NewsBusters Podcast: Alito Flag Hubbub Shows Journos Need Real Hobbies

May 24th, 2024 9:18 PM

Alongside Associate Editor Nick Fondacaro for this Friday edition of the show, we dove into the wholly manufactured liberal media storyline (courtesy of The New York Times) of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and flags outside his homes as a sign he’s ethically and morally compromised as a jurist and – gasp – a far-right extremist! Simply put, the obsession over this story and the…

PBS: Alito, an Insurrectionist Opposed to Peaceful Transfer of Power?

May 22nd, 2024 4:13 PM

Taxpayer-funded PBS took another bite out of the Justice Alito flag controversy on Sunday’s edition of PBS News Weekend, interviewing New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor, who made the front page with her scoop that the American flag briefly flew upside down outside the home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in January 2021. Laura Barron-Lopez, perhaps the network’s most…

NewsBusters Podcast: Eek, The Alito Bandito Flies the Flag Upside-Down

May 20th, 2024 10:54 PM

The New York Times considered it front-page material that leftist neighbors snitched on Supreme Court justice Sam Alito. A flag flew upside-down in his yard after January 6. The networks launched critical stories. The same Democrat rag published an assassination threat to Justice Kavanaugh two years ago on Page A-20.


ABC, NBC Giddily Tout ANOTHER Far-Left Smear of Conservative Justice

May 17th, 2024 12:58 PM

ABC’s Good Morning America (GMA) and NBC’s Today eagerly touted in faux serious tones early Friday a new front in the left’s war to delegitimize, shame, and even attempt to remove conservative judges as The New York Times published a screeching story about an upside down flag flying at the home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in January 2021.


‘CBS This Morning’ Airs Lefty Recap of 2010s with Doom and Gloom

December 27th, 2019 2:11 PM
CBS This Morning’s look back at the top stories of 2019 stood in contrast to the nonsense offered on Thursday’s MSNBC Live with Hallie Jackson, but they threw that good will away on Friday with their recap of the 2010s, skewing left with a sense of doom and gloom. It even included the false “hands up, don’t shoot” chants.

Bob Woodward Hammered, Booed Over Interview With #MeToo Book Authors

October 4th, 2019 11:17 AM
Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward is best known for his role in the Watergate scandal, but that reputation didn’t help him at all when he attempted to moderate a discussion on a new book concerning the #MeToo phenomenon. Instead, Woodward ran into a buzzsaw of criticism with boos and heckling while hosting a discussion with New York Times reporters Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor, the authors of…

Behold! A 12 Pack of NewsBusters Blogs from Media's War on Kavanaugh

October 8th, 2018 4:20 PM
After almost a month of attempts to impugn Brett Kavanaugh with flimsy, uncorroborated, 11th hour allegations, the liberal media saw their attempts come up empty on Saturday with Kavanaugh’s official confirmation to the Supreme Court. But left behind in their wake was one dumpster fire after another, ranging from fake news to bias that radicalized even the most hardened Never Trumpers to rally…

NYT’s Kantor: No ‘Presumption of Innocence for the Man’ in Hearing

September 27th, 2018 11:49 AM
Appearing on Thursday’s CBS This Morning ahead of the Senate hearing on Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor claimed that Ford’s unsubstantiated claims were “growing stronger” and touted how there was no longer a “presumption of innocence for the man” in such cases.

CBS Warns of GOP Being ‘Clueless and Insensitive Men’ in Hearing

September 21st, 2018 1:32 PM
CBS This Morning journalists on Friday lectured that Republicans during the Brett Kavanaugh sexual assault hearings are at risk of, once again, of being portrayed as “clueless and insensitive men.” Just like in the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas hearings from 1991. To bolster this, CBS played clips of Senators questioning Hill, except the examples included mostly weren’t of Republicans, but instead…

CBS: Is Women’s March ‘Comparable to Anything in History We Have Seen?

January 24th, 2017 5:02 PM
The journalists at CBS This Morning on Monday fawned over the march by liberal women over the weekend, devoting eight minutes and 36 seconds to it. Co-host Charlie Rose was so excited, he marveled, “Is it comparable to anything in history we have seen?” 

Kantor Lauds Obama's ‘Above the Fray, Unifying, Nonpartisan Tone'

January 9th, 2017 1:06 PM
Fresh off her glowing column on Sunday polishing First Lady Michelle Obama’s apple, author and New York Times correspondent Jodi Kantor appeared on Monday’s CBS This Morning to similarly praise President Obama for being “a big believer in taking a kind of above the fray, unifying, nonpartisan tone.”

NYT’s Kantor Puts Michelle on Pedestal Again, Portrays Trump as Brute

January 8th, 2017 11:57 AM
The front page of the Sunday Review was graced with a half-page photo illustration of first lady Michelle Obama under a story by Jodi Kantor, “Michelle Obama’s Turn.” Kantor is author of “The Obamas: The Partnership Behind a Historic Presidency,” which didn’t exactly speak truth to power. In her latest Kantor, who is an actual reporter for the Times, portrayed president-elect Donald Trump as an…

NY Times Giddily Launches ‘Astronaut’ Hillary Into ‘History’

July 29th, 2016 12:41 PM
The ultimate night of the Democratic National Convention saw the coronation of Hillary Clinton as the first female presidential nominee, celebrated on whole top half of the front page of Friday's New York Times. Meanwhile, Patrick Healy and Amy Chozick did their best to both humanize and historicize Hillary, "who sacrificed personal ambition for her husband’s political career and then rose to be…

Drowning in Double Standards, NY Times Again Hits Jewish Swim Rules

July 1st, 2016 8:24 PM
The New York Times dove right back into a controversy it instigated last month on public pools segregated by sex for religious reasons, in which the paper showed himself to be a very selective supporter of public religious accommodations. The nasty double standard resurfaced on Thursday, with Sarah Maslin Nir’s Metro story on the Brooklyn pool controversy, “A Battle Over Gender and Religion, at…