Nobody would ever hope or pray for a hurricane to strike at the expense of their political opponent. Or would they?
Well, maybe Michael Moore would. In fact, he did, as has already been discussed on this site.
By the same token, the Financial Times has also demonstrated a knack for cheering on a catastrophic event in the hopes of striking a blow to the GOP convention this week.
While delegates and attendees at the GOP convention spent Monday offering prayers, scaling back the pageantry, and generally demonstrating that most have their minds on the well-being of Americans in the Gulf region, liberals have been taking the opportunity to make jokes about their religion and hoping that a catastrophic event derails the Republicans all together.
In a section of the Financial Times defined as ‘In Depth,’ Clive Crook delves into the hard hitting journalism that has come to define the MSM since the election of George Bush in 2000, hence the oft-identified ailment known as Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS).
In the very first paragraph, Crook comes out swinging on Bush’s handling of Katrina in the summer of 2005, using such flowery descriptive terms as: Worst stain, radiating idiotic cheerfulness, total failure, simpleton, and epic incompetence. I kid you not, this was wrapped up all within a two sentence opening paragraph.
Crook then continues where Michael Moore left off, stating that:
So the arrival of hurricane Gustav, initially feared to be far more powerful than Katrina, and timed to make landfall at New Orleans during the first day of the Republican party’s convention, led some secular-minded Democrats to question their atheism and acknowledge the power of prayer.
Yes, some Democrats seemingly would like to believe that they had prayed for catastrophe to strike our nation, and that said catastrophe would coincide with the coming of the GOP convention. After all, evidence points to God hating Republicans since there were no looming hurricanes during the Democratic Convention.
The column then adds the following disclaimer:
Not that anybody wanted there to be a hurricane, of course. Good heavens, no.
Good heavens, no! Why would anyone think that the Democrats are quietly smirking about the timing of Hurricane Gustav?
Well, because they are, as can be seen here in a previous NewsBusters post by Terry Trippany.Yes, it seems some hardcore liberals are only believers in a God if he is willing to smite lives in an attempt to undermine a political opponent’s convention. Can you imagine if Republicans were openly praying through the media for an avalanche in Denver last week?
Anyhow, the disclaimer is immediately discredited in Crook’s article one sentence later, as the entire paragraph reads (emphasis mine):
Not that anybody wanted there to be a hurricane, of course. Good heavens, no. But if there had to be one, the timing was fabulous.
Let me get this straight, the timing of Hurricane Gustav, a devastating storm that has claimed upwards of 100 lives, and threatened to cause the same damage to New Orleans as Katrina did a few years ago, was fabulous?!
The article continues on to lament about a missed opportunity with a sense of disappointment, noting that ‘The storm is proving less terrible than was feared.’
What’s worse is that Crook seems to think that the Republicans also take delight out of others suffering, by being thankful that the storm is taking focus off of Sarah Palin’s newest issues.
Let’s be very clear about this. Conservatives do not hope for natural disasters to take the focus off of our own party. We do not pray for disasters to befall others at the expense of those with differing political opinions than ours. We do not openly cheerlead a catastrophe through the main stream media for any reason.
More importantly, we do not believe in the power of God only when it is to our benefit and gain.