
MSNBC: Hillary Clinton Was Right About Trump Supporting ‘Deplorables!'

September 13th, 2019 10:14 AM
According to MSNBC, Hillary Clinton didn’t make a mistake in calling Trump supporters, “deplorables” in 2016, she was just ahead of her time. In the wee hours of the morning following ABC’s Democrat debate, MSNBC’s Joy Reid and former Clinton adviser Philippe Reines spent time ranting about how awful President Trump and his supporters were, instead of talking about the Democrat candidates, (have…

MSNBC Panel Swoons Beto ‘Found His Voice,’ Hails Gun Confiscation Plan

September 13th, 2019 12:47 AM
After Thursday’s 2020 Democratic presidential debate, MSNBC’s assembled cast of liberals journalists and pundits gushed that the “authentic” Beto O'Rourke “found his voice,” “spoke with clarity,” and had a “passion and sincerity” to take away millions of guns by force should be applauded. Not only were those nutty claims made, but one panelist even hailed O’Rourke for giving room for “voluntary…

MSNBC Guest Tiffany Cross: Trump Could Be a ‘Secret Muslim President'

September 10th, 2019 7:06 AM
In Joy Reid’s never-ending quest to prevent President Trump from being re-elected in 2020, the MSNBC host has continued to slam the people who voted for the Republican occupant of the White House in 2016. On Sunday's AM Joy, she received support from MSNBC regular Tiffany Cross, managing editor of The Beat DC website, who claimed that “maybe Donald Trump is the secret Muslim president that they…

NPR's Hinojosa on Dem Primary: White Guys Just Take Up a Lot of Space

August 31st, 2019 3:32 PM
On Joy Reid's MSNBC show, NPR's Maria Hinojosa, discussing the Democrat primary, says: "white guys just take up a lot of space."

Joy Reid Suggests Media Soft on 'White Conservatives' 'Trump & Hitler

August 27th, 2019 12:40 AM
On Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, host Joy Reid bizarrely suggested that the media have been too soft on President Donald Trump and even likened coverage of him to treatment of Adolf Hitler in the 1930s as she lumped both together as "white conservatives." She also pushed a theory that Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wants to tear down the country so that it will be in "pieces" when a "nonwhite…

MSNBC Cries Psycho Ward on Trump, He 'Soul Murders' Migrant Children

August 26th, 2019 1:58 PM
Liberal journalists were furious with Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist when he diagnosed Terri Schiavo's mental state from the Senate floor in 2005. But over the weekend, MSNBC morning hosts David Gura and Joy Reid were bringing on guests to diagnose President Trump's mental state -- much like Brian Stelter did on CNN. 

Jen Rubin: GOP Should Be 'Burned Down' with No 'Survivors'

August 25th, 2019 5:10 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin renewed a previous attack on former Donald Trump administration members as she declared that they should be "shunned" for the rest of the lives, and that the Republican party should figuratively be "burned down" so that there are no "survivors," punishing Trump's "enablers."

MSNBC Guest Advises: 'Destroy' Most Whites Over Their Trump Votes

August 12th, 2019 7:53 PM

On Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, frequent guest Elie Mystal of made the kind of statement about a "majority of white people" that would be considered blatantly bigoted or racist if aimed at any other group, as he stated that it is necessary for Democrats to "destroy" whites who support President Donald Trump.


They Can't Stop: Unhinged MSNBCers Keep Comparing Trump to Hitler

August 12th, 2019 9:30 AM
MSNBC’s anchors from Joe Scarborough to Donny Deutsch are constantly comparing President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler.

MSNBCers Point at Barr and Russia as Possible Epstein Death Suspects

August 11th, 2019 1:01 AM
Accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's body was barely cold after a reported suicide in a federal prison when MSNBC personnel began chiming in with conspiracy theories pointing fingers at the Trump administration and the Russians.

Networks Play Up Racist 'New Low' in Detention of Teenager with Papers

August 4th, 2019 11:45 PM
The past couple of weeks have brought the latest example of liberal news outfits like CNN and MSNBC suddenly taking notice of a recurring problem in immigration enforcement under President Donald Trump's administration which also happened during past administrations, including that of Barack Obama. A number of shows pounced on the story of natural-born American citizen, Francisco Galicia, who was…

MSNBC Berates White Voters: Prove You're Not Racist by Voting Democrat

August 1st, 2019 9:29 AM
In the early hours of Thursday morning following the Democrat debate, a race-obsessed MSNBC panel complained racism wasn’t brought up enough during the debate. In a mind-boggling discussion, the analysts urged Democrats to call out white  “privilege” while insisting that whites who voted for Trump were racist, and needed to vote against Trump because he’s a white supremacist.

Late-Night MSNBC Cannot Stop Bashing CNN Debate Moderators

August 1st, 2019 3:18 AM
Considering how much bashing MSNBC has done of the CNN Democratic presidential debates and the moderators (Dana Bash, Don Lemon, and Jake Tapper), it was no surprise when the late-night portion of their coverage (12:30 a.m.-2:00 a.m. Eastern Thursday) repeatedly bashed CNN for having and insufficiently covered issues like education and impeachment and created too much conflict.

YIKES: MSNBC Panelists Were NOT Happy 2020 Dems Bashed Obama!

August 1st, 2019 12:12 AM

Unlike their late-night analysis after Tuesday’s debate, MSNBC had their acts together on Wednesday night, putting together in many of their initial takes a near-unanimous message that former Vice President Joe Biden was on the defensive and that it was an abomination how many of the Democratic presidential candidates condemned the Obama administration.