
MSNBC Panelists Slam CNN Moderators for Running ‘WWE’-Style Slugfest

July 31st, 2019 2:58 AM

After having hosted the first set of 2020 Democratic presidential debates, MSNBC was relegated to only post-debate analysis and some panelists used this format to, without using names, bash CNN moderators Dana Bash, Don Lemon, and Jake Tapper for their debate setup being a “WWE”-style slugfest that should be “throw[n] in the river” for the betterment of candidates and voters. Lyin’ Brian…


‘Nobody Took Her Down’; Post-Debate MSNBC Panelists Boost Warren

July 30th, 2019 11:52 PM
Late Tuesday night, MSNBC struggled to form a cohesive narrative following night one of the second set of 2020 Democratic presidential debates. While some admitted they were “shattered” and “shook up by tonight’s debate” and had some far-left proposals, others hailed Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA) as the big winner and even appeared “presidential” at times since “nobody took her down.”

MSNBC 2020 Panic: What If Trump Wins Vermont?

July 29th, 2019 4:50 PM
In their usual state of fear-mongering panic, members of the liberal media on MSNBC made wild speculations Friday night about the future of Russian interference in U.S. elections. Joy Reid, filling in for host Lawrence O’Donnell, was joined by guests Evan McMullin, co-founder of Stand Up Republic and The Daily Beast columnist Michael Weiss.

MSNBC: ‘Christian Fascist’ Trump ‘Wants to Be President for Life'

July 28th, 2019 4:17 PM
In a segment dubbed “could it happen here”, Deutsch again played around with the idea that Trump was constructing Nazi Germany in our own backyards. “During last week's show two days after Trump's harrowing North Carolina rally, lowlighted by racial chants of ‘send her back’, we posed the question: Could it happen here? It’s nine days later and we're still asking the question,” he announced.

Nance: Foreign 'Cabal' Could Make This America's 'Last Free Election'

July 27th, 2019 3:18 PM
On AM Joy, Malcolm Nance tells Joy Reid that "this could be the last free and fair election in American history" because of manipulation of the results by a foreign "cabal."

MSNBC: Trump Is a ‘Physical Threat’ to Safety of Liberal Congresswomen

July 22nd, 2019 6:30 PM
In light of President Trump’s recent tweets and rallies, the liberal media has decided it is time to take the rhetoric up a notch. No longer is Trump any old racist, he has now earned himself the title of ‘white nationalist’. Filling in for host Lawrence O’Donnell, Joy Reid made sure to make this distinction on Friday night’s episode of The Last Word.

MSNBC Guests Claim MAGA, Trump Are a 'Nazi Symbol'

July 21st, 2019 5:42 PM
Over the weekend, MSNBC's AM Joy show demonstrated its inability to engage in sober criticism of President Donald Trump rather than descending into over the top hyperbole as two frequent guests of the show likened Trump supporters to Nazis and KKK members. Comedian Dean Obeidallah claimed that the word "Trump" is becoming a "modern-day swastika," MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson saw a "modern-day…

Joy Reid Shuts Down Black Republican Who Dares Raise School Choice

July 20th, 2019 2:00 PM
On her MSNBC show, Joy Reid puts it to black Republican strategist Lenny McAllister that since President Trump's policies, supposedly, hurt poor people, he has nothing to offer poor whites other than racism. When McAllister tries to raise school choice as an issue Republicans can support, and which helps African-Americans in particular, Reid shuts him down, changes the subject, and moves to…

MSNBC: Trump’s Immigration Policies Prove He’s Racist

July 16th, 2019 12:31 PM
Monday night on MSNBC’s All In, all pretenses were laid aside in light of Donald Trump’s newest controversial tweet about several Democratic Congresswomen. Host Joy Reid, filling in for Chris Hayes, opened up the show with a scathing monologue to "clear" the debate over Trump’s apparent racism:

Julianne Malveaux: Get Rid of the Orange Orangutan!

July 13th, 2019 12:51 PM
On Joy Reid's MSNBC show, discussing the dust-up between Nancy Pelosi and "The Squad" [composed of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashid Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley] Julianne Malveaux urged her fellow Democrats to unite around their larger objective: "at the end of the day, the goal has to be to get rid of the orange orangutan." 

MSNBC Panel Compares Trump to Archie Bunker and 'Racist Uncle Jerry'

July 7th, 2019 6:07 PM
On Friday, Deadline: White House host Nicolle Wallace sat down with her colleague, Joy Reid, to discuss her new book The Man Who Sold America. Not surprisingly, the conversation consisted of nothing more than Reid and Wallace bashing President Trump and his supporters and psychoanalyzing the President. From comparing President Trump to your “racist Uncle Jerry” and Archie Bunker to accusing him…

Reid: Trump Treats Migrants with Cruelty Cause 'Base Wants to See' It

July 6th, 2019 1:29 PM
This is "deplorables" on steroids. On her MSNBC show this morning, Joy Reid slurred Trump supporters as a bunch of sadists, saying that President Trump is treating people at the border with "cruelty" because "the base wants to see this."

Bill Maher: 'Democrats So Often Their Own Worst Enemy'

July 1st, 2019 2:39 PM
Every once in a blue moon, there is a member of the leftist media mob who is willing to stand up and state an irrefutable truth. For all of the left-wing propaganda talking points Bill Maher has up his sleeve, he exemplified a rare moment of self-reflection on his party during Friday night’s Real Time. Maher began his show by having the guts to be intellectually honest about the behavior of the…

Joy Reid Guest: Blacks Who Don't Vote Democrat Are 'Colonized' by GOP

June 30th, 2019 3:58 PM

On Joy Reid's MSNBC show, regular guest Elie Mystal says the 5-12% of African-Americans who don't support Democrats have "had their vote colonized by the Republicans, or by Russia." He adds, "you can't free everybody."