Donnie Deutsch

FLASHBACK: Cheering Obama’s ‘Historic’ Embrace of Castro Dictatorship
Nine years ago this week, President Barack Obama chose to establish formal relations with the Communist dictatorship in Cuba. Instead of worrying that Obama was handing a much-needed and undeserved lifeline to the decades-long Castro dictatorship, the liberal media applauded the “historic” decision.

Snobby Deutch: Trump Only Cares About Us Elites -- Not Tupelo Bumpkins
On Morning Joe, elitist snob Donny Deutsch says that Donald Trump cares about his standing with people like him, but that has been lost and now he only has the respect of people in Tupelo, Mississippi.

'Morning Joe' Clearly Shaking About Upcoming Midterm Elections
Thursday on MSNBC, the crew at Morning Joe reflected the left's slow, painstaking acknowledgment of reality that the American people seem poised to reject their apocalyptic view of the world in November. But instead of sobering up, they lashed out at their fellow Americans as ignorant and unconcerned about the future of our Constitution, our federal government, and way of life.

MSNBC's Deutsch: 'Insecure' Trump Afraid of Seeming 'Impotent'
On Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch says that, unlike Chris Christie, President Trump didn't have a change of heart about the importance of wearing masks because he is insecure about his masculinity, and doesn't want to seem "impotent."

Faulty Psychics at Morning Joe Predict Trump Will Quit 2020 Race
On Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch somewhat jocularly suggests that President Trump might drop out of the race, create the Trump Revolutionary Network, get six million of his supporters to subscribe at $6.99/month, and make $600 million a year. Joe Scarborough says he's not laughing at all at the possibility.

MSNBC's Deutsch: Trump 'Drunk,' Biden the 'Designated Driver'
On Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch calls President Trump a "drunk driver," and depicts Joe Biden as the "designated driver" who will get us home. Later in the show, Deutsch compares President Trump to a "caged animal" who would do anything to win re-election: "cheat, steal, start a war, rig an election." He predicts that "the next five months will be five of the most tumultuous months our…

Donny Deutsch: 'Cornered Animal' Trump Will Do 'Really Bizarre Things'

MSNBC's Donny Deutsch: Coronavirus Will Be 'Moron' Trump's 'Waterloo'

Panicky Morning Joe Crew: Bloomberg Must 'Get Out' of Race Now!

Morning Joe on Debate: Trump 'Big Winner in Spades,' Donny 'Panicked'

Dem Donny Deutsch Panicked at Prospect of Bernie Winning Nomination
On Morning Joe, Democrat Donny Deutsch, panicked at the prospect of Bernie Sanders winning the nomination, says that Democrats who think Sanders can defeat President Trump are are "smoking something."

Brit Journo: Unlike Corbyn, Bernie Has No 'Whiff of Anti-Semitism'

On Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch Dinged for Calling Liz Warren Unlikable
For the feminist left, it's strictly verboten to call a woman candidate unlikable. Poor Donny Deutsch learned that lesson the hard way on today's Morning Joe. Commenting on Elizabeth Warren's precipitous poll drop, Deutsch attributed her problem not only to her unpopular plan to strip people of their private health insurance, but also to her "likability issue," noting her "high-school…