Farai Chideya

Hypocrites: Liberal Media Titans Won't Share Racial Breakdown of Staff
May 28th, 2018 6:46 AM
The national media love to preach about how everyone needs to offer more transparency -- to the media, since they always represent the public interest. That’s why it’s amusing to see them refuse to be transparent on a controversial matter like hiring minority journalists. The Left is not going to be happy if they report on themselves. They're going to be judged as too white, too male.

CNN’s Rye Calls for Washington, Jefferson Monuments to Come Down
August 17th, 2017 1:33 PM
As the left mobilizes mobs to tear down confederate statues (and peace monuments) from city-to-city, it was only a matter of time before they would be going after our Founding Fathers. On CNN Thursday morning, liberal analyst Angela Rye argued that our nation’s first president was as detestable as Robert E. Lee because he was a slave owner. “To me, I don't care if it's a George Washington statue…

NPR Honors the 'Complicated' and 'Achingly Beautiful' Work of Radical
January 12th, 2014 8:00 AM
Billionaires who back conservative Republicans are trashed on NPR when they die as “scathing TV ad” backers. But what about a black radical who wrote a poem blaming 9-11 on Israel and implying America was evil and terrorist? On Thursday night's "All Things Considered," NPR began by calling him “one of America's most important — and controversial — literary figures,” under the headline “Amiri…