Charles Pierce

FLASHBACK: Recalling Years of Liberal Media Mockery of CPAC
For years, both journalists and late-night comics have ridiculed CPAC as akin to “the bar scene in Star Wars,” “an aviary for far-right ‘wacko birds,’” and an “audience of malignant children.”

FLASHBACK: Media’s 10 Tackiest Attacks on George H. W. Bush
Five years ago this week, former President George H. W. Bush passed away at the age of 94. The media’s 2018 retrospectives of Bush and his presidency are an example of how liberal journalists can be like prehistoric bugs stuck in amber, frozen in biased poses struck decades earlier, regardless of how thoroughly they’ve been debunked.

FLASHBACK: The Media’s Long History of One-Sided Shutdown Coverage
Journalists’ shutdown playbook is straightforward: single out Republicans for blame; highlight “victims” of the shutdown to build public anger; and then claim Democrats won because they were the “grown-up” party.

FLASHBACK: When the Media Cast Doubt on an Election Outcome
As soon as they declared Joe Biden the winner, the liberal media began to display their impatience with President Trump's legal challenges to the 2020 election result. But four years ago this week, CNN and others in the liberal media took anonymous reports that Russia had interfered in the 2016 election to cast doubt on the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s victory that year.

Media’s Negativity Won’t Dampen the American Spirit

MSNBC Panelists Slam CNN Moderators for Running ‘WWE’-Style Slugfest
After having hosted the first set of 2020 Democratic presidential debates, MSNBC was relegated to only post-debate analysis and some panelists used this format to, without using names, bash CNN moderators Dana Bash, Don Lemon, and Jake Tapper for their debate setup being a “WWE”-style slugfest that should be “throw[n] in the river” for the betterment of candidates and voters. Lyin’ Brian…

Esquire: 'Effort to Salt the Judiciary With Larval Scalias'

Jen Rubin: Fox 'Endangering' Minorities, 'Destroying Political Thought

Kimmel Praises Radical Esquire Writer: 'I'm Very Fond of Your Work'

Lefties Melt Down Over Trump Calling on Daily Caller at Presser
President Trump hosted Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven on Tuesday at the White House and, like with most foreign dignitary appearances, the two held a joint press conference featuring two reporters each from their countries. Right on cue, some liberals turned into snowflakes upon seeing Trump call on the Daily Caller’s Saagar Enjeti.

NewsBusters Year-in-Review: The Most Outrageous Quotes of 2017 Part II

Angry Esquire Writer Furious That Trump Has Been 'Normalized'

‘Massacre of Country Music Fans’ is ‘Blood Sacrifice’ to Constitution