Clive Crook

NPR, Enjoying Murdoch 'Crumbling,' Finds British Pundit Blaming...Camp
July 17th, 2011 11:31 AM
NPR is clearly relishing the Murdoch newspapers scandal in Britain. Its Weekend Edition headline on Saturday was "News Corp. Dynasty Crumbles From the Top Down." Anchor Scott Simon interviewed Financial Times columnist Clive Crook and asked if the scandal will cause sell-offs: "How big a dent that they represent in his holdings and his influence?...Can you foresee them having to make incisions…
Obama-backing Financial Times Reporter Starting to Show Buyer's Remors
November 10th, 2008 4:34 PM
A Financial Times reporter who endorsed Obama but worried about his economic policies has taken a fresh look at the President-elect's post-election economic policy ideas, and doesn't like some of the big ticket items he sees. [See related blog entry by Jeff Poor here] In his November 10 op-ed "The choices that confront America," British journalist Clive Crook reserved some of his harshest…
FT's Clive Crook: I'm Rooting for Obama, But His Economics Worry Me
November 3rd, 2008 3:42 PM
Reporter Clive Crook really likes Barack Obama and in a November 3 op-ed practically endorsed him for president. But, the Financial Times reporter worries, the Illinois senator has some loopy economic ideas. Yes, your just read that correctly. A reporter for one of the Anglosphere's well-respected financial newspapers admits he'd vote for Obama were he an American citizen -- Crook is a subject of…
FT's Crook Explores the Gun Owner in His Natural Habitat
August 1st, 2008 5:36 PM
In his July 31 blog entry, "Postcard from the gun show," Financial Times correspondent and loyal subject of Queen Elizabeth II Clive Crook admits that he "may get thrown out of Georgetown for this," but he applauds the rugged individualism of the American gun owner.:Aside from other motivations-sport, self-defence-the gun-show universe is about pride, self-reliance, and resentment at being bossed…
Renowned Economics Writer Slams UN's IPCC As Deserving of Disdain
August 5th, 2007 4:54 PM
Fans of the highly-respected British publications The Economist and the Financial Times are certainly familiar with Clive Crook, one of the leading economics journalists on the international landscape. On Thursday, Crook wrote an article entitled "The Steamrollers of Climate Science," in which he took on the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as being "a seriously flawed…