Mueller's Team Stuffed With Democrats; Fact Checkers Hate the Emphasis

April 1st, 2018 10:11 AM
One of the tendencies of liberal “fact checkers” is to grant that a fact they don’t like is true, but then to try to dismiss its truth by making excuses and adding “context.” They’re offering “alternative facts.” They’re adding spin control. So Washington Post "Fact Checker" Glenn Kessler can admit special counsel Robert Mueller's team is stuffed with Democrats and Hillary Clinton donors, but…

WashPost Throws '4 Pinocchios' at Deputy DNC Chair on Farrakhan Ties

March 11th, 2018 4:55 PM
The Washington Post broke into reporting on Louis Farrakhan and the Democrats on Sunday with a “Fact Checker” column by Glenn Kessler. On page A-4, Kessler gave Rep. Keith Ellison – deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee – a “four Pinocchios” rating for insisting he had no involvement with Farrakhan since 2006.

WashPost 'Fact Checker' Defends Obama's Poor Record on Wages

February 13th, 2018 7:28 AM
The propagandists disguised as "fact-checkers" at the Washington Post unleashed pent-up frustration Wednesday when they evaluated President Donald Trump's February 5 claim that wages are, "for the first time in many years, rising." They gave Trump's claim its worst possible evaluation of "Four Pinocchios," i.e., a "whopper." Too bad for the Post that detailed work published by Reuters two days…

WashPost Refuses to Rate Kimmel’s Fiction-Filled Rant Against GOP

December 14th, 2017 4:07 PM
At the request of readers, The Washington Post finally analyzed late-night ABC host Jimmy Kimmel’s latest toddler-toting tirade against Republicans, which occurred on his Monday show. Glenn Kessler, the Post’s resident “fact-checker” took him to task on his column December 13, and shot down Kimmel’s hyper-partisan claims about the Republican tax bill, as false.

O’Donnell: GOPers Oppose Disaster Funding Since That's Who They Are

August 29th, 2017 4:41 PM
Avowed socialist and liberal MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell insinuated on Monday’s The Last Word that Republicans are heartless on hurricane recovery funding due to simply who they are as people as exhibited by opposing Hurricane Sandy funding bill. With help from ex-Al Gore flack Ron Klain, the duo promoted their prediction that President Trump will fail in responding to Hurricane Harvey and…

WashPost: No Pinocchios for Susan Rice's Unmasking Flip-Flop

April 7th, 2017 2:08 PM
So how could the Washington Post Fact Checker, Glenn Kessler, possibly avoid awarding a bunch of Pinocchios on April 6 to Susan Rice for her recent flip-flop on the unmasking of Donald Trump campaign people? In a March 22 interview with Judy Woodruff, Rice denied any knowledge at all of this yet she later admitted to unmasking names in an MSNBC interview on April 4. Kessler acted all perplexed…

WashPost Falsely Claims 'No Evidence' in House Panel's PP Report

January 8th, 2017 7:43 PM
A Thursday Washington Post editorial on the results of a House panel's investigation into what the paper called Planned Parenthood's "contributions" to "fetal tissue research" packs an astounding number of falsehoods into a mere five paragraphs.

Fact Checker: Hillary's a Chess-Playing Pro, Trump Plays Checkers

September 29th, 2016 1:35 PM

The notion that the press offers “independent fact checkers” took another blow when Washington Post “Fact Checker” Glenn Kessler appeared on The Daily Show on Comedy Central shortly after the debate Monday night to make fun of Donald Trump as a checker-playing bozo, while fact-checking Hillary Clinton is “like playing chess with a real pro.”

WashPost Gets Four Pinocchios on Hillary’s Stamina

August 27th, 2016 4:15 PM
It is amazing. Here is Washington Post “fact checker” Glenn Kessler headlining: "Trump’s claim that Clinton lacks the ‘physical stamina’ to be president." Kessler’s conclusion? “Trump has claimed twice, without proof, that Clinton lacks the physical and mental stamina to be president. In the absence of any evidence, he earns Four Pinocchios.”

Reporter, Mother: Press Made Up 'Trump Kicked Baby Out of Rally' Story

August 8th, 2016 4:50 PM

When the Washington Post's notoriously inconsistent fact checker Glenn Kessler feels he has to defend Donald Trump against a false claim, you know it must be a whopper. That was the case with the meme which arose last week that Trump, in words found at the New York Daily News, "booted a fussy baby from a rally Tuesday because the tot was wailing over the businessman’s speech." However, instead…

WaPo's Kessler: No Constitutional Obligation for Holding Garland Vote

March 21st, 2016 2:59 PM
Three Pinocchios. That's the grade the liberal-leaning Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler gave to Democrats' claims that Republicans' plans to bottle up Merrick Garland's nomination to the Supreme court were an abrogation of their constitutional duty.

Even WashPost Admits Gun Laws Would Not Have Stopped Shootings

December 10th, 2015 4:35 PM
After Florida Senator Marco Rubio rejected demands from the hosts of CBS This Morning for gun control in a recent December 4 interview, Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler took it upon himself to examine the claim. Much to the chagrin of the rest of the liberal media, he found: “Rubio’s statement stands up to scrutiny – at least for the recent past, as he framed it....He earns a rare…

WashPost 'Fact Checker' Hurls '4 Pinocchios' at Cruz -- Not Hillary

December 2nd, 2015 11:37 AM
The Washington Post “Fact Checker” column is crying “pants on fire” or something like it against Ted Cruz. The unsubtle headline is “Ted Cruz’s Four-Pinocchio claim that ‘the overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats’.” Cruz told radio host Hugh Hewitt there was a “simple and undeniable fact” that “the overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats.” Claiming this was a…

WashPost: 'Four Pinocchios' to Carson For Correctly Describing Taqiyya

September 28th, 2015 8:29 PM
Imagine my "surprise" (not really) when I came across a Thursday Daily Beast item originally referenced by Mark Levin on his radio show (HT Joe Newby at about the comments of a "secular Muslim" in response to what 2016 Republican presidential contender Ben Carson had to say about whether he could support a strict, sharia-compliant Muslim to be this nation's chief executive. The…