Joy Reid

MSNBC Panelists Slam CNN Moderators for Running ‘WWE’-Style Slugfest
After having hosted the first set of 2020 Democratic presidential debates, MSNBC was relegated to only post-debate analysis and some panelists used this format to, without using names, bash CNN moderators Dana Bash, Don Lemon, and Jake Tapper for their debate setup being a “WWE”-style slugfest that should be “throw[n] in the river” for the betterment of candidates and voters. Lyin’ Brian…

‘Nobody Took Her Down’; Post-Debate MSNBC Panelists Boost Warren

MSNBC 2020 Panic: What If Trump Wins Vermont?

MSNBC: ‘Christian Fascist’ Trump ‘Wants to Be President for Life'

Nance: Foreign 'Cabal' Could Make This America's 'Last Free Election'

MSNBC: Trump Is a ‘Physical Threat’ to Safety of Liberal Congresswomen

MSNBC Guests Claim MAGA, Trump Are a 'Nazi Symbol'

Joy Reid Shuts Down Black Republican Who Dares Raise School Choice

MSNBC: Trump’s Immigration Policies Prove He’s Racist

Julianne Malveaux: Get Rid of the Orange Orangutan!

MSNBC Panel Compares Trump to Archie Bunker and 'Racist Uncle Jerry'

Reid: Trump Treats Migrants with Cruelty Cause 'Base Wants to See' It

Bill Maher: 'Democrats So Often Their Own Worst Enemy'

Joy Reid Guest: Blacks Who Don't Vote Democrat Are 'Colonized' by GOP
On Joy Reid's MSNBC show, regular guest Elie Mystal says the 5-12% of African-Americans who don't support Democrats have "had their vote colonized by the Republicans, or by Russia." He adds, "you can't free everybody."