv on Monday where one was left hospitalized and at least two killed, including cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski and local reporter/producer Oleksandra Kuvshynova. Of course, this meant that some of the classless ghouls in the liberal media were…

Truth: Democrats Have a 'Much Thinner Skin' with Press, Expect Puffery
David Rutz at Fox News reported that liberal Russian-born American journalist Julia Ioffe offered an inside look at liberal-media frustration at being so carefully managed by Team Biden. Once again, courageous reporters complain anonymously. Democrats "have a much thinner skin" and "expect you to be on their side and are horrified when you hold them to account."

Morning Joe: Anti-Semite Trump Will 'Hide Behind Jewish Son-in-Law'

Tapper Lets Ioffe Claim Trump ‘Radicalized’ ‘More People than ISIS’

‘Death of Stalin’ Director Slams Trump as ‘Quite Menacing,’ ‘Chilling’

MSNBC Reporter Panel Complains Some Not Listening to Their Narrative