MS-13 Victim's Parents React With Disgust at Dems, Joy Reid's Cruelty
February 1st, 2018 4:05 PM
Last night on FNC’s The Ingraham Angle, host Laura Ingraham interviewed parents of a teenage girl who was killed by the gang MS-13 in 2016, and who were honored by President Trump at the State of the Union, January 30. The radio and television host asked the couple about their reaction to Democrats not standing for their daughter during the speech, and MSNBC’s Joy Reid’s dismissive response to…
The Worst Media Freak-Outs Over Trump’s State of the Union
February 1st, 2018 3:05 PM
Donald Trump’s State of the Union address was immediately panned by liberal reporters, hosts and celebrities as a “divisive” speech that stoked “racial tensions” by emphasizing offensive themes like “church” “family and the “military.” Yes, you saw that right. MSNBC’s Joy Reid was appalled that Trump promoted those “terms of the bygone era.” The following are the most egregious examples of…
Here's Six Nutty Things from MSNBC's Late-Night SOTU Coverage
January 31st, 2018 6:16 PM
Late Tuesday, the President’s State of the Union address and Democratic response ended just shy of 11:00 p.m. Eastern, but MSNBC kept it going live until 2:00 a.m. Eastern on Wednesday. While it’s doubtful you stayed up to watch, you missed some mind-numbingly stupid quotes. Whether it’s suggesting Trump has committed treason or ghoulishly laughing about people fearing MS-13 gang violence, Chris…
MSNBC’s Joy Reid: ‘Family,’ ‘Church’ Tropes of 1950s-era Nationalism
January 31st, 2018 10:31 AM
During President Trump’s first State of the Union address on January 30, MSNBC host Joy Reid took to Twitter to rant about how polarizing the speech was – not because of any of the policies he mentioned, but because it talked about things like “family” and “church,” which she dismissed as outdated and nationalistic tropes.
MSNBC: GOP 'In Tiny Intellectual Space' 'Incapable of Caring'
January 28th, 2018 5:58 PM
On Saturday's AM Joy on MSNBC, fellow left-wing MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell joined Joy Reid so the two could fret over the Democratic reaction to the deal that reopened the federal government. After beginning their discussion by lamenting that some Democrats are criticizing their leadership over the deal -- oddly claiming that Republicans "never" criticize each other -- O'Donnell…
Tucker Carlson Mocks Joy Reid's 'White Nationalist' Attack on MSNBC
January 24th, 2018 2:32 PM
On his Fox show on Monday, Tucker Carlson fought back against MSNBC AM Joy host Joy Reid for suggesting on Saturday that he's a "white nationalist" and an immigration hypocrite, since he had a great-great-grandfather who came to America from Switzerland in 1860. Leftist freelancer Jessica Mendelsohn said "our friend" Tucker shouldn't complain about immigration from "failing countries" and neither…
What?! Reid: ‘Nothing’ Is More ‘Predictable’ than Media Backing GOP
January 22nd, 2018 3:30 PM
Is Joy Reid drunk or on drugs? Has she been hacked? Is her behavior just an act? It’s tough to say on any particular day, but Monday brought forth one of the craziest things to come across the internet and particularly Twitter on the issue of media bias. Less than two hours after an agreement emerged to end the government shutdown, MSNBC’s AM Joy host tweeted: "There is nothing so predictable as…
MSNBC's Joy Reid Admonishes Guest for Saying 'Illegal Alien'
January 21st, 2018 10:11 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy, as Joy Reid assembled a panel of mostly typical MSNBC-type Republicans to agree with her that GOPers are being "racist" on immigration, the MSNBC host at one point admonished one of her liberal Republican guests for uttering the word "illegal alien" as she pushed for the politically correct "undocumented immigrants" instead. For her part, MSNBC contributor and phony…
Joy Reid Embarrasses Herself with Fact-Free Attack on NRO's French
January 18th, 2018 2:27 PM
On Wednesday, MSNBC’s AM Joy host and far-left charlatan Joy Reid found herself in hot water for claiming (thanks to the liberal site that National Review’s David French should be ashamed of himself for penning a story excusing the prospect of nuclear war because “it will only kill Democrats and minorities.” Reid eventually offered a response that can best be referred to as milk…
Eichenwald Slams FNC as 'Speaker Phone for White Nationalists'
January 15th, 2018 9:31 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy, MSNBC contributor and Vanity Fair contributing editor Kurt Eichenwald smeared Fox News as being a "speaker phone for the white nationalist movement" and claimed that the news network "has a lot of anti-Semitic viewers." He went on to push a conspiracy theory that FNC has a history of deliberately messing with the earpieces of himself and other guests to make them look bad.
MSNBC's Rubin Slams GOP Guest As 'Inhumane Beast,' 'Raised by Wolves'
January 14th, 2018 3:37 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, as frequent guest Jennifer Rubin was finally being credited as an "MSNBC political analyst," the alleged "conservative" Washington Post columnist demonstrated that she will continue to use her new MSNBC contributor status to deliver liberal analysis as she demonized a Republican guest by asking her if she is an "inhumane beast" who was "raised by wolves."
'Hardball': GOPers Are ‘Sniveling,' 'Pathetic' 'North Korean Soldiers'
January 12th, 2018 11:15 PM
'When they go low, we go lower' must have been the mantra for Friday’s Hardball as host Chris Matthews and his opening set of guests denounced Republicans as “North Korean infantry men” led by “racist” President Trump, “sniveling and supine” Ben Carson, “decorative” African-Americans, and “pathetic” House Speaker Paul Ryan.
Johnson: 'Terrorist Sympathizer' Trump Is Danger' to Minorities
January 12th, 2018 7:28 PM
On the Thursday edition of MSNBC's All In, The Root's politics editor and MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson demonstrated how difficult it is for liberal commentators to settle for giving sober criticism and avoid going into over the top hysterics when when reacting to President Donald Trump making incendiary comments that are actually worthy of rebuke. During a discussion of Trump reportedly…
Jen Rubin: Republicans 'Betrayed Their Country' by Defending Trump
January 5th, 2018 11:30 AM
Appearing as a guest on Thursday's All In with Chris Hayes, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin declared that Republicans who have defended President Donald Trump "have really betrayed their country." She went on to similarly assert that Republicans in Congress "seriously are doing a grave injustice to the country."