Jorge Ramos

Univision FREAKS OUT Over DHS Self-Deportation Ad
A recent report published by The Bulwark illustrates the freakout inside Univision over the decision to air the ad featuring DHS Secretary Kristi Noem, encouraging illegal immigrants to self-deport.

OF COURSE: Jorge Ramos Cheered the Woke Bishop That Criticized Trump
Former Univision anchor Jorge Ramos was once considered the most influential among Spanish-speaking media figures in the United States, and was compared to Walter Cronkite. Ramos is of course gone from Univision but still chooses to opine on the issues of the day, even if his sway within the community these days is more comparable to shouting-in-the-void Keith Olbermann.

FLASHBACK: Latino Media Pushed Immigration Hopium at Biden Inaugural
With the inauguration of the 47th President of the United States behind us and the early fulfillment of his promises on immigration underway, we can take a look back at the hopes that Spanish-language media placed on President Joe Biden opening up the border.

Jorge Ramos Is Gone from Univision, But Still Whining About Trump
After 38 years, Univision’s longtime anchor Jorge Ramos recently stepped away from the anchor desk and sailed off into the unknown. His career at Univision has certainly come to a close, but as we see in a recent column, his Trump Derangement rages on.

GOOD RIDDANCE: Jorge Ramos Signs Off (For Now)
Today, upon signing off of his eponymous weekly public affairs show, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos officially departed the broadcast airwaves. At least for now. And our political discourse, particularly within the Hispanic community, is vastly better off for it.

Did Jorge Ramos Telegraph His Show’s Cancellation?
In addition to co-anchoring Univision’s evening newscast, Jorge Ramos also hosts the network’s Sunday political affairs show Al Punto. But as Ramos winds down his tenure at the network, he may have confirmed the fate of his show- which was rumored to fall to the cost-cutting axe.

Univision Anchor Laments Voters Don’t Read ‘The Economist’
Spanish-speaking media are very much part and parcel of the Regime Media. Proof evident of that is a recent panel exchange on Univision’s Sunday public affairs show Al Punto, where one of the anchors literally bemoaned the fact that voters don’t read The Economist before weighing in on the economy.

After Years of Media Rage, Immigration Is Trump’s BEST 2024 Issue
For the four years of his presidency, the media savaged Trump’s immigration policies as “cruel,” “evil,” “inhumane,” “torture” and “profoundly racist.” Yet polls show Trump besting Harris by wide margins on the issue, suggesting the Biden administration’s abject incompetence has been more persuasive than years of media rhetoric.

POR FIN: Jorge Ramos FUERA de Univision
Múltiples rincones del Internet se vieron conmocionados por la noticia de que Univisión y su presentador principal de noticias acordaron desvincularse a finales de año, tras la expiración del contrato de jorge Ramos. Si bien se trata de un avance positivo, insto a que se tenga cuidado con etiquetar esta medida como indicativa de cualquier tipo de cambio ideológico en la cadena.

AT LONG LAST: Jorge Ramos OUT at Univision
Multiple corners of the internet were roiled by the news that Univision and senior anchor Jorge Ramos agreed to part ways at the end of the year. While this is a welcome development, I would urge caution against labeling this move as indicative of any sort of ideological shift at the network.

FLASHBACK: Jorge Ramos ‘Produced’ 2015 Iowa Heckling of Donald Trump
On this day in 2015, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos partook in one of the landmark media moments of the Trump Era: his expulsion from then-candidate Donald Trump’s press conference in Dubuque, Iowa. But, as Ramos himself would later admit, the whole thing was manufactured.

FLASHBACK: Jorge Ramos Liked The Idea Of An AOC ‘24 Run for President
In the face of President Biden’s difficulties in holding his campaign together in the wake of his disastrous debate performance, it is worth looking back to the Big Thoughts of Univision anchor and Special Advisor to the CEO Jorge Ramos, to wit: his open support for the idea of Squad Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez running for the presidency in 2024.

Dem Congressman on Univision: ‘We’re Sticking With DADDY’
There’s been a great deal of serious discussion in the wake of President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance as to whether he should remain on the 2024 ticket, and then there is what Congressman Adriano Espaillat vomited out while on Univision’s AL Punto with Jorge Ramos.

‘THANKS, BUT’: Jorge Ramos WHINES About Insufficiency of Biden Amnesty
In his most recent opinion column, Univision anchor and Special Advisor to the CEO Jorge Ramos complains about the most recent version of immigration amnesty enacted via administrative rule by President Joe Biden. In Ramos’ view, it simply isn’t enough.