Joshua Green

Bloomberg Columnist Claims Trump Trial Doesn't 'Get Much Attention'
Bloomberg Businessweek columnist Joshua Green mourned on Friday’s Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO that the media has been covering the demonstrations on college campuses across the country and not Donald Trump’s hush money trial. Not only is surging anti-Semitism among college students a newsworthy topic, but it is simply not true that Trump’s trial has been removed from newscasts.…

PBS: Dems Have a Far Left, And It’s Amazing (Plus Secret Lefty Biden?)
PBS NewsHour anchor Geoff Bennett was right about one thing regarding a new book by journalist Joshua Green, The Rebels: Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the Struggle For a New American Politics: "what doesn't get nearly as much attention is the far left's influence in the Democratic Party." But the Green interview skipped controversies and any…

Pot, Meet Kettle: NPR Talks Up 'Epidemic' of Team Trump Sexual Assault

CNN's Begala, Green Use Clinton Playbook in Denying Uranium Scandal Shows Koch Campaign Money Dwarfed by Dozens of Other G

Billionaire Tom Steyer -- the 'Liberal Analogue of the Koch Brothers

Despite Calling America Cowards After 9/11 for Using Cruise Missiles B