
CBS Hypes A Measly 'Half Dozen' Officials Resigning Over Gaza War

June 4th, 2024 3:50 PM

The Tuesday edition of CBS Mornings rolled out an old-fashioned appeal to identity fallacy as correspondent Jim Axelrod interviewed former Army Maj. Harrison Mann so that the latter could use his Jewish identity to smear Israel as intentionally targeting civilians and waging a campaign of ethnic cleansing. Meanwhile, Axelord himself would hype a measly “more than a half dozen…

FLASHBACK: The Liberal Media Hate-Storm After Justice Scalia’s Passing

February 18th, 2024 10:30 AM

Eight years ago this week, as the nation mourned the loss of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, left-wing pundits unleashed an appalling storm of hateful comments about the longtime conservative jurist, slashing him as “regressive,” “cruel” and “reprehensible.”


ABC Steers Clear of Whistleblower Speaking Out on Hunter Biden Probe

June 28th, 2023 12:40 PM

On Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, ABC’s World News Tonight and Good Morning America kept their viewers in the dark on behalf of the Biden administration and Biden family as the IRS agent alleging misconduct in the years-long Hunter Biden investigation has revealed himself for TV interviews on CBS and the Fox News Channel.


CBS Rediscovers Hunter Biden Scandal With IRS Whistleblower Interview

May 24th, 2023 8:59 PM

CBS Evening News displayed a random act of journalism Wednesday night when correspondent Jim Axelrod sat down with the IRS whistleblower in the Hunter Biden tax fraud scandal for an exclusive interview. While CBS doesn't deserve full credit or accolades for sitting down with the whistleblower since they have all but ignored the story since April 19, they at least returned to the story…


Wow: ABC, NBC Arrive After CBS Covered Alleged Meddling in Hunter Case

April 20th, 2023 3:27 PM

After ignoring news Wednesday night of an IRS whistleblower coming forward to allege improper meddling in the federal investigation of Hunter Biden, ABC and NBC emerged Thursday morning and inform their audiences about a concerning development originally reported by the CBS Evening News and The Wall Street Journal. Unfortunately, in the case of NBC’s Today, they saw it fit to…

Column: CBS Hates Talk Radio -- And Its Fans

October 19th, 2022 5:59 AM

Liberals like to think that conservatives are very closed-minded and can’t handle listening to an opposing opinion. But whenever "mainstream" journalists start discussing talk radio and how it’s “bad for America,” you can surmise that they often can’t handle the other side.


Vile CBS Smears Rush Limbaugh & Talk Radio as 'Bad for America'

October 16th, 2022 6:30 PM

Conservatives should be gratified to know that nearly two years since the late-great Rush Limbaugh’s tragic passing, he is still getting under the leftist media’s skin. On CBS Sunday Morning, senior national correspondent Jim Axelrod brought on pseudo-historian and talk radio hater Brian Rosenwald to smear the greatest radio host of all time, Rush Limbaugh, as well as the conservative…


CBS Seethes Over ‘Bigot’ Rush, But Gushed Over 'Progressive' Porn King

February 18th, 2021 11:00 AM

CBS This Morning’s co-hosts on Thursday joined the classless chorus of attacks trashing Rush Limbaugh in death. The journalists used words like “divisive, “racist” and “bigot” for the radio icon. CBS This Morning is the same show that, just a few weeks ago, praised porn king Larry Flynt for being a nuanced progressive figure, rather than a sleezy exploiter of women.

Trevor Noah and Jim Axelrod

CBS Hails ‘Compelling’ Trevor Noah Rant Justifying Looting

July 13th, 2020 5:06 PM

Left-wing Daily Show host Trevor Noah was treated to a fawning puff piece on CBS Sunday Morning in which correspondent Jim Axelrod gushed over a YouTube rant from the supposed comedian that justified looting and rioting during Black Lives Matter protests. Rather than be asked to explain his controversial comments, Noah’s radicalism was hailed as “compelling.”


Nightly News Skips Dow at 27,000, Other Nets Spare Just Seconds

July 12th, 2019 2:59 PM
Wall Street experienced another record-setting day July 11, as the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 27,000 for the first time ever. But you would know little about that new record if you were watching the three broadcast evening news shows that night. And nothing at all if you watched NBC Nightly News.

Nets Celebrate Ross Perot: 'Joined Clinton on the Attack' Against Bush

July 9th, 2019 8:56 PM
The broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) seemed to be in such a rush to praise Perot for his performance ’92 that they forgot to mention his age until the very last moments of their reports (as the transcripts below show). In fact, they focused so much on celebrating the effect he had on the election that only one of them (CBS Evening News) cared to mention how he died. But that too seemed like…

ABC Skips Criminal Justice Bill Signing; Hypes Corker Attacking Rush

December 21st, 2018 8:27 PM
On Friday, some Americans might have missed news that President Donald Trump signed into the law the bipartisan, landmark First Step Act. If you were watching ABC’s World News Tonight, you might have been one such person as the newscast ignored this example of a positive legislative breakthrough, instead choosing to insinuate Rush Limbaugh is to blame for an impending government shutdown.

Here We Go Again: CBS, NBC Push Another Bogus Mass Shooting Statistic

November 8th, 2018 9:03 PM
So, just like macabre clockwork. With Thursday’s mass shooting at the Borderline Bar and Grill in Thousand Oaks, California, there were routine calls for more gun control from the liberal media machine. During their evening broadcasts, CBS and NBC tried to scare the wits out of their viewers by dubiously claiming that there had been 307 mass shooting this year alone, or almost one a day. But that…

CBS, NBC Celebrate Win for Democrat Accused of Anti-Semitism

November 7th, 2018 9:48 PM

In the midst of their midterm results coverage on Wednesday, the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News touted the diversity of the Democratic Party’s field of winners. But in the process, they celebrated the election of Congresswoman-elect Ilhan Omar of Minnesota. The problem? She’s been accused of anti-Semitism because of her anti-Israel stance.