Eric Boehlert

Stelter Denies Reality, Asks: Do Media Treat Biden Worse Than Trump?
December 5th, 2021 12:54 PM
On Sunday’s Reliable Sources, CNN host Brian Stelter entertained the laughable notion that the media have been harder on President Biden than they were on his predecessor, President Trump.

Joy Reid Guest: Fox News Has Been 'Getting People Killed for Years'
March 15th, 2020 7:16 PM
On Joy Reid's MSNBC show, leftist guest Eric Boehlert called Fox News a "cancer on this country" that has been "getting people killed for years." Reid quoted to Boehlert from a Washington Post column that suggested that Rupert Murdoch should force Fox News to "tell the truth" about coronavirus, and also use his influence with President Trump on the matter.

Joy Reid Show: Media See Impeachment Through Republican Eyes!
December 22nd, 2019 3:05 PM
Joy Reid and her panelists complain that the media is being unfair to Democrats, seeing impeachment through Republican eyes. The media "worships Republican hardball"? It's "dangerous" and "racist" to interview Trump supporters?

GOPer on MSNBC Calls Out Media Hypocrisy; Panel Declares Code Red
December 3rd, 2018 12:17 PM
While Joy Reid may have been absent on Sunday’s edition of her MSNBC show, AM Joy, that did not mean that her loyal viewers did not have the opportunity to enjoy the hysterical anti-Trump commentary that they so look forward to every weekend. In spite of all the Trump-hating, anti-Trump Republican Strategist Evan Siegfried did manage to make a good point or two when highlighting why conservatives…

Boo Hoo: Politico's Hadas Gold Says Detroit Is 'The Right's Perfect Pi
August 18th, 2013 9:25 PM
Politico's current front-page headline characterizes Detroit as "The Right's Perfect Piñata."
In the actual story, one expects at least a feeble attempt by writer Hadas Gold to come up with a tangible reason as to why Detroit doesn't deserve its status as an perfect-storm exemplar of the failures of liberalism, public-sector unions, a race-based political model the elites once praised, and…
Rick Sanchez: His Legacy of Liberal Bias on CNN
October 4th, 2010 12:36 PM
Rick Sanchez, who was fired from his Rick's List program on CNN on Friday, certainly racked up a record of liberal bias, specifically bias against conservatives, during his tenure at the network. Sanchez also revealed a propensity for making on-air gaffes which made him a targets of comedians like Jon Stewart. It was the former anchor's animosity toward Stewart which directly led to his firing.…
Giving Credit Where Credit Isn't Due: Media Matters' Eric Boehlert Fal
October 2nd, 2010 9:45 PM
At least Eric Boehlert of the liberal media watchdog group Media Matters isn't opposed to all tax cuts. He's just hazy on when it's actually happened.Appearing on Stephanie Miller's radio show this past Monday, Boehlert praised former president Bill Clinton for cutting taxes on top earners in this country -- when Clinton did just the opposite.Here's the relevant exchange between Boehlert and…
Chris Matthews Accuses Fox of Being GOP Shills Then Attacks Sarah Pali
August 4th, 2010 12:17 AM
In today's "People In Glass Houses" segment, Chris Matthews accused Fox News of being shills for the Republican Party just minutes before he said "the scariest three words in the English language are: President Sarah Palin."
MSNBC's "Hardball" on Tuesday began with a lengthy segment in which Matthews, with the help of co-conspirators from the Huffington Post and Media Matters for America,…
CNN's Rick Sanchez: Bringing the Bias to Prime Time
July 22nd, 2010 6:41 PM
Rick Sanchez, who hosts his Rick's List program for two hours during the afternoon on CNN, will be taking on the network's 8 pm Eastern hour slot for several weeks between Campbell Brown's departure on Wednesday and the start of the ex-Democratic Governor of New York Eliot Spitzer (the infamous Client #9) and sometime-conservative Kathleen Parker's new program.Sanchez will likely bring his two-…
Ed Schultz Piously Boasts 'I Don't Make Stuff Up' - Before Making Up B
July 22nd, 2010 2:37 PM
Radio listeners and cable viewers, rest assured -- Ed Schultz is on the side of the angels when it comes to integrity, he strenuously reminds us. The liberal radio host and MSNBC action hero spent much of his radio show yesterday venting about the Shirley Sherrod uproar and denouncing Andrew Breitbart and Fox News for their alleged role in Sherrod's abrupt firing. Here's a holier-than-…
ABC Skips Label for Liberal Media Matters During Shootout With 'Conser
July 21st, 2010 1:04 PM
Conservative journalist Andrew Breitbart and Eric Boehlert of the liberal organization Media Matters debated each other on Wednesday's Good Morning America. But ABC only identified the ideology of the right-leaning guest. Boehlert was simply the "senior fellow with the watchdog group Media Matters for America." [MP3 audio here.] Yet, Breitbart's website was described in a previous segment as "…
Media Matters Won't Apologize for Spreading Fake Limbaugh Slavery Quot
October 22nd, 2009 5:22 PM
Media Matters for America was founded to fight conservative "misinformation." But they don't fight liberal misinformation. They spread it. The Radio Equalizer blog is reporting that now that Rush Limbaugh's NFL-ownership bid is ruined, Media Matters is telling liberal radio hosts that maybe they could stop spreading absurd fake quotes about Limbaugh suggesting slavery had merits or Martin Luther…
CNN's Sanchez Again Teams Up With Media Matters To Slam Conservatives
June 11th, 2009 6:44 PM
Anchor Rick Sanchez used another crazed gunman’s rampage to blast conservative media during CNN’s Newsroom program on Thursday, and brought on Media Matters’ Eric Boehlert as his aide to bash talk radio and Fox News. He hinted that the white supremacist who killed a guard at the U.S. Holocaust Museum, might have been “motivated to move by right-wing pronouncements...on some TV and radio outlets.”…
CNN's Rick Sanchez Blames Fox News, 'Right-Wing Radio' For Cop Killing
April 8th, 2009 8:06 PM
[Update, 10:12 pm, EDT: Video of the last promo and the entire debate segment is now available on YouTube. Acosta’s report is available here.] CNN’s Rick Sanchez returned to blasting conservatives on Wednesday’s Newsroom program, blaming the recent murder of three Pittsburgh police officers on the Fox News Channel and other media on the right: “That weekend tragedy involves a man who allegedly…