Jill Filipovic

NBCNews.com Hot Take: Teddy Movie Shows Democrats Are 'Cleaning House'
April 6th, 2018 2:24 PM
NBCNews.com has a website called “Think” that offers “Hot Takes” – none hotter than radical feminist Jill Filipovic trying to use the Chappaquiddick movie to slime the Republicans. Her headline was “Since Chappaquiddick, Democrats' views of women have evolved. Republicans' still need to. The new movie about the Ted Kennedy's involvement in the death of Mary Jo Kopechne highlights the progress…

NY Times Pushes Feminist Kvetch: Media Sex Harassers Defeated Hillary
December 3rd, 2017 8:59 AM
The most ridiculous spin exercise emerging from the Matt Lauer/Charlie Rose scandal is that somehow this is why Hillary Clinton lost, the lecherous male journalists beat her. The New York Times – the same newspaper that publicly devoted itself to electing Hillary Clinton on the front page – turned to feminist writer Jill Filipovic for an editorial on how sexist media bias is to blame for Hillary’…

Feminist NYT Writer Likens Trump-Clinton Debate to Sexual Harassment
August 25th, 2017 3:08 PM
This week the media drooled over Hillary Clinton calling Donald Trump a “creep” in an audio excerpt from her upcoming memoir, where she was referring to Trump standing closely behind her during a presidential debate. While most of the media wondered if Clinton would’ve been better served if she had called Trump a “creep” in that moment, one feminist writer went so far as to say the incident was a…

ACLU: Colleges Must Teach Students To 'Defend Speech They Hate'
May 4th, 2017 4:23 PM
On many college campuses, free speech comes with the caveat: say what you want, as long as it doesn’t offend the liberal majority. And if it does, you can expect virulent protests in return, such as the riot that led to the injury of a professor at Middlebury College when social scientist Charles Murray was slated to speak.

Feminist Journalist: Sex Will 'Get A Lot Less Fun' Under Trump
December 2nd, 2016 1:33 PM
Jill Filipovic wildly claimed that "sex is about to get a lot less fun" in a Thursday op-ed on CNN.com. Filipovic pointed the finger at Donald Trump nominating ObamaCare opponent, Rep. Tom Price, to be HHS secretary, and claimed the move is "just one peek at what Trump's notorious misogyny will look like when it's translated into policy." The Cosmopolitan contributor zeroed in on ObamaCare's "…

Media Predict Do-It-Yourself Abortion Will Be ‘Next Frontier’
October 6th, 2016 11:01 AM
Do-it-yourself (DIY) isn’t just for arts and crafts, according to the liberal media. Now, they’re using the term for abortion. Following stronger pro-life legislation and the closing of abortion clinics, liberal journalists first panicked about the rise of dangerous DIY abortion. Some exaggerated the number of women attempting them.

NY Times Rips Catholic Church For 'Offering Forgiveness' For Abortion
September 11th, 2015 4:17 PM
The long and short of Jill Filipovic's Friday op-ed in the New York Times was her outrage that the Catholic Church – and specifically, Pope Francis – still considered abortion to be a grave sin. The former Cosmopolitan political writer asserted that Pope Francis "offering forgiveness" to women who've had abortion is "a softer version of the same judgment: that the millions of women around the…

Cosmo's Filipovic Rips Twitchy as 'Organized Harassment Tool'
August 20th, 2015 5:20 PM
Jill Filipovic unleashed against Twitchy in a Wednesday item on Cosmopolitan's website. Filipovic decried how she had been "Twitchied," after she defended Planned Parenthood immediately after the Center for Medical Progress released its first undercover video on the abortion giant's harvesting of unborn babies' organs and tissue. She underlined that the conservative site's "role as an organized…
Cosmo Attacks Jessa Duggar’s ‘Radical,’ ‘Deranged,’ ‘Extreme’ Views
September 30th, 2014 2:25 PM
The reality-TV Christian family the Duggars, spoke at the Values Voters Summit in Washington D.C. this past week and apparently while they were here got a chance to visit the National Holocaust Museum. 21-year-old daughter Jessa shared her thoughts about the sanctity of life to her Instagram afterwards and her comments drew a raging response from feminists like Cosmo’s Senior Political writer…

‘Cosmo’ Political Editor: ‘We've Become...A Country Of Have And
June 16th, 2014 8:44 PM
MSNBC is known for its promotion of abortion and “abortion rights” and on Monday, June 16 its afternoon program The Cycle showed just how over-the-top its activism is.
“The Cyclists” played host to Jill Filipovic, Senior Political Writer at Cosmopolitan.com, to promote an article she wrote about new abortion laws being pushed in Ohio. During the interview, the Cosmopolitan editor proclaimed…

It's Not Just ABC and WashPost Who'll Skip Finding That Majority of Wo
April 21st, 2013 2:53 PM
On April 18, a new Washington Post/ABC News poll that showed 51% of Americans feel that guns in the home make it safer, compared to 29% who think otherwise. More telling is that fact that 51% of white middle class women agree with the sentiment about firearms making homes safer. Additionally, a Nexis search detailed that ABC News has yet to report this poll, and, with the exception of the Fix…