Jamelle Bouie

MSNBC's Racial Arsonists Cry: Woke Means GOP Wants Blacks Erased!
On Tuesday night's All In With Chris Hayes on MSNBC, guest host Mehdi Hasan brought on the always-deranged New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie to mock conservatives for their so-called obsession with the left's religion of wokeness as well as the highly contagious "woke mind virus." Predictably, the segment quickly turned into a discussion about race with both Hasan and…

MSNBC: DeSantis Culture Wars Used to Distract from Unpopular Agenda
On MSNBC’s All In, host Chris Hayes had on leftist New York Times opinion columnist Jamelle Bouie to kvetch over one of the leftist media’s favorite topic: Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis and his efforts to clean up his state’s education system and prevent children from being racially and sexually indoctrinated. Bouie for his part came up with a conspiracy theory…

The Left’s Big Pitch: Embrace a Worse Life in the Name of Equality
This week, The New York Times released a long expose of the shortcomings of the United Kingdom’s National Health Service. Long cherished as a crown jewel of Left-wing governmental policy, the NHS has been plagued by massive resource shortcomings, requiring rationing of critical infrastructure and care. Now, citizens are waiting up to 12 hours for ambulances. “It’s a near-crisis…

NYT Columnist to Noah: 'Democrats Actually Care About Stuff'

NY Times Lashes Out at ‘Brutality of American Capitalism’
Forget 1776 and all that: The New York Times wants to "reframe" your benighted understanding of the nation's founding, which they date to 1619, when the original sin of slavery first began to spread, as the first Africans were brought to North America as slaves. This year marks the 400th anniversary of that event, and the Times is primed to put slavery in the center of the American story, and…

Bouie Cheers Sanders's Plan for a 'Very, Very Robust Welfare State'

CBS Contributor Questions Legitimacy of Abrams, Gillum Losses

Slate: Unlike Liberals, Conservatives Ignore Morality to Defend Allies

Slate: GOP Aims to Maintain Shrinking White Majority

CBS/CNN Panels: Totally Fine to Take Trump's Comment Out of Context

What? CBS Claims Trump Voters Don’t Want Trump To Repeal ObamaCare
In another baffling display of disconnect, CBS News blamed President Trump’s low poll numbers on Republican voters being pro-ObamaCare. During the December 27 CBS This Morning, National Correspondent Chip Reid announced that Trump’s push to repeal ObamaCare “could hurt many of his own supporters.”

Liberal Reporters Fear Press Not Attacking GOP Enough

Celebs, Journalists, Hillary Couldn’t Wait to Politicize Vegas Tragedy