
Weirdo: Matthews Paraphrases Shakespeare, Lobbies for Impeachment

May 29th, 2019 11:55 PM
No, that headline is correct. MSNBC host Chris Matthews opened Wednesday’s Hardball by channeling the famous line from William Shakespeare’s Hamlet to declare that’s come time for House Democrats to put up or shut up when it comes to impeachment. Not surprisingly, Matthews identified with the former, especially following this “day of history” with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s public statement…

MSNBC: Trump Hurls ‘Historic Slur’ at Biden Thanks to GOP’s ‘Silence’

May 29th, 2019 3:57 PM
MSNBC’s Hardball decided — to borrow a phrase from Scott Pelley — Tuesday night to make statements alleging analysis and facts that were divorced from reality, declaring that the President broke precedent by criticizing Joe Biden on foreign soil as a “low IQ individual” that’s a “historic slur” and was “absolutely astonishing” he’d treat Biden like an enemy of America.

Matthews Takes Issue with Guest Praising Pelosi's Attacks on Trump

May 23rd, 2019 9:55 PM

MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews took an interesting tact during a discussion Thursday night regarding impeachment and the feud between President Trump and Speaker Pelosi, challenging New York Times columnist and fellow lefty Michelle Goldberg over whether Pelosi’s actually praying for the welfare of the President considering how she’s “gaslighting” him with questions about his mental…


MSNBC’s Matthews: Biden Is Like ‘Rocky’ Taking on Apollo Creed

May 15th, 2019 5:57 PM
Chris Matthews on Tuesday seemed to compare Joe Biden to fictional movie boxer Rocky Balboa fighting against Apollo Creed. (Donald Trump in this comparison.) Appearing on Deadline: White House, the Hardball host enthused, “On Saturday, coming up the 18th, [Biden is]  going to the Rocky steps at the Philadelphia art museum, the essential blue collar guy from south Philly. Italian Stallion, the one…

OUCH: Watch Matthews, Guests Exhibit Symptoms of Collusion Delusion

May 9th, 2019 11:07 PM
Thursday’s Hardball came out guns blazing with not only a crazy panel that included collusion delusion sufferers David Corn of Mother Jones, host Chris Matthews, and fanatical MSNBC contributor Malcolm Nance. Oh, no, but it also included kooky lines insisting on Trump-Russian collusion, decrying Trump supporters pushing back on a Senate subpoena for Donald Trump Jr. as “gangster talk” by “thugs…

MSNBC Guest Insults Voters, Hints Reelecting Trump Will Show Ignorance

May 9th, 2019 2:37 PM
On Wednesday’s Hardball, MSNBC contributor and PBS NewsHour correspondent Yamiche Alcindor suggested that the President’s reaction to the Mueller report is a sign of how authoritarian regimes come to power and questioned the intelligence of anyone who watched (or, by extension, reads this) that a reelected President Trump in 2020 would cast doubt on whether Americans understand the Constitution.

Journalists Mocked Contempt for Obama's AG as 'Political Theater'

May 8th, 2019 9:15 AM
TV journalists are framing House Democrats’ threat to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress as a justifiable measure to combat the Trump administration’s perceived stonewalling. But in 2012, when House Republicans held then-Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt for his refusal to comply with a lawful subpoena, many of the same talking heads dismissed the act as absurd “…

Matthews Suggests Trump Is Pressuring Maduro Regime to Win FL in 2020

May 7th, 2019 5:40 PM
MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews continued on Monday to allow his legitimate concerns about foreign interventionism to cloud his judgment, whining without evidence that President Trump has taken such a firm stand against the failed Venezuelan socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro to curry favor with Floridians (presumably Hispanic voters) and Republicans to secure reelection.

ICYMI: Matthews Asks Woman of Color If Campaign Jobs Were ‘Slavery’

May 6th, 2019 4:49 PM
If you haven’t seen it yet, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews ended his week with another gaffe, asking an African-American female guest on Friday’s show if any of the politicians she’s worked for were tough to the point that they “insist[ed] on slavery.” “My one question to you is, was it like that working for other politicians? You have worked for politicians. Have they — do they all insist…

Wahhh: Matthews Bashes ‘Paper Tiger’ Dems for Not Impeaching Trump

May 3rd, 2019 3:06 PM
Thursday’s Hardball featured MSNBC host Chris Matthews continuing his now-permanent campaign to impeach President Trump by repeating the tiresome phrase about how the Trump administration has placed America “dangerously close to a constitutional crisis,” but he went further this time. How? Well, he showed a new level of desperation by bashing his congressional Democrats as a “paper tiger” afraid…

Blaming Trump for a Terror Attack and Paving the Way for Pete and Joe

May 3rd, 2019 9:00 AM

As sick as it sounds liberal journalists actually blamed Donald Trump for a domestic terror attack. They claimed the Poway, California synagogue shooter was inspired by the President. The past month also saw lefty reporters and hosts also prime their audiences to support Democratic candidates new (Mayor Pete Buttigieg) and old (Former Vice President Joe Biden).The following are the most…


Matthews Apologizes for Comparing Executive Privilege to Virginity

May 1st, 2019 11:20 PM
Things got awkward on Wednesday’s Hardball amidst the liberal media-wide meltdown over Attorney General Bill Barr’s Senate testimony when, during an interview with Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), host Chris Matthews compared the use of executive privilege to losing one’s virginity. Needless to say, Harris appeared visibly uncomfortable and so Matthews apologized a few minutes later.

Matthews, Guests Go NUTS Over Post Story About Barr’s ‘Skullduggery’

April 30th, 2019 10:05 PM
At the 7:13 p.m. Eastern mark of Tuesday’s Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews sent his show into rolling coverage for the rest of the hour (and thus making the entire show commercial-free) over stories in The New York Times and Washington Post about Special Counsel Robert Mueller having expressed concerns to AG Bill Barr about his March 24 letter on the Trump-Russia probe’s principal conclusions…

Today’s Media Demand Impeachment, But Were Staunchest Opponents in 90s

April 30th, 2019 8:20 AM
Since the redacted Mueller report was released two weeks ago, TV journalists have been among the biggest advocates for impeaching President Trump. Yet curiously during the late 1990s, journalists were among the loudest voices against impeaching then-President Clinton.